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  1. I had the same issue with a customer from a new country and it was because 1) The country had not been activated and/or assigned to the correct Zone (which was active) 2) The Tax Rule for that Zone did not contain the country. After doing this I had to start creating the order again - only then was the button clickable. (Customer details, address and Shopping carts were saved so this was quick). Hope this helps.
  2. Hi, I have the same problem. I have one card processor for EUR (HeidelPay) and one for GBP (Worldpay and PayPal). Orders in EUR should go through Heidelpay (to my EUR account) and GBP through WorldPay or PayPal to my GBP account. Anything else incurs high fees if the card processor converts the money. But, I cannot set this in Prestashop Where there should be Tick Boxes there are Check Boxes which I believe is wrong. See attached screenshot. Can someone please help? It seems to make no difference if PayPal and WorldPay are set to GBP or Customer currency. Also, I would happily restruct GBP to the UK and EUR to Eurozone countries but cannot find how to do this either. Any help is very much appreciated as double-currency transactions are costing me unnecessary fees every month. Thanks!
  3. I finally solved this by making sure that the Warehouse contained the carrier: 1. Product must contain the carrier and be in the respective warehouse. 2. Carrier must have the countries enabled. 3. Countries must be enabled. 4. Warehouse must contain the carrier you need. Happy selling!
  4. Hi, I know this thread is ancient but I haven't found anything more recent. After setting up Prestashop I've had a huge increase in orders from different countries. I would like to have a basic HTML block module showing a customised welcome message depending on the visitor's country (but don't want to create new domains / sites for each country). Is there a module that provides something like country dependent hooks? Thanks a lot!
  5. tuk66, thanks for your quick reply, you are right of course, I forgot that since I only sell 19% products. I think I have solved it now!! In my multistore context I had removed non-EU countries from the tax rule "EU" while in context "Shop1" but failed to do this in context "All shops". Then I created another Tax Rule with "Non-EU" (global context) and listed non-EU countries and it works!! (Pity one can't add whole Zones).
  6. Hi folks, I am having the same problem. There seems to be is a conflict between tax rules and the per-product tax setting. When I set up the store I put 19% German tax on each product. If I remove tax from the product then even if I have a Tax Rule set up (19% for EU) no tax is charged. If I leave tax in the product then it is always charged, regardless of a Tax Rule saying "Tax free" for this country. This makes the tax rules rather redundant, doesn't it? So, we either need to ignore the per-product setting or have a priority setting 1) "tax rule", 2) "product". (if at all). I don't understand why tax is set on a per-product basis anyway as it surely always depends on the customer and seller's countries??
  7. I posted this elsewhere but then the problem appears in multiple places, so here again to solve it here too. First of all, thanks to Imeyer!! To find the module I did a search in the modules folder through *.php files with text content "Shop::setContext(Shop::CONTEXT_ALL);". 5 modules appeared. Then I had to UNINSTALL each module to find the culprit (disabling wasn't enough). Best of luck!!
  8. First of all, thanks to Imeyer!! I did a search in the modules folder through *.php files with text content "Shop::setContext(Shop::CONTEXT_ALL);". 5 modules appeared. Then I had to UNINSTALL each module to find the culprit (disabling wasn't enough). In my case it was Mobile Assistant Connector. Best of luck!!
  9. Hello all, After weeks of trying to get my head around the way Prestashop deals with currencies in Multistores and not finding any FAQ or "docu for dummies" I thought I'd share my solution here. I would be very grateful if the experts would check this through and correct any inaccuracies! I have 1 backend with common stock and 3 shops for 3 countries (UK,DE,CZ) (and 3 languages too). After once importing products I found my products in one store were being offered at about 5% of regular price (due to the EUR:CZK being 1:27) so I pulled the store and have been offline ever since, searching for enlightenment. I completely reinstalled Prestashop (default theme) and bought Presta Shop Manager for flexible bulk updates then set about researching a solution. First, set up currencies correctly in the Back-End (Localisation / Currencies): In CONTEXT “All Shops”: Add all 3 required currencies (e.g. £,€, Kč) and IGNORE the exchange rates displayed here. Click on each currency's EDIT to enable it in the individual stores (1, 2, 3). Switch CONTEXT to “Shop 1”. Required currencies (eg. £, €) are shown click on UPDATE CURRENCY RATES Switch CONTEXT to “Shop 2”. Required currencies are shown (€) click on UPDATE CURRENCY RATES Switch CONTEXT to “Shop 3”. Required currencies are shown (Kč,€) click on UPDATE CURRENCY RATES This enables you to set "nice" prices in the main currency but also for visitors to select other currencies based on daily rates. Importing products. When products are created or imported Prestashop seems to make 3 copies of everything (or at least the price fields): One for each site. These can be edited (or updated via StoreManager Import) individually by first changing CONTEXT to your target store. If a product and price is imported into all stores, this price is copied to all 3 sites in the 3 base currencies. If these currencies are different (e.g. EUR, GBP, CZK) this equates to a product selling for £10, 10€ and 10Kč instead of e.g. 43,74 €, £34,99 and 612 Kč. Solution: Assuming currencies have been correctly set up as above After importing general product data (with or without a price) do 3 imports of these columns: Product ID, Reference, Status, Price (in target base currency, e.g. Kč), Wholesale price And on the last page of the StoreManager IMPORT module select only the SINGLE store for that currency (e.g. CZ). Repeat for the other 2 stores / countries. Advantage of 3 different base currencies: I can enter “psychological” prices (xx,99) in EACH currency without worrying about an exchange rate change messing it up. Updates to prices in EACH store and individual currencies can be made individually in the Back-End or via Presta Store Manager - Mass Product Changer. [Compare this to using 1 common base currency for all 3 sites and converting being done with a daily exchange rate which would mean ugly rounding in user's most important home currency due to daily exchange rate fluctuations).] I wish you all successful shops! Regards, Barry
  10. I would be very interested to hear from the prestashop team, too. I'm running and have this "old" problem too.
  11. Thanks very much for your very quick reply and solution - it works perfectly in the delivery note tpl! ISSUE SOLVED
  12. Hi, I've bought M4 PDF and am very impressed with the functionality! Great product, especially the PDF "print whole catalog"! Just one issue: I need to show the warehouse location for each item (regular and in packs). I've found an invoice PDF template which details the pack item names and the delivery slip showing the location of regular items but am unable to combine the two to show locations of pack items. Can anyone help? Most grateful for any help as I can't completely switch to prestashop until the warehouse gets locations per product! Thanks, Barry
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