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SHU Technologies

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  1. Yes I could solve it. I logged in to my hosting provider then in cPanel I went to phpMyAdmin. There i run the following SQL command: ALTER TABLE `PREFIX_tax_rules_group` ADD `deleted` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ADD `date_add` DATETIME NOT NULL, ADD `date_upd` DATETIME NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `PREFIX_order_detail` ADD `id_tax_rules_group` INT(11) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' AFTER `product_weight`, ADD INDEX `id_tax_rules_group` (`id_tax_rules_group`); You should replace in this command the PREFIX_ with your database prefix in my case it is PS_ (Ithink that is the default Prestashop prefix.) This command alter the tax rule table and adds the "deleted" field if it not exists. After I ran this I got back even all the pre-installed tax rules as well and was able to create new ones. Hope it works for you too. Good luck
  2. Thanks for the quick reply, I changed the prefix but did not work, there were some other failure message. But after that I tried just this line from your script: ALTER TABLE `PREFIX_tax_rules_group` ADD `deleted` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ADD `date_add` DATETIME NOT NULL, ADD `date_upd` DATETIME NOT NULL; And this solved my problem:))) Thanks a lot!!!!
  3. I have exaclty the same problem, when I click on "tax rules in backoffice" this message I get: Bad SQL query Unknown column 'a.deleted' in 'where clause' If I want to create a new Tax rule and when I want to save then I get this error message: An error occurred while creating an object. tax_rules_group (Unknown column 'deleted' in 'field list') I saw in a spanish thread similar problem but I did not understand the solution. Anybody with a solution? Thanks
  4. Hi I have exactly the same problem, can you tell me how did you solved? I could not get running the SQL script you attached.
  5. Hi, I had the same problem with Paypal test accounts and your solution works like charm. Thanks:))
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