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  1. thanks for hard work to fix the order creation issue. i installed the module but it has another issue which is payment will not be successful if the shipping address from back office does not match with paypal account of customer. how do we solve this issue? thank you
  2. i solved the issue by restoring all the mail templates. thank you!
  3. hi could someone please help i have the same issue too. what i have done was changing translation from backoffice, and then all email template gone haywire with the cyan background how do i fix it? i tried to replace the original mail / en contents but it still shows me the same error
  4. urgent assistance please. i have the same issue too, may i know how to restore the theme folder? thank you
  5. i have the same issue too! it displays "no reward point for this product" at product page on my PS 1.6 but it shows the points at checkout page. I hope someone could advise how shall we fix the bug?
  6. that;s great it helped. what about the points at product page? does it show how many points for the products or does it show "no reward points for this product? i have the issue of showing no point on product page but not at the checkout page.
  7. hi i have installed this module for loyalty on my PS however, it is working differently than my previous module on PS1.5 The loyalty point will only display during checkout. it seems like it's a common issue for PS1.6 using loyalty module You may want to give it a try and uninstall it if that bothers you loyalty.zip
  8. any solution yet? hi i have issue where it will display NO POINTS FOR BUYING THIS PRODUCT but it will show total reward points and could be converted to $xxx.xx only at shopping cart. I am using PS
  9. hi i have the issue where the product page will display NO POINTS FOR BUYING THIS PRODUCT but it will show total reward points and could be converted to $xxx.xx only at shopping cart. I am using PS using Loyalty 1.2.8
  10. hi i have the same issue with that too, it will display NO POINTS FOR BUYING THIS PRODUCT but it will show total reward points and could be converted to $xxx.xx only at shopping cart. I am using PS
  11. Thanks for helping. Here's the screenshot of how it looks like,
  12. Here's the screenshot of my settings. The CCC has been disabled.
  13. Hi, i am not sure how to disable the CCC. What other info is required in order for you to assist further? I really need your help because the existing problems would not allow me to add products too. Thank you.
  14. Here's more of the console result from order page, ReferenceError: $ is not defined admin.js.pagespeed.ce.5htIlA1Ypf.js:741 ReferenceError: $ is not defined tools.js.pagespeed.ce.m7gViJ0iSv.js:288 ReferenceError: $ is not defined toolbar.js.pagespeed.ce.nxX9FLvLfo.js:1 ReferenceError: $ is not defined notifications.js.pagespeed.ce.4p8Pzsyijg.js:1 ReferenceError: $ is not defined index.php:292 ReferenceError: $ is not defined index.php:301 ReferenceError: $ is not defined index.php:349
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