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  1. Hi all, I wonder if someone can help me. When customers try to login to their account in our store, they get a error 500. I turned on debug and got this error but I don't know how to solve it. Anyone that can help? (1/1) SmartyCompilerException Syntax error in template "file:/home/o...
  2. Hi Everyone, I hope there is someone here who could shed some light on the issue I am having. PrestaShop Version: When I create an order to prestashop site through webservice, it returns this error 500: Erreur fatale This is my input: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>...
  3. When I try to edit a category I get a 500 error. In Debug I have something like this I do not know what's going on. Please help.
  4. I was configuring the email settings in the Customer Service section. After saving the information, I could not access the page again. Below is an image with debug information. I don't know what to do. Please let me know if you need more information. Thanks.
  5. Hi! I'm getting totally confused because I can't find a solution for long days for my issue already. What we have: A working PS 1.7.5 production MULTISHOP site with 2 shops, VPS (Apache/Nginx, PHP 7.2) and Transformer theme by S-T themes. The items are updated daily and we can't determine t...
  6. Hi I am running PS 1.7 and was busy installing free modules. After one of the modules completed installation the BO gave Error 500: Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the serve...
  7. Salve, ricevo una serie di errori relativi all'AdminController che mi manda in errore 500 alcune sezioni del backoffice legate ai carrelli abbandonati. Il problema è saltato fuori grazie ad un modulo di terzi che gestisce i carrelli abbandonati che non riusciva a funzionare. A detta dello svi...
  8. Hey. I have two multistore domains, siteone.com and sitetwo. (Strictly speaking, subdomains; a1.b.c.com and a2.b.c.com.) Getting a blank error 500 page at the second one. Debugger says: (1/1) ContextErrorException Notice: Trying to get property 'precision' of non-obje...
  9. Hello. I'm new in the community and to the platform, but I've been experiencing one particular issue that I just couldn't solve. I've tried everything, but it just won't import unless the each combination's image number is less or equal to one. Not to mention that even when that's only one imag...
  10. Cree desde 0 una web en el dominio https://dev.atmosferasportllucmajor.es/ Una vez lista la acabo de migrar al dominio real https://atmosferasportllucmajor.es/ Antes de la migración se veían todas las imágenes de los productos. Pero en la url nueva, no aparece la imagen de los productos. M...
  11. Salve a tutti ragazzi, ho un problema sul mio sito Prestashop. Nel momento in cui un cliente compila il form per la registrazione ( https://www.urlsito.it/login?create_account=1 ) e conferma tale tramite pulsante, mi da errore 500. Attivando il debug mi da errore come in foto. Stiamo...
  12. Hi, For those, who could encounter Internal server error 500 during the installation of PrestaShop 1.7.0.x A small solution, that was discovered recently on some hosting providers. When you try to install your Prestashop ver.1.7 you receive the 500 internal server error. If it is not connecte...
  13. Bonjour Depuis aujourd'hui, j'ai un problème avec certaines pages du BO. Elles génèrent une "Erreur 500" En fait, il semble s'agir uniquement des pages du type : index.php/product/catalog?.... (et non pas celles du type index.php?controller=etc....) (donc pour l'essentiel, les pages "Catalo...
  14. Hello, i'm trying to install Prestashop on a custom docker container, but every time i try, i get a 500 error during addon module install, my docker image looks like this : FROM php:7.1.33-apache RUN docker-php-ext-install mysqli pdo_mysql RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install...
  15. Hi everyone, I have a problem with my Prestashop website. Only for some users, when the user tries to check-out his cart, and confirm the purchase, at the time he gets the page www.mywebsite.com/order , the server returns ERROR 500 SERVER ERROR, and the user can't complete the purchase. If...
  16. Buenas, he desplegado mi tienda de prestashop a producción y estoy experimentando este problema: No controlo mucho sobre prestashop, es la primera vez que lo uso. Os puedo decir que es la versión y el tema es Everprest. He podido acceder al backend poniendolo en modo depuración y ex...
  17. Ciao a tutti, avrei bisogno di aiuto e/o pareri su un problema che incontrano alcuni utenti del mio e-commerce: Per solo alcuni utenti, la pagina dell'ordine, alla fine del processo di acquisto, restituisce un errore del server. Solo per alcuni utenti registrati. Ho aggiornato i plug...
  18. Zdravím vás všetkých, čelým zas a raz nejakej chybe s PrestaShop-om a riešenie som na zahraničných fórach nenašiel, možno ste si tým už niekto prešli: Najprv vypisovalo len Internal Server Error 500, po spustení núdzového režimu v defines.inc.php sa chyba zmenila na nasledovnú: Link...
  19. I apologize in advance for my English, it is not my native language... Guys I have a serious problem in my store prestashop The store had already been in production for a few months (real environment), everything worked wonderfully until the admin of my store began to present a status 500...
  20. Hi, where to start ? - Installed PrestaShop - got little issues installing but made it (error 500) - bought couple of modules - theme, invoice, captcha,Amazing filter , etc. - installed 2API integrations with invoice service and email service (CZ/SK) - added produ...
  21. Hello all, I've been using Prestashop for sometime now and I purchased my first module today. Sadly when I tried to upload it, it instantly failed. I tried another (free) module and the result is the same. This is the error message I receive (on debug mode) Appreciat...
  22. Hi, our prestashop was installed on /var/www/html now we want a second shop and so we configured virtual hosts on apache. when we place index.html with the text in the below folders: /var/www/sites/example1/html and /var/www/sites/example2/html the s...
  23. Hi. I'm developing a module to add a custom background in the product detail page. To do that, i created a module that hooks in: hookDisplayAdminProductsExtra, but when i try to do $helper->generateForm($this->fields_form) i get: SmartyException Twig_Error_Runtime HTTP 500 Internal...
  24. Hello community, I recently decided to create a shop with Prestashop. Hosting provider: webgo Everything was fine until I installed / activated the SSL certificate on webgo. Now the shop is no longer accessible and I can no longer make all the settings in the dashboard. I also reinstalled...
  25. Bonjour! Je suis nouveau sur prestashop alors je vais essayer faire de mon mieux pour être le plus clair possible. En modifiant l'ordre des modules de ma homepage, une erreur est apparue: J'ai donc désactivé un par un les modules jusqu'à que celui qui pose problème soit désa...
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