Hi, need some help with this..
So whats happening is when anyone goes to the website through a URL link on a search engine either to the /en or /ru of the domain (eg: www.domain.com/en OR www.domain.com/ru) the browser throws back the following;
"[Debug] This page has moved
Please use the following URL instead:"
The website is catered for the Russian market and we have already set the default language to Russian, however, while at times it sends you off to the /en side, it doesn't work at all when you click on the link with the /ru in it.
This is a concern as according to the stats, we see people coming into the website and leaving at the Debug error notice. It appears that the end user might be seeing the word "Bug" and leaving..
Setting up a redirect through the hosting account hasn't worked - that only creates a loop and ends up with the /ru/ru/ru/ru/ru/ru/ru/ru/ru/ru/ in the URL.
After several days, hosting engineers haven't been able to resolve this issue this is why we are lead to think there is a problem with Prestashop.
If there's anything we've missed we'd be grateful if you can lead us in the right direction.
Thanks in advance.