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Macota Lorin

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About Macota Lorin

  • Birthday 01/01/1989

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Community Answers

  1. Login from a diferent internet conection, one that you know has a static ip adress and then disable "Check the IP address on the cookie" in preferences. You can't save the changes now because the ip changes to quick. Hope this helps.
  2. Hello, My theme name is "theme701". I have inserted the code you give me but with no result. I looked at the html code generated in the browser and my link tag ( <a></a> ) has no class! I think that is why the code does not work for me. Any ideas? Link to a test server: http://mobcasarusu.quanticlab.com/ Sadly I don't have permission to give access to it. Thanks!
  3. Hello, I am trying to do the same thing, but with no success! I tried the two solutions above but with no success. Can anyone please help? Prestashop
  4. Hello, Try to connect from a diferent network. If you know a internet connection with a static IP, then connect from that network and disable the option. Your IP is changing and that is why you are logged out so fast.
  5. Hello, You can find that option in the menu Administration -> Preferences Hope the solution works for you to.
  6. I have found the solution to my problem! In order to change the mobile menu in Prestashop you have to go to: Location -> Translations -> Modify the translation -> Select from the list "Translate installed modules" -> Select yout theme and click on the language flag. After that you have to find Module: blocktopmenu and there find "Categories" and translate it to whatever you want your mobile menu to say, in my case it was "Meniu". Hope this will help others that have the same problem.
  7. I thought you might recommend mailchimp but the problem is that our domain is banned permanently on mailchimp. I tried to write to them and explain so that they would let us send newsletters but they refuse! Other people made more that one account and now we are not allowed to use they're services! Any other modules or services like mailchimp?
  8. Hello, What is the best newsletter module (free or paid) out there? What module let's you customize your email templates the most, or upload/insert your own hand coded newsletter code? PrestaShop™
  9. I just tried that... but with no results. The mobile menu does not change! Any other ideas?
  10. There is not the name that I want to edit (Categorii). It displays another name! I can't give access, my superiors refused the idea. I understood that part, that I have to recompile the menu but there I can't modify the name "Categorii", it is not displayed anywhere under the given directions.
  11. I can't find the part of the menu where the name "Categorii" is displayed for the mobile version so I can change that to "Meniu". I'm slowly losing hope...
  12. I tried that but there it does not allow me to edit that name.... It should not be so complicated to change the name of the mobile menu in a responsive website! I use PrestaShop™
  13. In the Backoffice the breadcrumb name is "Categorii" (ro: Calatog produse > Categorii; eng: Product Catalogie > Categories) Here is also a link to the website: http://www.mobilacasarusu.ro Thanks for the help!
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