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  1. Any luck? I also want to have pagination on home page featured products.
  2. Hi Vekia, This issue must not be closed as it relates to the issue highlighted in the previous post. i.e. How can we have Pagination on Home Page. Lets suppose, I set the total products to be displayed on home page as 9. But I have around 50 products that I want to show on home page through pagination.?
  3. Hi All, I don't want to have a Popular, New Arrivals, Best Sellers tabs on my home page. Instead of these three tabs, I want to show all my products with pagination on home page. Means I want to have all the products with pagination on my home page without having them under any tab. I have disabled the New Arrivals, and Best Sellers tabs and later on I have added 2 new products. Those two new products can be seen when I search them from the search bar, but they doesn't display on the home page as I only have Popular products tab now in home page. How can I show all the products with pagination without having any of the above tabs?
  4. Hi Vekia, Thanks for your quick reply. There was one another thing in which we have to do the modification. one told by you, i.e. col-md-4 the other one is: {assign var='nbItemsPerLine' value=4} to {assign var='nbItemsPerLine' value=3} Issue resolved. Thanks. Please mark it as resolved with so much thanks.
  5. Hi All, Can any one help me out on my last question? Thanks Imran
  6. Hi Whispar1, After sometime, it is displaying on product details page. How can I display it on Home page as well? Thanks
  7. Hi Whispar1, Now addthis.com site is up. Following steps I have done on PS1.6 1. Download/installed the addthismodule in PS1.6 2. I have setup my account on addthis.com and addthis.com have given the below code. <!-- Go to www.addthis.com/dashboard to customize your tools --> <script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-53bbb4eb546f3a2f"></script> 3. I have placed the above code in step # 1 installed modules configuration. Result... I havent got anything on my page. (I am working on a testing site on my localhost) 4. I have checked my profile id on my homepage but it says that this page do not have addthis. Please suggest. Thanks
  8. Hi Whispar1, As you know that in prestashop 1.6, we have facebook like block on the bottom left of the home page. I actually want the facebook like button on the side bar just like this. Please let me know how I can put the facebook like block from bottom left to right sidebar.
  9. Hi Whispar1, The website given in this tutorial is not even opening properly. All I can see is a broken page on accessing addthis.com Please suggest. Thanks
  10. Can anyone help me out here? Vekia can you please help me out?
  11. Hi All, Please let me know if we can have a facebook, twitter, youtube etc. social networking fixed sidebar on left or right in prestashop 1.6 like attached image.
  12. Hi Vekia, I have replaced col-md-4 to col-md-3 but nothing has happened.
  13. Hi All, Can anyone please let me know how to add 3 products in a row instead of 4 on Home Page in default prestashop 1.6 theme?
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