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Found 12 results

  1. Hi all Hope this experience helps others. I have a simple development site - upgrading from 8.1.7 to 8.2.0. 6 x 3rd party modules installed, all of which gave errors in the Back office after the upgrade. All non-responsive in the Front Office. As an example the message with Cre...
  2. Hello Some misunderstanding of the fields of 1-click-uprade Channel private release. Seems to be simplest way to use non latest version. It is possible to get the download link but where to get an MD5 hash? Channel local archive - another simple option, save .zip to download/ and som...
  3. Hello, When I do a fresh installation of Prestashop 8.1.1, in the advanced parameters section, the New and Experimental Features page, in addition to the 2 New Features (New product page and various image formats), also displays the 12 Experimental Features to enable or disable. In the case of u...
  4. Witam, Muszę przeprowadzić aktualizację sklepu, sklep jest na wersji zainstalowałem moduł 1-click upgrade od presty, po zainstalowaniu modułu i wejściu w konfiguracje pokazuję się takie jakby wersja modułu nie była aktualna a przy pobraniu taką wersje modułu wybiera, próbowałem zainstal...
  5. Hi, I need to upgrade my store, the store is on version, I installed the 1 click upgrade module from presta, after installing the module and entering configurations it shows as if the module version is not up to date and when downloading it selects such a module version, I tried to inst...
  6. Hola buenas, Actualmente mi web tiene la version de PS y tengo el Warehouse Theme 4.3.7. Tengo una serie de problemas a la hora de crear por ejemplo páginas en la web, nunca terminan de guardarse. Deduje que quizás debido a la falta de actualización tanto en la versión de PS como...
  7. Hello Original problem was that in my 1-click configure module the version of the module wasn't showed and because of that I cannot upgrade to version, so I tried to uninstall and reinstall again but in the addons page the download option isn't available anymore. I tried to search...
  8. Hi! I am trying to upgrade from to 1.7.7 but the 1-click upgrade is not working. Everything starts normally and activity log seems ok but after that nothing. I can't upgrade. Any ideas what could be wrong? [edit] So the last thing in activity log is this: "Download directory has been em...
  9. Bonjour , Je souhaite passer ma boutique Prestashop 1.6.11 vers Prestashop 1.7. Jai utiliser le module 1-click upgrade … il a ma donnée un problème au cours de la mise a niveau : Erreur: Error when trying to add C:\laragon\www\monsite\img\photo21.jpg to archive img\phto21.jpg....
  10. Dear all, I'm trying to upgrade from to using the 1-Click Upgrade module but I'm getting the message "PrestaShop requirements are not satisfied." for the last checkpoint. My php version is 7.3.13 on apache2. phppsinfo.php is happy too, with all requirements green, (ex...
  11. Mam problem z aktualizacją z Presta Shop na wyższą. Po naciśnięciu na zakładkę w "Zaawansowane" - Informacje konfiguracyjne - następuje dłuższy czas ładowania, a po chwili wyskakuje okno z błędem 504 Hosting OVH pakiet perf2014x1 PHP na 5.6 tak samo i strona była na 5.6...
  12. Bonjour, J'essaye de mettre à jour PS de à La fonction automatique ne marche pas, je reçois une erreur de téléchargement Je passe donc en mode manuel, en choisissant le répertoire local et je place le prestashop_1.6.1.14.zip dans le dossier "autoupgrade\download". Ca d...
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