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David Dotou

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Everything posted by David Dotou

  1. Bonjour à tous et merci Oxeo France j'ai bien effectuer rectification de la taille du logo comme indiquer et sa passe sur google chrome mais aucun chngement sur firefox :/ Encore une petite piste de la manip à effectuer merci d'avance la communauté !
  2. Bonjour à tous, je cherche à centrer mon logo au milieu genre "text-align: center" ou quelque chose sa mais je n'y arrive pas, de plus j'aimerais qu'il soit responsive, j'espere quune ame charitable va bien m'indiquer le code approprier à placer dans le global.css j'imagine ... un grand merci d'avance ps: le site https://www.710solutionshop.com
  3. salut je trouve que c'est une bombe il est super rapide je jalouse joli et tout ce qui va avec bon vente !!!! un petit ps il est tellement au top que tu devrait te debrouiller avec un module meme payant pour enlever les numéro au niveau des urls sa serait une belle finition
  4. Salut perso le menu ne m'attire pas des réglages à faires au niveau du superfishmodified.css voir au niveau des catégories, aussi tes icones social dans le footer, il y à un problème en tout cas c'est kool que tu commence déjà à vendre sa devrait te motiver à créer un site au top, c'est un avis perso. good luck.
  5. bonjour à vous membres et visiteurs du forum prestashop je vous post mon site web afin d'avoir un retour avant le lancement "public" Je me suis débrouiller grace au forum google et les amis. Vous en pensez quoi les + les - ? Comment l'ameliorer? https://www.710solutionshop.com Merci d'avance. David.
  6. hi everyone, mojtaban could you explain your solution a little more in detail "you just need to change favicon /." i'm bugging out here to change favicon on my rss page thanks ahead!
  7. HEY ALL solved with this query in phpmyadmin all my prices back in place i still need o understand one thing if someone can shed light why is ithat when i browse my shop in euro and then i choose a prduct and want to go buy in euro it turns out as a dollar sign in the shopping cart ? i think its because i set to shop crrency default but when i chosse the user currency option payment doesnt go through ...? i get a message syi i don't have exchange rate supported with autrize.net being number 1 payment solution it sounds hard to believe ??? FIX UPDATE ps_product_shop SET price = price*1,065 UPDATE ps_product SET price = price*1,065
  8. just found this How to make a bulk price adjustment using SQL in phpMyAdmin now lets figure out what i have to do to mutiply 1euro X USD exchange rate so 1,065..., i'm not very good in math or programing haha thanks for help! http://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/edu/prestashop-15/340-mass-price-update Sample code to increase all prices by twenty percent (20%). UPDATE ps_product_shop SET price = price*1.20 UPDATE ps_product SET price = price*1.20 Sample code to decrease all prices by 15 cents (.25). UPDATE ps_product_shop SET price = price-.15 UPDATE ps_product SET price = price-.15 Sample code to increase all prices by fifty cents (.15). UPDATE ps_product_shop SET price = price+0.50 UPDATE ps_product SET price = price+0.50 Sample code to decrease all prices by ten percent (10%) UPDATE ps_product_shop SET price = price / 1.1 UPDATE ps_product SET price = price / 1.1 Once you have entered a query with your desired price change, click the Go button at the bottom. This will activate the query and make the change. Your prices should now display with the new changes. Below is a before and after example of a price change where we increased the prices by 10%.
  9. trying to figure this out here i found a long way to resolve this i think i have to go to each product then price take the price wich is now usd but is actualy my european price and mutliply it by usd exchange rate so I take 1 euro x usd echange rate for each product all 300 wich is doable but how you guys do it with 10,000 products sql query maybe ? hope i'm making myself clear. thanks ahead
  10. yes of course gogol i was asking if someone tried one in particular and could say it worked anyway i guess i sort of solved this by buying a paid authorize.net module and i ran intonew error haha this never stops does it?? here's the load i setup my shop in euro but my merchant account in authorize.net is usd account right so i have changed shops default currency so the card could go through but all my prices fluctuacted everything thats' in euro went down what was 1 is now 0,94, i tried changing currency rate manually it worked 5 minutes then prestashop set back it automatically i guess i was causing a little problem in the system... so i'm looking for an sql query maybe to help me fix all my prices back the way it was thanks ahead!
  11. ok so i filled contact form on prestashop, does anyone know of an authorize.net module that i can pay for maybe?
  12. hello bellini13 it is a module by prestashop so i thought this is the correct place to get some help since it is the prestashop/forum i would like to contact who developed the module for help but since there's no contact info on the module just says by prestashop here I am looking for answer on how to setup this module
  13. hello i have prestashop 1.6 i'm trying to setup autorize.net module from the prestateam but i'm having some problems setting up obviously; i'm sure i'm using the right api login and transaction key; i tried setting up the curl values in validation.php and authorizeaim.php but it's not working i get the message AIM error message wrong merchant id etc... .... so also i also configured my api login and transaction key in the validation.php still not working i'm not familiar with php if i could get some help to setup please thanks alot
  14. it's been a week or so no help and i cain't find how to fix my error any last help before i go look for someone to fix it ? does anyoneone know where i cn find someone to fix this i'm willing to pay somehing definitly not too much but it could be worth it for someone who knows how to do it. thanks alot!
  15. Hey everyone I haven't been able to fix my border-radius issue on chrome can someo give e a hint to what i could try to fix the lines breaks and it really bugs me out i cain't move on! Thanks alot!
  16. hi there, this topic is very old but if you need do this you need to do this use firebug, inspect element and edit the css
  17. hey all here's an image of my problem it seems like it's pointing to the wrong url how can i modify that screenshot here : http://screencast.com/t/6BAnnRbazeIC
  18. Hi fred thanks for answering and checking this out, i added the code you gave but border-radius lines still break on my product images when using google chrome here's my css code :: /* product style */ .product-block { position: relative; overflow: hidden; margin: 10 px; background: white; padding: 0 px; border: 1px solid !important; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-border-radius: 11 px; <added -moz-border-radius: 11 px; <added border-radius: 11 px; }
  19. hey all i have issue "wrong image path" with my product carroussel in the footer area it works in all pages but except one see for yourself scroll all the way down to the footer : https://www.710solutionshop.com/en/module/saallproducts/displayProducts Thanks 4 help!
  20. hi i'm customizing my theme close to finish hopefully, my border radius on my product block breaks on google chrome when the mouse hovers how to fix ? haven't checked internet explorer or other webbrowers i'm learning css on firefox http://www.710solutionshop.com thanks alot david.
  21. hi i'm customizing my theme close to finish hopefully, my border radius on my product block breaks on google chrome when the mouse hovers how to fix ? haven't checked internet explorer or other webbrowers i'm learning css on firefox http://www.710solutionshop.com thanks alot david.
  22. ok thanks rocky i think i know when this happened now this is a free theme so i'm going to try to work it out because it said on the backoffice that when setting up the widgets "div" errors might occur that the developer will not support ... anyone to shine a light on what i could do to start fixing this? Thanks ahead
  23. Good day to all again please could someone hint me out on what sql query i have to type in phpmyadmin to fix this i cain't access front office anymore... Thanks ahead
  24. so i'm still working on the website and made reaper with the prestashop repair module it runs fine today untill now...? SELECT p.*, product_shop.*, stock.out_of_stock, IFNULL(stock.quantity, 0) as quantity, pl.`description`, pl.`description_short`, pl.`link_rewrite`, pl.`meta_description`, pl.`meta_keywords`, pl.`meta_title`, pl.`name`, pl.`available_now`, pl.`available_later`, MAX(image_shop.`id_image`) id_image, il.`legend`, m.`name` AS manufacturer_name, product_shop.`date_add` > "2015-02-22" as newFROM `ps_product` p INNER JOIN ps_product_shop product_shop ON (product_shop.id_product = p.id_product AND product_shop.id_shop = 1)LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` `pl` ON p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product` AND pl.`id_lang` = 2 AND pl.id_shop = 1 LEFT JOIN `ps_image` `i` ON i.`id_product` = p.`id_product` LEFT JOIN ps_image_shop image_shop ON (image_shop.id_image = i.id_image AND image_shop.id_shop = 1 AND image_shop.cover=1)LEFT JOIN `ps_image_lang` `il` ON i.`id_image` = il.`id_image` AND il.`id_lang` = 2LEFT JOIN `ps_manufacturer` `m` ON m.`id_manufacturer` = p.`id_manufacturer` LEFT JOIN ps_stock_available stock ON (stock.id_product = p.id_product AND stock.id_product_attribute = 0 AND stock.id_shop = 1 AND stock.id_shop_group = 0 )WHERE (product_shop.`active` = 1) AND (product_shop.`visibility` IN ("both", "catalog")) AND (product_shop.`date_add` > "2015-02-22")GROUP BY product_shop.id_productORDER BY p.`date_add` ASCLIMIT 8 at line 646 in file classes/db/Db.php 641. WebserviceRequest::getInstance()->setError(500, '[SQL Error] '.$this->getMsgError().'. From '.(isset($dbg[3]['class']) ? $dbg[3]['class'] : '').'->'.$dbg[3]['function'].'() Query was : '.$sql, 97);642. }643. elseif (_PS_DEBUG_SQL_ && $errno && !defined('PS_INSTALLATION_IN_PROGRESS'))644. {645. if ($sql)646. throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError().'<br /><br /><pre>'.$sql.'</pre>');647. throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError());648. }649. }650. 651. /** DbCore->displayError - [line 340 - classes/db/Db.php] - [1 Arguments] DbCore->query - [line 516 - classes/db/Db.php] - [1 Arguments] DbCore->executeS - [line 2173 - classes/Product.php] - [1 Arguments] ProductCore::getNewProducts - [line 289 - modules/leotempcp/classes/widget/carousel.php] - [6 Arguments] LeoWidgetCarousel->renderContent - [line 232 - modules/leotempcp/classes/widget.php] - [2 Arguments] LeoTempcpWidget->getWidgetContent - [line 245 - modules/leotempcp/classes/widget.php] - [2 Arguments] LeoTempcpWidget->renderContent - [line 1166 - modules/leomanagewidgets/leomanagewidgets.php] - [1 Arguments] LeoManagewidgets->_setGroupData - [line 1252 - modules/leomanagewidgets/leomanagewidgets.php] - [2 Arguments] LeoManagewidgets->_processHook - [line 1529 - modules/leomanagewidgets/leomanagewidgets.php] - [1 Arguments] LeoManagewidgets->hookDisplayHome - [line 510 - classes/Hook.php] - [1 Arguments] HookCore::exec - [line 40 - controllers/front/IndexController.php] - [1 Arguments] IndexControllerCore->initContent - [line 180 - classes/controller/Controller.php] ControllerCore->run - [line 373 - classes/Dispatcher.php] DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 28 - index.php]
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