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  1. Hello How to safely update Prestashop from version to version 8.1.6. Should I do it using the 1-click upgrade module with the update main release option or by manually installing Prestashop 8.1.6 and transferring the data to this version? I understand correctly, Prestashop 8.1.6 has a...
  2. Hello, i am trying to upgrade my Prestashop store from version to with the module "1 Click Upgrade". When trying to upgrade i get the following error: ( attached photo with full info under the errir text ) Download complete but MD5 sum does not match (d41d8cd98f00b204e98009...
  3. I thought it would be a good idea to upgrade to the newest version of prestashop and so I enabled the 1 click upgrade module. It said I had to be in maintenance mode in order to update, i clicked on the indicated zone link and it switched me into maintenance mode automatically. After checking out al...
  4. Hi, After updating the "1 click upgrade" module the following issue occurs on the backend. Frontend is working normally. Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred....
  5. Hola! Estoy intentando actualizar Prestashop de 1.6 1.6 a la con el módulo gratuito de 1 click upgrade. Cuando hace el back up da error, al no poder solucionarlo, quite la opción de realizar dicho back up. Actualizo bien, pero cuando voy a cargar la pagina como la vería el usuario...
  6. Hello everyone, So last night I used 1 click auto upgrade to upgrade prestashop from 1.6 to 1.7 and after the upgrade a few of the modules weren't working in the beginning but after abit of tinkering they worked and the homepage was nothing like before the upgrade , it turned to stock. What cou...
  7. Hey guys I installed: 1 click upgrade v.4.0 beta module to upgrade my site to prestashop I downloaded the module from here: https://github.com/PrestaShop/autoupgrade/releases/tag/v4.0.0-beta.3 Then I installed the module successfully. After tryint to us...
  8. Please help me on how to upgrade prestashop to prestashop I've been trying to upgrade with 1 click upgrade but it just refreshes page and won't start
  9. I am trying to do a 1 click upgrade from to the final 1.6 version. When it gets to backing up the databaseI get this error: Database backup: 206 table(s) left...[Ajax / Server Error for action backupDb] textStatus: "error " errorThrown:"Internal Server Error " jqXHR: " " it se...
  10. Hi guys.. i am trying to upgrade my prestashop via 1 click upgrade but i am facing cache issues, from my search in web i know that i have to disable the cache and its caching - advanced parameters right ?
  11. Hello, 1 click upgrade has been running for over three hours, is that normal? Thank for an answer Regards Nader
  12. Hello community, today I tried to update via 1 click upgrade my eshop, but when I clicked on CONFIGURE, I got this error. I tried deleting cache and reinstalling module. I didnt edit any prestashop files. Turned on eval() function which I saw in another topic. Nothing helped. Could an...
  13. Luego de intentar actualizar mi sitio usando el plugin de 1click upgrade y fallar intenté actualizarlo manualmente, el Admin no me funciona y obtengo un error 500. Al principio tenia un problema de permisos y he solucionado la mayoría sin embargo ahora tengo el siguiente: [18-Feb-201...
  14. Hi I'm trying to upgrade two shops and getting the same error below. I've contacted the hosting provider and seems I need to give them some more info on what they need to do. Any ideas? Thanks Analyzing the situation...Shop deactivated. Now downloading... (this can take a while) [Ajax / Serve...
  15. Hey all! When i try to update my Prestashop with the 1 click upgrade module it keeps failing. Everything goes fine until the very last step. The error says: [Ajax / Server Error for action upgradeComplete] textStatus: "error " errorThrown:"Internal Server Error " jqXHR: " Internal Server...
  16. I'm in the process of upgrading a site from version to using the 1 Click Upgrade module. The upgrade seems to have gone smoothly - at least I did not encounter any errors. The main problem I'm having at the moment is authenticating customer logins. The site uses a custom theme...
  17. Bonjour à tou(te)s, je vous expose mon cas : on a un site actif sur le serveur de prod. j'ai fait une copie de ce site, ainsi que de la BD que j'ai installé dans le répertoire /www/html/16 (le site de base se trouvant dans /www/html/). j'ai fait cela afin de pouvoir y accéder facil...
  18. Hello, I am trying to upgrade my Prestashop from 1.4 to I can not yet upgrade to 1.6.1 because of a module I use which is not yet compatible. I have dowloaded the archive and unzipped the content in admin/autoupgrade/latest/prestashop/ and set up the 1 click upgrade module to use...
  19. Hello ! 
 I've upgrade my prestashop from 1.4.9 to, everything goes well but i have a problem with the supplier reference, in prestashop 1.4 there was a input to store the reference, but in prestashop 1.6 we should creat a supplier and fill it for each declination. I want to know if there i...
  20. Non riesco ad installare il modulo 1Click upgrade per aggiornare il mio prestashop! cliccando si installa appare la seguente: Il modulo seguente (s) non sono stati installati con successo: autoupgrade : Impossibile creare il tab "AdminSelfUpgrade" che cosa posso fare?
  21. Dear Community, I started experiencing an internal server error 500 when I was upgrading from prestashop1.5 to I accidentally install the 1 click upgrade without configuring it and now i have a blank page with this error: Eror PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method AdminSelfUpgrade:...
  22. Hola a todos. Tengo una tienda Prestashop con todos los módulos actualizados a su última versión, incluido el "1 Click Upgrade". Intento actualizar a la versión con el módulo de actualización "1 Click Upgrade" y me da el siguiente error: unable to use /home/nombredeldomio...
  23. I'm testing locally 1 click upgrade from to and everything seems ok except for backend access. Clear cache and cookies, try other browser but niente, nada, nothing. Front office work well, and no errors during upgrade, strange. Ok, check php.ini and setup it like prestashop blog gui...
  24. I have Prestashop installed. I tried installing 1-Click Upgrade module and received the following error: The following module(s) were not installed properly: autoupgrade : Unable to create the "AdminSelfUpgrade" tab Any help is appreciated. Thank you
  25. Hi, Im trying to upgrade from to via 1-click upgrade. All items on the checklist is green but after starting the upgrade it stops after the backup phrase is done with the error: Error while copying file /administration/backup.php Error when trying to upgrade file /administra...
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