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Everything posted by Nikhil.nj

  1. Hello nikoz, Can you provide me the screen shot of problem at the front side and if possible then you can create one sub-admin account then I will help you directly. Nikhil
  2. Hello Nikoz, You must insert with each and every of your product. 1) Check your attributes are enough for your product or insert as you want 2) In Product go to >> Edit >> Click on Combinations >> Select one attribute from one group >> repeat same 3) Repeat 2 step for more combinations. Hope its helpful Nikhil ['}
  3. Helloo!!!! I'm also interested in this topic and want to join.. Nikhil
  4. Hello to one, Can someone help me to describe the difference between the shops and stores? They are same or different if they then can we use store ID to get the address from the stores? Thank you for give valuable time?? Nikhil ['}
  5. Hello pixelwebmx, I'm interested to work with your team but I just start with prestashop but I can handle with it and customize for modules I created one demo module for manage the fture image products it includes add update operations that's it. Just reply me your choice and if you not select me then its okay but keep in touch and add me as a member in your group. Thank you Nikhil ['}
  6. Check link may help you http://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/edu/prestashop-15/working-with-multi-shops
  7. Hello jvratna, I am also phase same problem if you fix it then please let me know. Do you know, How to remove sub category list from the category page and sorting option?? I like your question Nick ['}
  8. Hello divyesh nice to meet you, Because I am also prajapati as a cast, instead of your jquery code we just have to add css like {height :450px; overflow-y:scroll;}. Right, Its more feasible or not, I don't know?? But, Thanks for reply I solved it recently and it works very fine.. There is not issue of cache but I confused with e two files of blockcart.tpl There is another one question want to ask you that's regarding Login through social accounts. Are there free Modules for Login using Facebook or Twitter accounts or we have to create ?? Nikhil ['}
  9. Hello For the scroll in the cart list I just edit the blocart.tpl file but it can't display any display any change at front side??? For this I checked whether the cookies are enable or not, it disabled. I hope you get my point?? Please reply me for the situation??? Thanks in advance. Nikhil ['}
  10. Thank you xabikip Xabikip can I know about your web services so it can be help me for my confusion, Can you use th elibrary of the Prestashop Web services Library referenced in documentation??? Or you create custom web services for your own way? Please reply me as possible.. For reply Nikhil ['}
  11. Just pass the parameter with the url like www.abcshop.com/api/customers/1/output_format=JSON and default it return in xml format Hope will be helpful Nikhil ['}
  12. Hello I'm not sure but I think in Prestashop it used sha1 for encode the password if you want to try then just taste it and let me know whatever you get... Please don't say thank you... Nick ['}
  13. I searched and try to edit but it return only XML because it used cURL through which it get the data and display to just nothing else if anyone get success then I thanked to him/her and request to notify me. Nick ['}
  14. Hello, I phase some difficulties with PrestaShop-webservice-library, reference from the documentation of Prestashop. So I used it for web services and it return XML data. I want to get data in JSON format. I tried but nothing happened. If any one know about it how to get json using this library, please give me hints and idea about it, If possible then the example is the best way for better understand. Thanks in Advance Nikhil ['}
  15. Hello dear, Hope you well and fine. I am using library Prestashop's web services and it gives only XML and I want only JSON output.. Is it possible to get JSON code using this library if YES then how?? Thanks in Advance Nikhil ['}
  16. Hiii Lousy, Glad to talk you once again, I want to know how the api called in prestashop's web services. and how the function called which you gave me for authenticate the customer ???? Thanks in Advance. Nick ['}
  17. Nice then, Its my pleasure to share with you You said you developing in php but I want to know that you create web services in default directory like -ROOT/webservices or you create your own -ROOT/MyWebServices/api if you used default then you change or modify the dispatcher.php file
  18. Yep after searching I got something on same topic so thanks for reply. In which language you developed your API for Mobile Development? If you using PHP then would you like to help me to build better and guide the actual flow for the API ?? Thanks once again. Nick ['}
  19. ME too, I think we must create one file to handle the request and the response but how???
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