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Everything posted by maickonen

  1. Hi there! I end up here cause I am search wich is table with name of product... I had some problem with duplicated product, I NEED TO ERASE PRODUCT WITH SAME NAME AS SKU, but I don't figure out which the query could be... I messed up! Thanks guys for your help
  2. Hi! I have the same problem, however my shop has no cache enabled, so no cache File System What else can be? Thanks for your help guys!
  3. Hi to all! Problem fixed. It was a phpmyadmin problem I reinstalled it and now works like a charme Thank you all Have a nice code
  4. Hi guy! Strange problem here. First of all, THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR HELP, I really NEED IT PS Everything was working well. This morning, before to begin to work, I did a backup of file and folder (just copying the installation folder to a new folder named backxxxx) That's it. After that, blank page. I tried to clear cache smarty cache (forcing compiling) Blank page. Any suggestions?
  5. Hi guy! Strange problem here. First of all, THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR HELP, I really NEED IT PS Everything was working well. This morning, before to begin to work, I did a backup of file and folder (just copying the installation folder to a new folder named backxxxx) That's it. After that, blank page. I tried to clear cache smarty cache (forcing compiling) Blank page. Any suggestions?
  6. Ho risolto, il problema e' dovuto alla disabiltazione degli ovverride. Il problema e' che, utilizzando VC, gli override vanno impostati in questo modo... Ad ogni modo spero la mia (cattiva) esperienza possa tornarvi utile
  7. Hi there! I hope to write in the right section... Does anybody is experienced with the attached image? In the mapping tool page to Import CSV I see 3 lines (generally should be only one) and it doesn't works! No matter what you select (category, product or other)... I am going crazy, really... Anybody helps? Thank you so much! M
  8. Ciao ragazzi, invece vi e' mai capitato qualcosa del genere? http://it.tinypic.com/r/2ppk86x/8 Nalla pagina del mapping tool page per l'import csv mi trovo tre righe di selezione, anzichè una, sapete qualcosa? Ultima versione installata. Grazie per il vostro aiuto!
  9. Ciao a tutti, E' da un po' che vi seguo e leggo i vostri messaggi ma solo oggi scrivo il mio primo. Domanda in due parole: Qualcuno ha avuto esperienza di importazione listino dal fornitore Adveo? Per quanto riguarda i listini di Esprinet ho trovato informazioni su questo forum, per quanto riguarda Adveo nulla... Dovrei partire con un sito ecommerce, inizialmente ero indeciso fra PS e Magento, alla fine ho scelto PS. Vorrei solo cercare di capire se posso (senza diventare matto, o perlomeno con livello difficoltà' equivalente rispetto alla gestione del listino Esprinet) gestire il listino Adveo con PS. Grazie in anticipo, buona giornata e buon lavoro
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