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  1. Rocky, I get the same blue image. The two script errors I'm getting are on line 16 & 18 of the script below. I can fix these myself but don't know what to fix!.. I suppose this is another issue on top of the product image. I'm not familiar with js and would appreciate any help with this. Thanks
  2. Thanks for your reply Rocky. I have cleared my browser cache and PS cache and also regen thumbnails but still no luck. Here's a link with a new product I placed this morning that gives me the same results. Can you try on your end by just adding this to cart. It has displayed a different product image for me. https://www.arrowwraps.com.au/index.php?id_product=648&controller=product#/length-3_0_76_200mm/width-0_700_17_780mm/name_numbers-no_name_or_numbers/numbers-no_numbers/design_option-pink Thanks
  3. Hello all, I've just noticed my site displays an incorrect product image when added to the shopping cart. The product details and prices in the cart are correct except for the product image. However, this product image displays correctly from time to time. But most times it displays another image. This has been working fine for so long and I haven't noticed this until now. I haven't upgraded nor have added any new modules. Using a custom theme and not default. I've attached a screengrab of this and you can see the cart image is totally different from the product image. Most products have many combinations and images. I also use AWP Pro. Has anyone experienced this before? and how did you overcome this? or can anyone shed some light to this issue that comes and goes? site is: www.arrowwraps.com.au Thanks in advance.
  4. I've just recently purchased a Theme (KettyStore) and the TM Mega Menu Module isn't letting me add rows! I'm able to use the simple menu function, but need to use the Mega Menu option and have the bells and whistles. Is there something I have missed or need to select? I've followed the online video tutorial and have read the directions on how to, but the add rows button doesn't seem to go any further once selected. I've contacted the devloper 3 times but haven't heard back from them. I've reset the module also. Does anyone have any suggestions on what this issue may be? Thanks
  5. Hey Guys, Thanks for all your input. It took a few months to identify and solve this issue and there were a few factors that had caused this. It took this long due to the fact this issue would arise towards the end of the month! Don't know why, but it did. Javascript, updates and my Theme were the factors! The theme was the most significant, being incompatible with AWP Pro. I've received support from the creators of AWP Pro and they were quick to respond to all of my questions and concerns. But the biggest support and help that solved this issue was from Lesley at DesignHaus42. This was way over my head and I didn't have the time for this. I cannot say enough of the awesome support and quick response times I received from Lesley, not to mention the time difference between Australia and the U.S, this has saved me a lot of time and I have been able to concentrate more on sales.
  6. Hi All, I've been running PS 1.6.09 for more than a few months now and am generating some sales. Everything is 'almost' running perfectly except for the fact that from 'time to time' the product prices are displaying '$0.00' yes from time to time.... I am using a paid module Attribute Wizard Pro. The site runs great and I get a lot of buyers checking out with no issues, but then bam product prices display a $0.00 once the item is added to the cart. This 'issue' came up again just on Friday and stayed all weekend. Then just a few minutes ago bam... it's displaying the prices again.... what the? I have contacted the guys that created AWP pro and they claim it's not their module that is causing this error, but it's their module I am using with the combinations of my items. I have even recorded proof of the products displaying this issue. Is there something I'm missing? I have cleared the cache but still to no avail. Is there some sort of timer that periodically updates something in the back end? Most of the time this happens on a Wednesday or Friday and comes back on Monday (Australia time), so when I contact the guys in New York they don't see this live, only a recording. I'm sure there is someone here that has experienced this issue or may know of a solution or even a direction that they could possibly share. Anyway below is a link to the recording I made with the issue. http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cohV0dfeSS My site is: www.arrowwraps.com.au Thank you for taking the time out to read this, but I'm pulling my hair out trying to find a solution. Hope someone is able to helpout. Regards,
  7. Hey guys, thank you for your replies! So it turned out to be a problem with my PHP handler on the server. Changed one option and it all came back. A big THANK YOU to Lesley at DesignHaus 42 for his help on this.
  8. Thanks for your reply Sarahd. I just reset firefox and still get the same error. I had to revert back to my old website which is what you have seen. My prestashop admin panel is lost..somehow??.. I have all the files and folders back to where they belong (prestashop) just can't get into the back office. Password and login is exactly the same and I am able to see the config files and settings in the config file. Did a restart on the server, apache and just about everything I can restart! lol. I am missing something though! Is there another way to reset prestashop? I think the links or something is lost. I even tried to install a fresh PS (same version) on another directory but with no luck.
  9. I have contacted them and they said all the files are back and nothing seems to be missing. The files and folders are all back, I just can't get the admin panel back. Both the admin panel and website when visited want to download the index.php script?? Any ideas on this one?
  10. SOLVED. I had accidentaly deleted files associated with an ftp account. I should NOT of deleted the files only the account!!! My BIG Mistake. I was able to retrieve all the files and folders from a back up but I can't get the website back or get back in to the back office log in. It can't seem to find the link of files to this. I've spent over 3 hours seraching for similar issues and will continue to do so but really need some some HELP! Can anyone PLEASE offer me some assistance... Thanks in advance.
  11. I've been having issues with a majority of my products not displaying the price, but when I clear the cache it sometimes appears. Then will disappear again. Anyone experience this before?
  12. Hi all, I'm hoping you good folk could help me out or maybe another user has had the same issues. I have a shop that has been operational for over a month now and lately have been experiencing some issues with a products price displaying as $0.00 when added to the cart. These products have a number of attributes which can be selected and have all been tested prior to launch. I have purchased and am using Attributes Wizard Pro and have also contacted the team at Presto Changeo regarding this. I'm using PS 1.60.09 and the latest version of Attributes Wizard Pro 1.7.8. No uprgrades have been made to PS. We have been receiving online orders correctly and suddenly have had some customers complaining that the total price have not been displaying correctly, so I have deleted these products and created new ones. This morning I checked some of my products with associated attributes and all have displayed $0.00 in the total price but shipping price was displaying correctly. I have also added products without any attributes in which these products displayed correctly, so is this an issue with the Attributes Wizard Pro? or could this be something else? I contacted presto changeo and this is the first complaint they have received regarding this issue. This seems to be happening on and off and I can't keep checking if my products are displaying the prices correctly or not. Is this an issue any of you experienced before? and what was done to correct it? I cleared the Cache and again this has somehow (fixed) this problem temporarily until the next time it comes up again. I have attached a few screenshots of these products with and without attributes. url: www.arrowwraps.com.au I do hope someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance, arnold
  13. Thanks for your reply vekia. My only problem is I'm working on the site offline. I've changed the font in the same file and it seems to have updated this field to the new font and correct size.
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