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Everything posted by cupids

  1. I was able to center mine by adding the 2 lines in yellow. edit your = homeslider.css /themes/default-bootstrap/css/modules/homeslider http://www.izhone.com/
  2. I need to get the site up so I will have to install till their is a fix. Thanks for all your help. I will install on another site to test. Please let me know anything I can try. Troy
  3. ok what I did was put .bmp at the end to upload them c5675291b1fdcb8640ea6537e04e89f4.bmp c5675291b1fdcb8640ea6537e04e89f4_small.delete this.bmp
  4. ok when at the phone case and upload a image it puts 2 files. the 2 attached were your 2. one says small. I opened with paint. The other with the jpg ext was uploaded with the contact form and just has 1 file. It wont let me upload the 2 files c5675291b1fdcb8640ea6537e04e89f4You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file c5675291b1fdcb8640ea6537e04e89f4_smallYou aren't permitted to upload this kind of file
  5. I have another site and added the file upload to a product and it worked. So I thought it might be the Theme. I exported the theme from the working site and put it in the non working. Still no good ? http://www.teamkeysllc.com/en/designer-house-keys/1-new-kw-purple-gold-fleurdelis-house-key.html
  6. Sure and Thanks, This is link to add pic http://www.izhone.com/iphone-custom-case/8-iphone-custom-case.html In the back end in orders the url = http://www.izhone.com/upload/d4d39ff3864f356f60d82a4023b4c812_small It is the same size as the original image 182 x 234 Thanks so much
  7. Hi everyone For my products I have Product customization. Catalog , Products ,Product customization, I add to product. Now when I click on product on the bottom it has where you can upload the file. When I upload a jpg, png, etc. The picture does not show ? Their is a X. Now when I complete the order it shows in the back end. How can I get the pic to show when they select the file. Thanks So Much, Troy
  8. To Fix this error: Increase the max_input_vars in php.ini FTP in and copy file php.ini to hard drive. put this only: max_input_vars = 5020 Save and upload and put inside your admin folder : admin--- Worked for me.
  9. If u don't mind, I appreciate the help Harsh, Thanks Troy http://www.teamkeysllc.com/en/16-residential-house-keys
  10. hi everyone when I click on a category in pic 1 the spacing is ok but when I click on the subcategory the spacing is more then 2x. How to get the same spacing please. Thanks Troy
  11. that did it, I took off express and now shows only 1, thanks so much
  12. cupids

    Paypal Error

    yes that worked. PayPal Business Account: = your paypal email PayPal API Username: PayPal API Password:
  13. Thanks so much for the help. I also found that you can not select commercial as you can not process on line for 1st class mail.
  14. hi, anyone know why the paypal log show 2 times on the Shopping-cart summary ? thanks
  15. I spent several hrs on this. go to modules, usps, even though it First-Class Mail shows available it will not show in cart. If u have a commercial account and login to usps u can not ship 1st class. u have to go to the usps to ship. if u select Priority Mail (1-3 days) [Regular Rate] (Available) then it will show in cart. First-Class Mail (2-3 days) [Commercial Rate] (Available) will not show
  16. got it. Thanks for your help. open global.css with notpad++ go to line 6837 change the shadow two numbers from 1 to 0. save and upload. PS: always backup your file before edit
  17. how did u fix ? a) Categories Information My Account - the links below each column appear blurred and it looks like the font has a shadow, but I can't work out how to remove the shadow!
  18. Hi everyone How do I remove the what looks like a drop shadow on Text at the bottom of the page. see pic Thanks so much, troy
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