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Everything posted by BlueBell

  1. Anyone please? Really need help with this. Thank you.
  2. A few years ago I have Facebook box added to my website. Today I've noticed that it doesn't display anything. I can't figure out how to fix. Does anyone know how to fix it? Thanks!
  3. Excellent, thank you so much! Worked perfectly!
  4. Anyone can help me with this, please?
  5. Also, how do I remove the word "Warning"? It sounds a bit too strong and I think "Last items in stock" is more than enough.
  6. I want to display available quantity on the product page, but I would like to have the message say "1 available" instead of "1 item" (see the image). How can I do that?
  7. Excellent, works like magic! Thanks so much! Could you please help me with one more thing related to that top black line? I figured out that it is the DisplayNav section in the Positions. I can remove all hooks from it, but I don't know how to remove the entire black line (header?). I use the default Prestashop 1.6. Thanks in advance!
  8. I was wondering if it is possible to move the "Sign In" from the very top of the page to the navbar.
  9. A while back I had the "Add to cart" button removed from the homepage and categories, and I only have it on the product pages. I'd like to put that button back on homepage and categories pages. But I don't know how. In my back office Preferences -> Products -> Product page I have a "Yes" next to the "Display the "add to cart" button when a product has attributes", so I think it might be disabled somewhere in the codes. Can anyone help me locate that code, please?
  10. Got the answer from CarlosC, he rocks! You have to go to Localization -> States, and then see if any of the countries that have states (Canada, Mexico, etc.) are in the right zone. My cart problem is solved, so I'll mark this thread as solved. By the way, I'd recommend Carlos to anyone who looks to hire a knowledgeable and accurate Prestashop person. He helped me a lot with my website and made it exactly the way I wanted. Find him here: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/user/402934-carlosc/
  11. A customer from Canada just wrote to me saying that she was getting an error "There are no carriers that deliver to the address you selected." when she tried to check out. I do get international orders through and they do work fine. I just sent out an order to Belarus today and all was fine. It's just Canada that is getting this problem. I tried to check out as a test customer from Canada and also got the same error message. I read other posts on this forum where they suggested to enable advanced stock management, which I did. Nothing worked. Here are my settings: I have only 2 zones: USA and International (all countries outside USA), since the shipping to all foreign countries is the same. Canada is in the International zone. Each zone has its own carrier: USA and International Air Mail. Canada is under the International carrier. Both zones are enabled. Price ranges set properly for both zones in their own carriers. Guests, visitors and customer groups are enabled. I tried to check out as another test customer and "ship" to Germany, and everything works perfect, all the way to the PayPal payment. It's just Canada. And I did notice that other customers from Canada have registered but abandoned their carts. Probably got the same error. I have a limit set for international orders to $25 and this customer's order did not go over the limit, as well as my test one. I tried to set Canada as its own zone and create its own carrier - nothing worked, got the same error. Got rid of that carrier and changed Canada back to International (zone, country, everything), the way it was before. I've no idea what else to do. Can anyone help, please? I'm using the default theme 1.6. Here are the screenshots:
  12. Forget to mention, the banner that I have already has the purple logo on it. It's just an image that has to go to the top of the page. If you have any questions or need to clarify anything, just let me know.
  13. UPD: Thank you everyone who has contacted me. The job has been assigned. I want to change this into this (this is the first image, just photoshopped) Basically, the background color changed to purple, a banner added (I'll send an image), maybe some shadow on the sides, the nav bar and block tabs and fonts color changed. And a text added on top of middle column, with that little image next to it (will send that image too but the text has to be added, maybe in text editor?). Just what you see on the 2nd photo. The products don't need to be touched at all, only the appearance adjusted. And also, if that black strip color could be changed to dark purple (darker than the nav bar), that would be awesome too. If anyone is interested, please PM me a quote. If you have any specific questions or to clarify something, just let me know. If you have any specific questions or need to clarify something, just let me know.
  14. bump I really, really need help with this problem. Pretty please! Are there any Prestashop warriors to help me solve this issue? I'm using 1.6 version, default template. Maybe there's a way to widen the middle column to have everything fit? I don't know how to do that...
  15. I moved the cart from top to the right column and now it overlaps. How do I fix that? Also, the Add to cart button is huge and sticks out. Is there a way to fix that too? Thanks!
  16. Thanks for the link darialitchi. However, I decided to rise my prices a tad and offer a free shipping altogether. It's a lot less work that way! I really don't understand why Prestashop makes things so difficult for us, let alone offer some solutions for such a simple thing. I don't see a point of buying modules every time there's an issue. If PS took pride in their product in the first place, they would have worked on these issues long ago. But it seems like all they care is selling themes and modules to people. I even suspect they purposely create problems so people are forced to buy their modules.
  17. I'm going to resurrect this topic as I'm having the same problem. I'm offering free shipping over $35 within the US. I have set "35" in Carriers -> Preferences -> Free shipping starts at. It works great if an order is placed in the US. However, when I test an international shipping, it also shows free shipping at $35 and over. I can't have free shipping overseas and I need to find a way to fix that ASAP! Can anyone help, please?
  18. I received four orders yesterday. All of them went through the PayPal fine but one order did now show up in the back office. The only reason I know about it is because I got an email notification. Is there some kind of a bug? The order seems to be just normal, like all other. One weird thing is that I do see a similar order in the abandoned cart. This all is so confusing! I know the order went through because I did get their payment processed via PayPal, have all the details of items ordered and the address in the email. Just don't see it in the "Orders" section. Any ideas what's happening?
  19. I just thought that I might see if I can upgrade to a better hosting plan so I can have "everything unlimited" as they put it. Maybe that will solve this issue. I'm planning to have several hundreds of products soon, so I need more "room". Do you guys think that would help?
  20. Dh42, right now I have 111 items listed. And I have a lot more, total around 200. Maybe if I add them a few at a time and not all at once, the CPU usage won't be that huge. I don't know if that will help but I'll try and see if the graph changes. Below is the graph as of today and I see that there were even more active days but I never got any warnings. El Patron, I'm wondering! I have paid for a full year, so I'm going to stay for now. Overall I'm very satisfied with their customer service, it's quick, polite and very professional. That one thing weights a lot to me. I'll try to add fewer products at once and see if that will help. Actually, all of my products have the same description, so I just copy/paste and only add a different title. It goes quick that way, so maybe that's why the usage is go high.
  21. I have been adding products to my online store all morning and just got a warning email from my host, Web Hosting Hub (see below). I'm confused as to what exactly I need to do. They gave me a link but there are several options and I've no idea which of these steps I should do. I really don't want to load files to different domains. And my Smarty is turned on. Any other suggestions? "Upon further review, we see that your account's CPU usage is being heavily inflated by the activity within Prestashop's Admin Panel. Going forward, we ask that you please try to scale-back this activity and optimize your Prestashop installation, in efforts to help reduce the CPU usage of your account. http://www.prestashop.com/en/top-tips "
  22. Thanks so much Paul! This worked perfectly! The annoying pop-up is gone!
  23. Thanks Paul! This part worked great, I managed to remove the icons. But I'd also like to stop this black bar appearing all the time. Is there a way to disable the entire black strip from popping up? Is there a way to disable it for good? Sorry, I probably didn't describe the task precisely. I'm not a pro, so bear with me!
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