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  1. Solved! Just move display.php from /controllers/front to /modules/module_name/controllers/front and all works fine! Tpl file should be in /modules/module_name/views/templates/front/
  2. Following this official guide <a href="http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS15/Creating+a+PrestaShop+module">Guide</a> create display.php and add 'module_link' => $this->context->link->getModuleLink('nmo', 'display') this in my module code.But when trying to open link http://mydomain.com/ru/module/nmo/display it's 404 also tryed mydomain.com/modules/nmo/display.php (505) and mydomain.com/ru/index.php?module=nmo&controller=display (505) Error from log: Fatal error: Class 'display' not found in /www/mydomain.com/classes/controller/Controller.php on line 135 Also tried solutions from this topic http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/290064-solved-link-not-working-creating-a-prestashop-15-module/ Generally this: Any ideas?
  3. added in `ps_shop` table 5 2 test 2 1 1 0 with this values and in `ps_shop_url` 4 5 test.fromstarter.kz test.fromstarter.kz / 1 1 with this doesn't work at now
  4. Hi guys! I need to programatically create multistores for each user that register in my shop.Is there any function or post query that i can use for this?
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