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  1. I am in the US and my international customers can register an account successfully but when they go to check out, it says no carriers available. I am using the USPS Module and the only selections I have for shipment are those in the US (first class, priority mail, express mail, etc.) How can I either get international customers to be shown international ship rates via USPS OR get USPS to offer me more options for shipment? My website is http://www.weebittrendy.com
  2. Good news!!! I was able to reset my password and access my ftp files but I was unable to edit the ht file. Do you know how I can edit it? The line you are telling me to add is there but right after it is says false and I want to remove that.
  3. Hi Fred! Thanks for responding. Now the problem I have is that I can't access my ftp server because presto shop is telling me my password is wrong when I know it's correct. When I went to log in this morning, it repeatedly told me my password was correct, then it finally let me in. But still no back office. When I tried to set up a user for ftp to get to the file you mentioned, I was unable to do so. Have you ever heard of this before? Should I delete my site start from scratch?
  4. All of my sudden my back office has stopped working. All I get is a white page. I use the cloud, I don't use the download and I don't understand why this is happening all of a sudden. I was just simply editing my website. Please help. The front office works fine.
  5. Hi! My website is http://weebittrendy.pswebstore.com I'm still working on it, but my shopping cart is on the left and I am trying to get it to slide back to the right where it was originally. I checked the box on the advanced theme settings to put it on the right column but it will not go there. Can anyone help?
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