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  1. Ahoj, dakujem za odpoved, ale bohuzial nefunguje to. Ked som si to skontroval tak product.tpl aj product.js z Prestashopu a tak su totozne
  2. Hello, I am using prestashop and I have troubles when using promotion on the products. The product page shows prices with and without VAT for all products with attributes as well. I had to chance some codes in product.tpl as well as in product.js. Everything works fine but when I add promotion to a product, the price without VAT is showing the correct amount. I know that I need to change or add something in product.js. Please enclosed what I have now if (priceWithDiscountsDisplay > 0) { if(findSpecificPrice()){ $('#our_price_display').text(findSpecificPrice()).trigger('change'); } else{ $('#our_price_display').text(formatCurrency(priceWithDiscountsDisplay, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)).trigger('change'); $('#our_price_displaybezdane').text(formatCurrency(basePriceWithoutTax * currencyRate, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); } } else { $('#our_price_display').text(formatCurrency(0, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)).trigger('change'); } // If the calculated price (after all discounts) is different than the base price // we show the old price striked through if (priceWithDiscountsDisplay.toFixed(2) != basePriceDisplay.toFixed(2)) { $('#old_price_display span.price').text(formatCurrency(basePriceDisplay, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#old_price, #old_price_display, #old_price_display_taxes').removeClass('hidden').show(); // Then if it's not only a group reduction we display the discount in red box if (priceWithDiscountsWithoutTax != priceWithGroupReductionWithoutTax) { if (combination.specific_price.reduction_type == 'amount') { $('#reduction_amount_display').html('-' + formatCurrency(discountValue, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#reduction_amount').show(); } else { var toFix = 2; if ((parseFloat(discountPercentage).toFixed(2) - parseFloat(discountPercentage).toFixed(0)) == 0) toFix = 0; $('#reduction_percent_display').html('-' + parseFloat(discountPercentage).toFixed(toFix) + '%'); $('#reduction_percent').show(); } }
  3. Ahoj, mam prestashop a pouzil som kod na zmenu cez bez DPH na stanke produkty a taktiez som pozmeniel product.js aby vsetko fungovalo spravne. Vsetko funguje fajn, ale akonahle dam zlavu na produkt tak cena bez DPH sa stale zobrazuje bez zlavy. Prikladam moj product.js. Nevie mi s tym niekto poradit prosim. Dakujem if (priceWithDiscountsDisplay > 0) { if(findSpecificPrice()){ $('#our_price_display').text(findSpecificPrice()).trigger('change'); } else{ $('#our_price_display').text(formatCurrency(priceWithDiscountsDisplay, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)).trigger('change'); $('#our_price_displaybezdane').text(formatCurrency(basePriceWithoutTax * currencyRate, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); } } else { $('#our_price_display').text(formatCurrency(0, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)).trigger('change'); } // If the calculated price (after all discounts) is different than the base price // we show the old price striked through if (priceWithDiscountsDisplay.toFixed(2) != basePriceDisplay.toFixed(2)) { $('#old_price_display span.price').text(formatCurrency(basePriceDisplay, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#old_price, #old_price_display, #old_price_display_taxes').removeClass('hidden').show(); // Then if it's not only a group reduction we display the discount in red box if (priceWithDiscountsWithoutTax != priceWithGroupReductionWithoutTax) { if (combination.specific_price.reduction_type == 'amount') { $('#reduction_amount_display').html('-' + formatCurrency(discountValue, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#reduction_amount').show(); } else { var toFix = 2; if ((parseFloat(discountPercentage).toFixed(2) - parseFloat(discountPercentage).toFixed(0)) == 0) toFix = 0; $('#reduction_percent_display').html('-' + parseFloat(discountPercentage).toFixed(toFix) + '%'); $('#reduction_percent').show(); } }
  4. Mám ten samý problém. muj product.js. Nevíte mi poradit? if (priceWithDiscountsDisplay > 0) { if(findSpecificPrice()){ $('#our_price_display').text(findSpecificPrice()).trigger('change'); } else{ $('#our_price_display').text(formatCurrency(priceWithDiscountsDisplay, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)).trigger('change'); $('#our_price_displaybezdane').text(formatCurrency(basePriceWithoutTax * currencyRate, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); } } else { $('#our_price_display').text(formatCurrency(0, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)).trigger('change'); } // If the calculated price (after all discounts) is different than the base price // we show the old price striked through if (priceWithDiscountsDisplay.toFixed(2) != basePriceDisplay.toFixed(2)) { $('#old_price_display span.price').text(formatCurrency(basePriceDisplay, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#old_price, #old_price_display, #old_price_display_taxes').removeClass('hidden').show(); // Then if it's not only a group reduction we display the discount in red box if (priceWithDiscountsWithoutTax != priceWithGroupReductionWithoutTax) { if (combination.specific_price.reduction_type == 'amount') { $('#reduction_amount_display').html('-' + formatCurrency(discountValue, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank)); $('#reduction_amount').show(); } else { var toFix = 2; if ((parseFloat(discountPercentage).toFixed(2) - parseFloat(discountPercentage).toFixed(0)) == 0) toFix = 0; $('#reduction_percent_display').html('-' + parseFloat(discountPercentage).toFixed(toFix) + '%'); $('#reduction_percent').show(); } }
  5. Hi, I was trying to find any help for my problem but I am struggling for days to find the right solution. I am trying to add product images in category page under subcategories. In the category section I have 5 subcategories and I would like to have under each subcategory 5 product images plus extra link to see all the products. The link will get you to product-list.tpl page. Any suggestion what should I add or change in category.tpl? Thank you very much I have attached the file, the way I want to have it
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