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  1. Pokouším se přidat příslušenství k produktu, vyhledám ho podle kódu, ale místo celého názvu mi dole v modrém okně nabídne toto: undefined - [{"id":34,"name":"Case (box) - Neobond","ref":"0211","image":"http:\/\/www.banana-pi-shop.com\/133-home_default\/krabicka-neobond.jpg"}] Když dám enter tak se mi ve stejném tvaru přidá, ale po uložení zase zmizí. Díky za případnou pomoc
  2. I fill correct code of product to search box, but this [{"id":38,"name":"Case(box) R1 - Neobond","ref":"0214","image":"http:\/\/www.banana-pi-shop.com\/169-home_default\/casebox-r1-neobond.jpg"}] appears in blue frame below instead of the name of product only...and the same is added after enter key is pressed. When I want to save it, the added item disappears. I have Prestashop Thank you
  3. I am not able to add accessories to product. When I write product code of accessories "0214" on search box I get this: [{"id":38,"name":"Case(box) R1 - Neobond","ref":"0214","image":"http:\/\/www.banana-pi-shop.com\/169-home_default\/casebox-r1-neobond.jpg"}] It is not possible to save. What I am doing wrong ? Thank you
  4. Je to ono, díky moc...problém vyřešen
  5. Mám stejný problém. Podařilo se nějak vyřešit? Verze 1.6 Díky
  6. Thank, you...I will try it. I think, that the error is not in Paypal module, I had the blank page in the other cases, for example order confirmation in front office or saving pruduct changes in back office...I checked the log file and there was this error: PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /var/www/prestashop/classes/cache/CacheMemcache.php on line 156 PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/prestashop/cache/smarty/compile/5e/f2/49/5ef249b82880b7dd543535285fc7f59a2b33e408.file.view.tpl.php on line 120
  7. I have Paypal module v3.7.2, when i confirm the payment, i am relinked from paypal page to my eshop page .../modules/paypal/express_checkout/payment.php?token=EC-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&PayerID=XXXXXXXXXXXX ... but the page is blank. Any idea? Thank you.
  8. Hi, I had same problem, my solution was edit controllers/front/AddressController.php file. From: if ($country->isNeedDni() && (!Tools::getValue('dni') || !Validate::isDniLite(Tools::getValue('dni')))) $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('The identification number is incorrect or has already been used.'); else if (!$country->isNeedDni()) $address->dni = null; To : if (Tools::getValue('dni') && !Validate::isDniLite(Tools::getValue('dni'))) $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('The identification number is incorrect or has already been used.'); The validation for dni does not work, but the storage dni to dabase yes.
  9. Yes...I found out, that tables ps_order_*_state and ps_order_*_state_lang are the system lists. I had to restore my database :-) ... But all os OK now. Thank you
  10. I deleted all demo goods and I added new. When I create order, the deleted goods and supplier are showing on order include of goods and supplier what I added on order. How can I delete the demo goods and supplier. Database cleaner i can not use. I have version.
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