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Everything posted by ktraving
I'm looking at the below piece of code in the shopping-cart-product-line.tpl of a theme, which results in a rather undesired layout. Look at the image on snaggy. <td class="cart_description"> <div class="narrow-screen">{l s='Description'}</div> <div class="floatL"> {capture name=sep} : {/capture} {capture}{l s=' : '}{/capture} <p class="product-name"><a href="{$link->getProductLink($product.id_product, $product.link_rewrite, $product.category, null, null, $product.id_shop, $product.id_product_attribute)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">{$product.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</a></p> {if $product.reference}<small class="cart_ref">{l s='SKU'}{$smarty.capture.default}{$product.reference|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</small>{/if} {if isset($product.attributes) && $product.attributes}<small><a href="{$link->getProductLink($product.id_product, $product.link_rewrite, $product.category, null, null, $product.id_shop, $product.id_product_attribute)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">{$product.attributes|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</a></small>{/if} <div> </td> What I would like, is to take each set of attributes and show the line by line. Color: Red Version: Advanced Width: 1 meter Height: 1 meter Rather than a bunched up set up attributes. But I can't seem to work our a way to loop through the attributes one by one. Any ideas? Have a nice weekend, K
Description text for Product Attributes
ktraving replied to ktraving's topic in Configuring and using PrestaShop
I have dropped them a mail, asking if the module will be updated for 1.6.x, but I doubt I will get any reply. The webpage looks like they focus 100% on Magento now.- 9 replies
- description
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Description text for Product Attributes
ktraving replied to ktraving's topic in Configuring and using PrestaShop
No know modules that will add this feature? To clarify what I am looking for: See this module page and its screenshots Unfortunately the homepage and the module seems pretty outdated.- 9 replies
- description
- text
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In certain situations it would be very helpful, if I could enter an extra text on my product attributes, that I can also hook/show on the product page, if that attribute is selected. An example: The customer chooses "silver" as a color for their poster. In this case, it is important for me to let the customer know, that since silver ink contains metal, it reflects light more than a non-metallic ink. Writing all that in the attribute name, would be silly, and writing it in the product description seems a bit excessive, as I dont even know what the customer chooses. Any ideas? Cheers, K
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I've had a look at the ps_module tables (access, country, currency.....etc) Upon uninstall and delete, the module is removed from all of the above. Upon reinstall the module also reappeares (with a new ID ofcourse) in all tables. Cheers, K Edit: Any chance you know the name of the table for what groups have access to specific payment options?
In order to get to the bottom of a problem with Cash on Delivery (CoD) I figured I'd try resetting the module, or even uninstall, delete and reinstall it. Regardless of the two approaches, I get a prestashop database exceiption: Take a look. The module installs, but doesn't seem to show up during checkout, even if it is enable as a valid payment method (bottomg of payments). Cheers, K edit: Yes, I've cleared cache On both server, prestashop and browser and forced compiling.
Cash on delivery / Validation blank screen
ktraving replied to ktraving's topic in Configuring and using PrestaShop
A small update. In addition to the above post, I get this error in Back-Office > Payment Warning on line 1585 in file /customers/a/b/8/guldtryk.dk/httpd.www/testshop/classes/controller/AdminController.php [2] Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/a/b/8/guldtryk.dk/httpd.www/testshop/modules/cashondelivery/translations/da.php:1) I've reverted to a complete default edition of the COD module (0.7.4) by Prestashop, and the error remains the same. No changes have been made to the AdminController.- 4 replies
- Cash On delivery
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Du er skam ikke alene Rasmus 1970. Jeg bruger Prestashop og får også blank skærm når kunden bekræfter at man vil betale med faktura. Når jeg slår dev_mode til true, får jeg "Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/a/b/8/guldtryk.dk/httpd.www/testshop/modules/cashondelivery/translations/da.php:1) in /customers/a/b/8/guldtryk.dk/httpd.www/testshop/classes/Tools.php on line 134" og den fejl får jeg også når jeg opretter en helt default webshop på en lokal wamp server. Cheers, K
[SOLVED] Missing module names and texts
ktraving replied to ktraving's topic in Configuring and using PrestaShop
That is truly an excellent thread El Patron. From it I seem to gather that an upgrade to might speed us on our way. Thank you very much! Cheers, K -
Here's a batch of modules, that look strange: http://snag.gy/nNYEL.jpg Here's how they should look: http://snag.gy/5M0xC.jpg Some kind of localization / translation error? Cheers, K
Cash on delivery / Validation blank screen
ktraving replied to ktraving's topic in Configuring and using PrestaShop
I have tried removing the $params, and it removes the problem, but like you, I have no clue what it might affect. But this one remains Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/a/b/8/guldtryk.dk/httpd.www/testshop/modules/cashondelivery/translations/da.php:1) in /customers/a/b/8/guldtryk.dk/httpd.www/testshop/classes/Tools.php on line 13 Ooooh, I would so much love to just delete the default COD module. CHeers, K- 4 replies
- Cash On delivery
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In order to test a few things I decided to move my Prestashop from our online domain to a local wamp server (as in, local on my PC). I have followed these steps in the documentation. When I enter http://localhost the browsers jumps to the online domain version of the webpage. I have Checked the settings.inc.php, and they are correct. Just for fun I entered a wrong DB name, to make sure that requests on http://localhost actually read the local wamp server. I have updated PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL in the PS_CONFIGURATION table to localhost - but it makes no difference. Help! Kenny
Cash on delivery / Validation blank screen
ktraving replied to ktraving's topic in Configuring and using PrestaShop
Enabling debugging I get the following: Policy restriction in effect. The fifth parameter is disabled on this system in /customers/a/b/8/guldtryk.dk/httpd.www/testshop/tools/swift/Swift/Plugin/MailSend.php on line 160 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/a/b/8/guldtryk.dk/httpd.www/testshop/modules/cashondelivery/translations/da.php:1) in /customers/a/b/8/guldtryk.dk/httpd.www/testshop/classes/Tools.php on line 134 Which tracks down to the following in mailsend.php if (!ini_get("safe_mode")) $success = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers, $params); else $success = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); and in classes/tools.php header('Location: '.$url); I dont get these errors on regular payments methods (credit cards), only on COD. Hope someone has a few ideas. Cheers, K- 4 replies
- Cash On delivery
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I've been getting this error http://snag.gy/hsu97.jpg for some time while testing the default PS Cash on delivery.module. Obviously something's amiss, but I'm not familiar with any way to debug / catch the bug, and browsing the server server weblog is like finding a needle in a haystack. There are a ton of threads about COD and blank screen, but most of them seem to point back to older 1.5 or 1.4 modules. Anyone? Cheers, K
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- Cash On delivery
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Delivery time / production time on product
ktraving replied to ktraving's topic in Configuring and using PrestaShop
Glad to hear I'm not the only one missing this feature. -
I'm looking for ways to handle production times in Prestashop. I'm about to run a poster printing company's webshop in PS Since we produce / print all posters, we do not have any stock management. But we do have production and delivery times for our products. An example are special canvas posters for buildings and huge banners can take a few days to produce, but I need the ability to - Write a "production time" for the customer on the webpage - Ensure that it shows on order confirmations and invoices Out-of-the-box PS doesn't seem to be able to handle production time. Am I correct? How do you solve it? I take it I am not the only one to need this kind of feature. Cheers and thank you for your time, K
Vise kreditkort type i stedet for modulnavn på faktura
ktraving replied to fanafmac's topic in Generelt forum
Vi vælger formentlig at fjerne "betaling" helt fra ordrebekræftelsesmailen. Så vidt jeg er orienteret er der intet krav herom fra Nets / Teller, det skal blot fremgå af faktura, som vi overlader til økonomisystemet at generere. -
Transaktions-id på ordrebekræftelse og faktura
ktraving replied to ktraving's topic in Generelt forum
Nej, det er købe tema fra Envato. Dog er mails, pdf og mange andre ting ikke ændret i forhold til default filerne (så vidt jeg kan se, når jeg tester default bootstrap) Dog tror jeg vi løser problemet på en anden måde, frem for at rode for meget i koden, og dermed skabe problemer for fremtidig opdateringer. Vi overlader invoicing til vores økonomisystem i stedet. og satser på de overholder Nets/Tellers betingelser. (Det gør de)- 3 replies
- transaktions id
- transaktions-id
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Hej danske prestashop'ere Jeg er i færd med at tilpasse bl.a. invoice.tpl og order_conf.html til Nets/Tellers krav om bl.a. betalingskort oplysninger, leveringstid m.v. I den forbindelse er jeg stødt på en udfordring. Hvordan får jeg indsats transaktions-id? I Invoice.tpl er jeg ude i <b>{l s='Transaction-ID:' pdf='true'}</b><br /> {$order->getTransactionID()<br />} Men, så vidt jeg kan se findes transaction-id slet ikke i oversættelserne i PDF under localization->translations->PDF oversættelser, så det er vel næppe muligt at hente teksten? Dernæst er jeg i tvivl om getTransactionID da jeg ikke kan finde noget i dokumentationen på den. Ideer, forslag og tips modtages gerne, K
- 3 replies
- transaktions id
- transaktions-id
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