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al nahian

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  1. Well, this is how I solved my problem. (for localhost) I deleted the default image from my back office and inserted the same image again into that section. Then I found that the image is shown in the front end. I found that the default image link was changed, that's what I mentioned in my previous reply. So how can I solve this problem when I go online? Do I need to deploy the shop first and then modify the shop? I want to modify the shop first using localhost and then deploy online. I also tried the latest version and found the same problem. Is there any solution ?
  2. Okay, I think I found the solution. In the back office, the About us page contains the image "cms-img". But the image is not shown at front end. The image link provided by default was "../img/cms/cms-img.jpg". The link should be edited like "localhost/your_project_name/img/cms/cms-img.jpg". Now the image is shown properly.
  3. Update: I just installed another shop from scratch (prestashop version But I am facing the same problem with this fresh installed shop. I can see the image in back office but the front end is not showing the image. How do I solve this problem ?
  4. Hi vekia, the back office is showing the image. But the front end is not. I attached the screenshot of back office and frond end with this reply. No 1 is back office and No 2 is front end. Please check the image. Thanks.
  5. Hello, I am using "prestashop_1.6.0.8" (localhost). I found that the "About us" page is not showing "cms-img.jpg" image. I can add the image in my back office (preferences -> CMS -> About us). The source of the page includes "<img title="cms-img" src="../img/cms/cms-img.jpg" alt="cms-img" width="370" height="192" />". In the "Edit: About us" page, the image is shown prefectly. But whenever I visit About us page, I find that the image below "OUR TEAM" header is not available. I found several discussions about this problem but none of them worked for me. The .htaccess file img/cms folder contains the following code: <IfModule mod_php5.c> php_flag engine off </IfModule> deny from all <Files ~ "(?i)^.*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$"> order deny,allow allow from all </Files> Please help me regarding this issue.
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