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  1. Go to SEO & URL Do you have www there ?
  2. Try to add this in your htaccess: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.domain.com$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.domain.com/$1 [R=301,L] Johan Larsson
  3. Hi Prestashoppers, Anyone know how to hide the cart block on mobile devices but just on the homepage.? Thanks Johan
  4. I still got this errors in webmastertools : 3 bastsaljare?%253Fp%253D7=&p=6 404 2018-03-03 4 bastsaljare?%253Fp%253D10=&p=3 404 2018-03-03 5 bastsaljare?%2525253Fp%2525253D6=&p=6 404 2018-03-03 6 bastsaljare?%25253Fp%25253D7=&p=3 404 2018-03-03 7 bastsaljare?%2525253Fp%2525253D11=&p=11 404 2018-03-03 8 bastsaljare?%25253Fp%25253D4=&p=3 404 2018-03-03 9 bastsaljare?%2525253Fp%2525253D2=&p=12 404 2018-03-03 10 bastsaljare?%3Fp%3D7&p=12 404 2018-03-04 11 bastsaljare?%3Fp%3D5&p=5 404 2018-03-04 12 bastsaljare?%3Fp%3D10&p=5 404 2018-03-04 13 bastsaljare?%3Fp%3D2&p=12 404 2018-03-04 14 bastsaljare?%3Fp%3D2&p=9 404 2018-03-04 15 bastsaljare?%3Fp%3D6&p=5 404 2018-03-04 16 bastsaljare?%2525253Fp%2525253D4=&p=3 404 2018-03-04 17 bastsaljare?%2525253Fp%2525253D6=&p=3 404 2018-03-04 18 bastsaljare?%25253Fp%25253D7=&p=13 404 2018-03-04 19 bastsaljare?%253Fp%253D5=&p=13 404 2018-03-04 20 bastsaljare?%25253Fp%25253D2=&p=10 404 2018-03-04 21 bastsaljare?%25253Fp%25253D10=&p=3 404 2018-03-04 22 bastsaljare?%2525253Fp%2525253D7=&p=3 404 2018-03-04 23 bastsaljare?%2525252525252525253Fp%2525252525252525253D6=&p=3 But I think the duplicates is less now than before.
  5. Thanks Daresh But its good to have two Canonical module at the same time ? Canonical URLs to Avoid Duplicate Content - SEO and the other one ? Thanks Johan
  6. Hi, How do you fix the duplicate url in webmaster tools? I need Canonical url on best-sales, price-drop and new-product. I got this module: Canonical URLs to Avoid Duplicate Content - SEO But that cant make it on those pages. I cant be the only one with this problem. I have Prestashop Thanks For help guys =)
  7. Hi, I have a problem when the customers goes to the cart, they get an error message: Connection to 'https://checkout.klarna.com/checkout/orders' failed. But from there they can move to the checkout. But some of the orders doesn't register in prestashop directly. Some of them doesn't register until the next day. 33974 -- 1 Klarna Checkout: Connection to 'https://checkout.klarna.com/checkout/orders/5ZAVV7R1SU0O4ExxxxxxxxxH5D' failed. 0 0x 0 2018-02-19 18:25:57 33973 -- 1 Klarna Checkout: Connection to 'https://checkout.klarna.com/checkout/orders/5Z5FSO0CIDYTBIF33LXxxxxxxxxx' failed. 0 0x 0 2018-02-19 18:02:57 This is from the log. I hope you can help me with this . Thanks Johan
  8. Hi =) I have a problem. My bestseller, new product and some more pages has no https in thiers open graph images. content="http://www.strumpbudet.sehttps://www.strumpbudet.se/img/strumpbudet-se-logo-1513106313.jpg" /><meta property="og:site_name" content="Strumpbudet" /><meta property="og:description" content="Kolla in våra bästsäljande strumpor! Vi har alla sorters strumpor för dig och din familj. Märken som John Henric och Topeco Strumpor i mängder hos strumpbudet." /><meta property="og:url" content="http://www.strumpbudet.se/bastsaljare" /><link rel="stylesheet" href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,600&amp;subset=latin,latin-ext" type="text/css" media="all" /> <!--[if IE 8]> bootstrap/cache/v_279_112fdbe08be169de6f86fb08e9e07a44_all.css" type="text/css" media="all" /> <meta property="og:type" content="website" /><meta property="og:title" content="Nyheter, Strumpor och underkl&auml;der | Strumpbudet - Strumpbudet" /><meta property="og:image" content="http://www.strumpbudet.sehttps://www.strumpbudet.se/img/strumpbudet-se-logo-1513106313.jpg" /><meta property="og:site_name" content="Strumpbudet" /><meta property="og:description" content="Våra nyaste strumpor! Färgglada, stödstrumpor kostymstrumpor vi har alla olika typer för att strumporna just ska passa dig!" /><meta property="og:url" content="http://www.strumpbudet.se/nya-strumpor" /><link rel="stylesheet" href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,600&amp;subset=latin,latin-ext" type="text/css" media="all" /> <!--[if IE 8]> How do i change that to https ? Thanks Johan
  9. I have the same issue. Someone know how to fix this? I found the solution. Select the index page in the module.
  10. How do i change cart-adress? When i click on the green button (Till kassan - to checkout) Then I get to the correct address (https://www.strumpbudet.se/module/klarnaofficial/checkoutklarna). But when i click on "Varukorg" i come to https://www.strumpbudet.se/order. Someone know how to change that? Thanks Johan
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