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About 3oh3

  • Birthday August 14

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    Project Owner

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Community Answers

  1. Voila!!! It works. Thank you so very much. Just saved my day
  2. Well sad to say, but i have same issue. Where did i go wrong with this? Have no clue about it...
  3. Yep, they've been created after i removed the main one. Thats pretty weird, but it works though..
  4. I have ps_carrier1 and ps_carrier2 on mySQL. When i removed ps_carrier table and added new carriers from my admin panel those two tables named ps_carrier1 ps_carrier2 has shown up on my DB. I have no clue is it good or not, but it works till now and it kinda satisfies me. If you have any ideas about my situation please, help is always highly appreciated.
  5. I found out how to fix this issue. I've removed ps_carrier file from MySQL database. After all everything works just fine.
  6. Well i removed ps_carrier from server's MySQL database and it worked out for me. Hope you get same good result as i got.
  7. Well i actually have PS but i did face the same issue. I can't delete carriers even though they were created by myself. I even can't edit them when i try to do that i get new carrier instead of the one which i was trying to edit.
  8. Hey guys i do have an issue to delete two carriers both of them were created by myself. When i check the boxes of those carriers and hit Delete button i get Property Carrier->name is empty Any ideas why that happens? Down below there is screenshot of what i get when i try to enable\disable FREE shipping of those carriers.
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