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  1. It's been a while, but for those who want the solution to this problem, just add the following string in the .htaccess file, after RewriteEngine on: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]
  2. Hi, I would like to make a multi-store with the latest PS 8.1 version, having two different domains, sharing the same products, quantities and customers. It's possible to do it? If yes, will I need to use two different store groups, or just one group? I specify that the domains are different. Thanks to all who can clarify this doubt.
  3. After 2 years still no one has answered. It also interests me. But I believe that now Prestashop is no longer a convenient choice. I also paid a ticket costing € 92, and the only solution they proposed was to create the invoices, paying another € 400. Incompetent! Stay away from the Prestashop support service, they are looking for easy money, without giving solutions.
  4. È normale quando rispondi ad un post del 2020 🤦‍♂️
  5. I try to move some categories from the first shop to the second, but i loose the sub categories. I can't see them in the main menu of the front end and in Advanced parameters > Multistore. I try to use the query of this topic: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/535668-lost-sub-categories-after-changing-name-in-multistore/ and i can see the sub category only in the first shop main menu. And in the backend Advanced parameters > Multistore there are only the category that i selected for the first shop. In Catalog > Category, with "All stores" selected on the top, i have reassigned the sub catery to the category of the second shop, and now i can see the sub category in the main menu of the second shop, but i can't see the in Advanced parameters > Multistore. Why there aren't the category of the second shop in Advanced parameters > Multistore? How can i fix it?
  6. I solved the problem contacting my server provider. They change my third domain in "parked domain". After i regenerate the .htaccess and the second shop works fine. Thanks a lot for the many answers to my help
  7. Hi, i have a shop (Prestashop of softair products and i need to advertise my products on Facebook. Unfortunately Facebook allows all my products except one category: guns and rifles. For this reason they suggested me to put guns and rifles in another domain. Now i created the multishop and I followed this procedure: 1) From cPanel i added a new third level domain 2) In Prestashop backend general setting i activated the multishop option. 3) In "Advanced parameters" i added the new shop in the same group with the only products category that i need. The url is the same of cPanel. If i try to open the new link in the third level domain, i have the 403 error. What did I do wrong? What i can do to see the new website with the category products that i need to remove from my main website? Hope that someone can help me. Thank you
  8. Una domanda così utile e nessuna risposta... Come sempre il forum italiano è un deserto arido.
  9. Grazie! Soluzione valida anche su Prestashop
  10. Similar problem, but differce is for some cent. Impossible to understand the origin of the problem. It's interesting how many people answer on this forum... After 2 years, no reply
  11. Same problem. Product quantity 0 but is possible to order, with more time for delivery. Preferences --> Product --> Allow ordering of out-of-stock products: Box is ticked yes Cart displayed correctly Translation text when out of order: Please allow up to 40 days delivery But message about out of order is not showed. If I change "Allow ordering of out-of-stock products" to "Refuse ordering of out-of-stock products" the message of out of order is showed correcty. How can I show the message of out of order allowing ordering of out-of-stock products? After about 2 years, nobody find the solution? Hope someone can help.
  12. Solved! Copy from express_checkout_shortcut_button.tpl: <div id="container_express_checkout" style="float:right; margin: 10px 40px 0 0"> {if isset($use_mobile) && $use_mobile} <div style="margin-left:30px"> <img id="payment_paypal_express_checkout" src="{$base_dir_ssl|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}modules/paypal/views/img/logos/express_checkout_mobile/CO_{$PayPal_lang_code|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}_orange_295x43.png" alt="" /> </div> {else} {if $paypal_express_checkout_shortcut_logo != false} <img id="payment_paypal_express_checkout" src="{$paypal_express_checkout_shortcut_logo|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" alt="" /> {else} <img id="payment_paypal_express_checkout" src="https://www.paypal.com/{$PayPal_lang_code|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}/i/btn/btn_xpressCheckout.gif" alt="" /> {/if} {/if} {if isset($include_form) && $include_form} {include file="$template_dir./express_checkout_shortcut_form.tpl"} {/if} </div> and paste in "box cart bottom" section of your product.tpl file. All done! Enjoy
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