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  1. For Bank Wire option, only available for Ringgit Malaysia (RM). Either on Paypal option, i can only select one. Please find the attachment on printscreen. Thanks
  2. Hi, i set the bank wire and paypal option only available for our currency to be Ringgit Malaysia (RM) only. Not available for customer currency.
  3. I have installed the Bank Wire Module but it doesn't show up while check out for payment. May i know what is the problem with it? Please find my attachment to see the printscreen pages. Thanks for advise.
  4. Hi, may i know how to debug this error? kindly advised as i cannot install Beamstore theme. Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler: Syntax error in template "/home/angelati/public_html/themes/Beamstore/footer.tpl" on line 81 "{getImageByOption name='footer_payment_logo' alt='Payment' before='<p class="pull-right">' after='</p>'}" unknown tag "getImageByOption" <-- thrown in /home/angelati/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 81 Thanks.
  5. Hi, may i know how to turn on error reporting?
  6. Hi, what is the problem as my website goes blank? but i still can see maintenance page if i change to maintenance mood? Please help!
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