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Everything posted by igoshot
I copied it from back office while saving product description
Well, If I completely disabled all cache systems, the problem disappears. which of this systems cause the problem in your opinion? I can't reproduce the problem now.
Même si je vide le cache entièrement, les produits affichent toujours l'ancienne description, c'est bizarre, car j'ai modifié la description dans le backend, et les changements sont pris en compte dans ce backend, alors d'ou cette ancienne description est affiché ? Elle est enregistrée ou puisqu'elle a était modifiée dans la base ?
Even if I delete the cache, product still how the "old" description, I don't know how is it possible as I changed it in the backend, and changes are shown in the backend. Where the "old" description is stored ?
The problem is happening again this morning, when I edite a product description, changes are not applied in the front-end, I activated the debut mode, here is the output, do you see any problem ? Load time: 276ms Good boy! That's what I call a webserver! config: 90ms constructor: 0ms init: 17ms checkAccess: 0ms setMedia: 7ms postProcess: 1ms initHeader: 4ms initContent: 149ms initFooter: 0ms display: 8ms Hook processing: 13ms / 2.36 Mb 5 methods called in 5 modules displayBackOfficeHeader: 8ms / 1.4 Mb actionAdminControllerSetMedia: 4ms / 0.95 Mb moduleRoutes: 0ms / 0 Mb actionAdminProductsFormModifier: 0ms / 0 Mb displayBackOfficeFooter: 0ms / 0 Mb actionDispatcher: 0ms / 0 Mb displayBackOfficeTop: 0ms / 0 Mb Memory peak usage: 26.2 Mb config: 15.28 Mb (17 Mb) constructor: 0 Mb (17 Mb) init: 3.14 Mb (18.6 Mb) checkAccess: 0 Mb (18.6 Mb) setMedia: 1.28 Mb (19.9 Mb) postProcess: 0 Mb (19.9 Mb) initHeader: 0.52 Mb (20.4 Mb) initContent: 5.03 Mb (25.5 Mb) initFooter: 0.01 Mb (25.5 Mb) display: 0.66 Mb (26.2 Mb) Total cache size (in Cache class): 0.43 Mb DB type: DbPDO SQL Queries: 11 queries Time spent querying: 4ms Included files: 100 Size of included files: 2.38 Mb Globals (> 1 Ko only): 1267 Ko _LANGADM ≈ 1200.6 Ko _MODULES ≈ 50.9 Ko _SERVER ≈ 7.7 Ko _COOKIE ≈ 1.7 Ko _GET ≈ 1.5 Ko _REQUEST ≈ 1.3 Ko Go to Stopwatch Go to Doubles Go to Tables Go to ObjectModels Display queries table Go to files Stopwatch (with SQL_NO_CACHE) (total = 11) 1.319 ms SELECT `id_hook`, `name` FROM `ps_hook` UNION SELECT `id_hook`, ha.`alias` as name FROM `ps_hook_alias` ha INNER JOIN `ps_hook` h ON ha.name = h.name in /classes/Hook.php:131 0 rows browsed 1.004 ms SELECT c.`name`, cl.`id_lang`, IF(cl.`id_lang` IS NULL, c.`value`, cl.`value`) AS value, c.id_shop_group, c.id_shop FROM `ps_configuration` c LEFT JOIN `ps_configuration_lang` cl ON (c.`id_configuration` = cl.`id_configuration`) in /classes/Configuration.php:118 455 rows browsed 0.336 ms SELECT value FROM ps_configuration WHERE name= 'PS_CACHEFS_DIRECTORY_DEPTH' LIMIT 1 in /classes/cache/CacheFs.php:36 1 row browsed 0.303 ms SELECT * FROM `ps_product` a LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.id_product = c.id_product AND c.id_shop = 1 WHERE (a.id_product = 67) LIMIT 1 in /classes/ObjectModel.php:212 1 row browsed 0.234 ms SELECT id_tab, class_name FROM `ps_tab` in /classes/Tab.php:287 102 rows browsed 0.217 ms SELECT * FROM `ps_product_lang` WHERE `id_product` = 67 AND `id_shop` = 1 in /classes/ObjectModel.php:219 2 rows browsed 0.213 ms SELECT t.`id_lang`, t.`name` FROM ps_tag t LEFT JOIN ps_product_tag pt ON (pt.id_tag = t.id_tag) WHERE pt.`id_product`=67 in /classes/Tag.php:166 1 row browsed 0.194 ms SELECT DISTINCT pl.name as name FROM `ps_product_lang` pl WHERE (pl.id_product = 0) AND (pl.id_lang = 1 AND pl.id_shop = 1 ) LIMIT 1 in /classes/Product.php:5251 0 rows browsed 0.174 ms SELECT * FROM `ps_hook_module_exceptions` WHERE `id_shop` IN (1) in /classes/module/Module.php:1717 0 rows browsed 0.157 ms SELECT cl.`link_rewrite` FROM `ps_category_lang` cl WHERE `id_lang` = 0 AND cl.id_shop = 1 AND cl.`id_category` = 18 LIMIT 1 in /classes/Category.php:904 0 rows browsed 0.157 ms SELECT cl.`link_rewrite` FROM `ps_category_lang` cl WHERE `id_lang` = 0 AND cl.id_shop = 1 AND cl.`id_category` = 18 LIMIT 1 in /classes/Category.php:904 0 rows browsed Tables stress 2 configuration2 product_lang2 product_shop2 hook1 product_tag1 tag1 category_lang1 hook_module_exceptions1 configuration_lang1 tab1 hook_alias1 product ObjectModel instances 2 ShopGroup2 Country1 Category1 ProductDownload1 Product1 Currency1 Tab1 Theme1 Employee1 Language1 Shop Included files 1 admin6547/index.php 2 config/config.inc.php 3 config/defines.inc.php 4 config/settings.inc.php 5 config/autoload.php 6 config/alias.php 7 classes/PrestaShopAutoload.php 8 cache/class_index.php 9 tools/profiling/Controller.php 10 classes/controller/Controller.php 11 tools/profiling/ObjectModel.php 12 classes/ObjectModel.php 13 tools/profiling/Hook.php 14 classes/Hook.php 15 tools/profiling/Db.php 16 classes/db/Db.php 17 tools/profiling/Tools.php 18 classes/Tools.php 19 classes/Context.php 20 classes/shop/Shop.php 21 config/db_slave_server.inc.php 22 classes/db/DbPDO.php 23 classes/cache/Cache.php 24 classes/cache/CacheFs.php 25 classes/Validate.php 26 classes/db/DbQuery.php 27 classes/Theme.php 28 config/defines_uri.inc.php 29 classes/Configuration.php 30 classes/Language.php 31 classes/Country.php 32 classes/PrestaShopCollection.php 33 classes/Cookie.php 34 classes/Rijndael.php 35 classes/Employee.php 36 classes/Link.php 37 classes/shop/ShopUrl.php 38 config/smarty.config.inc.php 39 tools/smarty/Smarty.class.php 40 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_data.php 41 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php 42 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php 43 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_resource.php 44 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_resource_file.php 45 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_cacheresource.php 46 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_cacheresource_file.php 47 config/smartyadmin.config.inc.php 48 admin6547/functions.php 49 ./images.inc.php 50 classes/Dispatcher.php 51 classes/Group.php 52 tools/mobile_Detect/Mobile_Detect.php 53 classes/Tab.php 54 controllers/admin/AdminProductsController.php 55 classes/controller/AdminController.php 56 classes/Translate.php 57 translations/fr/admin.php 58 classes/Profile.php 59 classes/Currency.php 60 classes/Category.php 61 classes/stock/StockAvailable.php 62 classes/shop/ShopGroup.php 63 classes/module/Module.php 64 modules/themeconfigurator/themeconfigurator.php 65 themes/modelisme_ma_theme/modules/themeconfigurator/translations/fr.php 66 modules/themeconfigurator/translations/fr.php 67 classes/Media.php 68 modules/dashactivity/dashactivity.php 69 modules/dashtrends/dashtrends.php 70 modules/dashgoals/dashgoals.php 71 themes/modelisme_ma_theme/modules/dashgoals/translations/fr.php 72 modules/dashgoals/translations/fr.php 73 modules/graphnvd3/graphnvd3.php 74 classes/module/ModuleGraphEngine.php 75 themes/modelisme_ma_theme/modules/graphnvd3/translations/fr.php 76 modules/graphnvd3/translations/fr.php 77 classes/QuickAccess.php 78 classes/helper/Helper.php 79 classes/Product.php 80 classes/webservice/WebserviceRequest.php 81 classes/Pack.php 82 classes/Combination.php 83 classes/ProductDownload.php 84 classes/Image.php 85 classes/ImageType.php 86 classes/Tag.php 87 cache/smarty/compile/9b/7c/8b/9b7c8bfb007f1c8484baf716ccd544d656eb545f.file.informations.tpl.php 88 cache/smarty/compile/4b/33/72/4b337214e3b0141637fee0c837647b696db03f95.file.check_fields.tpl.php 89 cache/smarty/compile/fc/a8/a1/fca8a11da4528c918c0730106eab57aeaa0148e1.file.input_text_lang.tpl.php 90 cache/smarty/compile/2b/33/ed/2b33ed9cc03369d68853b07812bc2a0dcc376bfa.file.checkbox.tpl.php 91 cache/smarty/compile/de/a9/14/dea914d2fdc7b78cab1406e9d3364f6a893cfb76.file.textarea_lang.tpl.php 92 classes/helper/HelperForm.php 93 cache/smarty/compile/a7/ae/fa/a7aefa661abc004b776d0685e16a6e1652b270fa.file.form.tpl.php 94 cache/smarty/compile/c2/25/06/c2250667d97705cf24d837557c4baca4ccc1c433.file.content.tpl.php 95 cache/smarty/compile/00/7f/74/007f74fb2ab04786f2def43b343bef5ac8af31d2.file.page_header_toolbar.tpl.php 96 cache/smarty/compile/07/dd/10/07dd10a8423bfebf62c41c93035658099fcc2ffa.file.modal.tpl.php 97 cache/smarty/compile/70/39/c8/7039c864975fb647ba9e0442e07026718b32a69f.file.header.tpl.php 98 cache/smarty/compile/ea/7b/be/ea7bbed337365a242f6f5b08ca1931a3efb1bd1f.file.nav.tpl.php 99 cache/smarty/compile/b3/d3/62/b3d3626e317e1e7ba96cf594c5857f955829d542.file.footer.tpl.php 100 cache/smarty/compile/ef/9c/4f/ef9c4fb2ffa918035b90c13c699c9c19bc0f98db.file.layout.tpl.php
Ça n'a pas réglé le problème. Tout fonctionnait bien, mais en me connectant se matin a ma boutique, je retrouve le même problème : même si je traite un message ou une commande, elle est toujours affichée en haut comme étant nouvelle, et même si je modifie la description d'un produit, il me dit "Mise à jour réussie" mais dans le frontoffice la description n'a pas changé. J'ai activé le debug, vous y voyez un problème ? Load time: 276ms Good boy! That's what I call a webserver! config: 90ms constructor: 0ms init: 17ms checkAccess: 0ms setMedia: 7ms postProcess: 1ms initHeader: 4ms initContent: 149ms initFooter: 0ms display: 8ms Hook processing: 13ms / 2.36 Mb 5 methods called in 5 modules displayBackOfficeHeader: 8ms / 1.4 Mb actionAdminControllerSetMedia: 4ms / 0.95 Mb moduleRoutes: 0ms / 0 Mb actionAdminProductsFormModifier: 0ms / 0 Mb displayBackOfficeFooter: 0ms / 0 Mb actionDispatcher: 0ms / 0 Mb displayBackOfficeTop: 0ms / 0 Mb Memory peak usage: 26.2 Mb config: 15.28 Mb (17 Mb) constructor: 0 Mb (17 Mb) init: 3.14 Mb (18.6 Mb) checkAccess: 0 Mb (18.6 Mb) setMedia: 1.28 Mb (19.9 Mb) postProcess: 0 Mb (19.9 Mb) initHeader: 0.52 Mb (20.4 Mb) initContent: 5.03 Mb (25.5 Mb) initFooter: 0.01 Mb (25.5 Mb) display: 0.66 Mb (26.2 Mb) Total cache size (in Cache class): 0.43 Mb DB type: DbPDO SQL Queries: 11 queries Time spent querying: 4ms Included files: 100 Size of included files: 2.38 Mb Globals (> 1 Ko only): 1267 Ko _LANGADM ≈ 1200.6 Ko _MODULES ≈ 50.9 Ko _SERVER ≈ 7.7 Ko _COOKIE ≈ 1.7 Ko _GET ≈ 1.5 Ko _REQUEST ≈ 1.3 Ko Go to Stopwatch Go to Doubles Go to Tables Go to ObjectModels Display queries table Go to files Stopwatch (with SQL_NO_CACHE) (total = 11) 1.319 ms SELECT `id_hook`, `name` FROM `ps_hook` UNION SELECT `id_hook`, ha.`alias` as name FROM `ps_hook_alias` ha INNER JOIN `ps_hook` h ON ha.name = h.name in /classes/Hook.php:131 0 rows browsed 1.004 ms SELECT c.`name`, cl.`id_lang`, IF(cl.`id_lang` IS NULL, c.`value`, cl.`value`) AS value, c.id_shop_group, c.id_shop FROM `ps_configuration` c LEFT JOIN `ps_configuration_lang` cl ON (c.`id_configuration` = cl.`id_configuration`) in /classes/Configuration.php:118 455 rows browsed 0.336 ms SELECT value FROM ps_configuration WHERE name= 'PS_CACHEFS_DIRECTORY_DEPTH' LIMIT 1 in /classes/cache/CacheFs.php:36 1 row browsed 0.303 ms SELECT * FROM `ps_product` a LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` `c` ON a.id_product = c.id_product AND c.id_shop = 1 WHERE (a.id_product = 67) LIMIT 1 in /classes/ObjectModel.php:212 1 row browsed 0.234 ms SELECT id_tab, class_name FROM `ps_tab` in /classes/Tab.php:287 102 rows browsed 0.217 ms SELECT * FROM `ps_product_lang` WHERE `id_product` = 67 AND `id_shop` = 1 in /classes/ObjectModel.php:219 2 rows browsed 0.213 ms SELECT t.`id_lang`, t.`name` FROM ps_tag t LEFT JOIN ps_product_tag pt ON (pt.id_tag = t.id_tag) WHERE pt.`id_product`=67 in /classes/Tag.php:166 1 row browsed 0.194 ms SELECT DISTINCT pl.name as name FROM `ps_product_lang` pl WHERE (pl.id_product = 0) AND (pl.id_lang = 1 AND pl.id_shop = 1 ) LIMIT 1 in /classes/Product.php:5251 0 rows browsed 0.174 ms SELECT * FROM `ps_hook_module_exceptions` WHERE `id_shop` IN (1) in /classes/module/Module.php:1717 0 rows browsed 0.157 ms SELECT cl.`link_rewrite` FROM `ps_category_lang` cl WHERE `id_lang` = 0 AND cl.id_shop = 1 AND cl.`id_category` = 18 LIMIT 1 in /classes/Category.php:904 0 rows browsed 0.157 ms SELECT cl.`link_rewrite` FROM `ps_category_lang` cl WHERE `id_lang` = 0 AND cl.id_shop = 1 AND cl.`id_category` = 18 LIMIT 1 in /classes/Category.php:904 0 rows browsed Tables stress 2 configuration2 product_lang2 product_shop2 hook1 product_tag1 tag1 category_lang1 hook_module_exceptions1 configuration_lang1 tab1 hook_alias1 product ObjectModel instances 2 ShopGroup2 Country1 Category1 ProductDownload1 Product1 Currency1 Tab1 Theme1 Employee1 Language1 Shop Included files 1 admin6547/index.php 2 config/config.inc.php 3 config/defines.inc.php 4 config/settings.inc.php 5 config/autoload.php 6 config/alias.php 7 classes/PrestaShopAutoload.php 8 cache/class_index.php 9 tools/profiling/Controller.php 10 classes/controller/Controller.php 11 tools/profiling/ObjectModel.php 12 classes/ObjectModel.php 13 tools/profiling/Hook.php 14 classes/Hook.php 15 tools/profiling/Db.php 16 classes/db/Db.php 17 tools/profiling/Tools.php 18 classes/Tools.php 19 classes/Context.php 20 classes/shop/Shop.php 21 config/db_slave_server.inc.php 22 classes/db/DbPDO.php 23 classes/cache/Cache.php 24 classes/cache/CacheFs.php 25 classes/Validate.php 26 classes/db/DbQuery.php 27 classes/Theme.php 28 config/defines_uri.inc.php 29 classes/Configuration.php 30 classes/Language.php 31 classes/Country.php 32 classes/PrestaShopCollection.php 33 classes/Cookie.php 34 classes/Rijndael.php 35 classes/Employee.php 36 classes/Link.php 37 classes/shop/ShopUrl.php 38 config/smarty.config.inc.php 39 tools/smarty/Smarty.class.php 40 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_data.php 41 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php 42 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php 43 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_resource.php 44 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_resource_file.php 45 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_cacheresource.php 46 tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_cacheresource_file.php 47 config/smartyadmin.config.inc.php 48 admin6547/functions.php 49 ./images.inc.php 50 classes/Dispatcher.php 51 classes/Group.php 52 tools/mobile_Detect/Mobile_Detect.php 53 classes/Tab.php 54 controllers/admin/AdminProductsController.php 55 classes/controller/AdminController.php 56 classes/Translate.php 57 translations/fr/admin.php 58 classes/Profile.php 59 classes/Currency.php 60 classes/Category.php 61 classes/stock/StockAvailable.php 62 classes/shop/ShopGroup.php 63 classes/module/Module.php 64 modules/themeconfigurator/themeconfigurator.php 65 themes/modelisme_ma_theme/modules/themeconfigurator/translations/fr.php 66 modules/themeconfigurator/translations/fr.php 67 classes/Media.php 68 modules/dashactivity/dashactivity.php 69 modules/dashtrends/dashtrends.php 70 modules/dashgoals/dashgoals.php 71 themes/modelisme_ma_theme/modules/dashgoals/translations/fr.php 72 modules/dashgoals/translations/fr.php 73 modules/graphnvd3/graphnvd3.php 74 classes/module/ModuleGraphEngine.php 75 themes/modelisme_ma_theme/modules/graphnvd3/translations/fr.php 76 modules/graphnvd3/translations/fr.php 77 classes/QuickAccess.php 78 classes/helper/Helper.php 79 classes/Product.php 80 classes/webservice/WebserviceRequest.php 81 classes/Pack.php 82 classes/Combination.php 83 classes/ProductDownload.php 84 classes/Image.php 85 classes/ImageType.php 86 classes/Tag.php 87 cache/smarty/compile/9b/7c/8b/9b7c8bfb007f1c8484baf716ccd544d656eb545f.file.informations.tpl.php 88 cache/smarty/compile/4b/33/72/4b337214e3b0141637fee0c837647b696db03f95.file.check_fields.tpl.php 89 cache/smarty/compile/fc/a8/a1/fca8a11da4528c918c0730106eab57aeaa0148e1.file.input_text_lang.tpl.php 90 cache/smarty/compile/2b/33/ed/2b33ed9cc03369d68853b07812bc2a0dcc376bfa.file.checkbox.tpl.php 91 cache/smarty/compile/de/a9/14/dea914d2fdc7b78cab1406e9d3364f6a893cfb76.file.textarea_lang.tpl.php 92 classes/helper/HelperForm.php 93 cache/smarty/compile/a7/ae/fa/a7aefa661abc004b776d0685e16a6e1652b270fa.file.form.tpl.php 94 cache/smarty/compile/c2/25/06/c2250667d97705cf24d837557c4baca4ccc1c433.file.content.tpl.php 95 cache/smarty/compile/00/7f/74/007f74fb2ab04786f2def43b343bef5ac8af31d2.file.page_header_toolbar.tpl.php 96 cache/smarty/compile/07/dd/10/07dd10a8423bfebf62c41c93035658099fcc2ffa.file.modal.tpl.php 97 cache/smarty/compile/70/39/c8/7039c864975fb647ba9e0442e07026718b32a69f.file.header.tpl.php 98 cache/smarty/compile/ea/7b/be/ea7bbed337365a242f6f5b08ca1931a3efb1bd1f.file.nav.tpl.php 99 cache/smarty/compile/b3/d3/62/b3d3626e317e1e7ba96cf594c5857f955829d542.file.footer.tpl.php 100 cache/smarty/compile/ef/9c/4f/ef9c4fb2ffa918035b90c13c699c9c19bc0f98db.file.layout.tpl.php
Bonjour, J'ai bien essayé de vider le cache plusieurs fois, j'ai essayé avec plusieurs navigateurs et même plusieurs IP, et aussi avec navigation privée, aucun changement, quand ça ne veut pas ça ne veut pas, et au bout d'un moment ça marche normalement sans raison. Ce qui m'inquiète c'est que ça le fait aussi lors d'une commande d'un client, que la commande ne soit tout simplement pas enregistrée comme mes changements ne le sont pas.
Bonjour, J'ai un problème très bizarre. Tout sur mon site fonctionnait bien depuis des mois, mais depuis quelques jours, les changements que j'ajoute à mon site, parfois fonctionnent, parfois non. Je m'explique : si je change la description d'un produit, ça peu marcher, mais parfois ça ne marche pas, il m'indique le message "updated successfully" mais sur la même page je vois que la description est revenue à l'ancienne et n'a pas changé. Autre exemple, quand je reçois un message sur ma boutique et que je réponds au message, parfois il est encore indiqué en haut qu'il y a un message non traité. Vous avez une idée d'où ça peut venir ?
Hi, I have a very strange problem. Everything on my site worked fine for months, but the last few days, the changes I added to my site, sometimes work, sometimes not. Let me explain: if I change the description of a product, this can work, but sometimes it does not work, it show me the message "updated successfully" but on the same page I see that the description is returned to the old and has not changed. Another example, when I get a message on my shop and I reply to the message, sometimes it is still stated above that there is an unprocessed message. You have an idea of where it may come? thanks
[FREE MODULE] Module Vidéo Youtube
igoshot replied to slekweb.fr's topic in Modules et thèmes gratuits
pareil chez moi, PS -
Prestashop 1.6 RSS (feeder module) : Forbidden
igoshot replied to igoshot's topic in Ecommerce x PrestaShop [ARCHIVE BOARD]
I still have "something wrong". When I install a new module, it always have 744 permissions, I have to change it manually. Also, sometimes (not always), when I add a new products, the images folder ( /img/p/1/X <- this X) have also bad permissions, the images don't show up, and I have to adjust permissions manually. -
Prestashop 1.6 RSS (feeder module) : Forbidden
igoshot replied to igoshot's topic in Ecommerce x PrestaShop [ARCHIVE BOARD]
My own dedicated server -
Prestashop 1.6 RSS (feeder module) : Forbidden
igoshot replied to igoshot's topic in Ecommerce x PrestaShop [ARCHIVE BOARD]
in my case, it was the folder "feeder" on the modules folder that was created with 744 permissions, I changed it to 755 and now it's working. hope this help u. -
Hello, I have a strange probleme with a fresh installation of prestashop Everything is working good, except that "sometimes", prestashop create folders with the bad permissions. Sometimes when I install a module, it's created with 704 permission, not 775 like others. Now I was adding products to my eshop, everything was ok but for one product, the images was not shown, I found that the forders created for the images of this product was with the bad permissions. Do you have any idea was's the cause of this ?
I just tested it , there is a problem ! Changes on product-list.tpl brocked the homepage display. on homepage, I still have display in grid but now I also see the short products descriptions on the homepage, and it brocked the page layout. the categories pages are in list display by default now. I removed the changes from product-list.tpl, leaving only global.js changed, and now I have categories in list display and no change in homepage
Prestashop 1.6 RSS (feeder module) : Forbidden
igoshot replied to igoshot's topic in Ecommerce x PrestaShop [ARCHIVE BOARD]
no one ? -
Hi, I activated the feeder module (v0.5) on my PS1.6 site, it give no configuration options but on the forums people says I can access the rss feed with the url domain.tld/modules/feeder/rss.php, but this url give me a forbidden error : You don't have permission to access /modules/feeder/rss.php on this server. Is this the real url ? If not, how can I get a rss feed on new products ? Thanks
changing all folders to 755 and files to 644 recurcivly inside Modules/ folder did not change any thing. I activated _PS_MODE_DEV_ and _PS_DISPLAY_COMPATIBILITY_WARNING_ on defines.inc.php, but I don't see any change when I try to update a module or all of them. When errors should be displayed ?.
it did not worked . I removed all *.xml on config/xml, leaving only .htaccess and index.php files there, reloaded the modules page, and still the same result. When I click "update all", it list all the "outdated" modules and tell me they where updated, showing the new version, like this : Le ou les module(s) suivant(s) ont été correctement mis à jour : Affichage HTML simple : Version actuelle : 1 Bloc CMS : Version actuelle : 1.6 Bloc des derniers produits vus : Version actuelle : 1 Bloc des logos de paiement. : Version actuelle : 0.2 Bloc devises : Version actuelle : 0.2 Bloc fabricants : Version actuelle : 1.1 Bloc fournisseurs : Version actuelle : 1 Bloc informations clients : Version actuelle : 0.2 Bloc langues : Version actuelle : 1.2 Bloc logos des modules de paiement : Version actuelle : 1.1 Bloc magasins : Version actuelle : 1 Bloc meilleures ventes : Version actuelle : 1.5.1 Bloc Mon compte : Version actuelle : 1.2 .... but just below, I still have the information that they need update : Des mises à jour sont disponibles pour certains de vos modules ! Affichage HTML simple Bloc CMS Bloc des derniers produits vus Bloc des logos de paiement. Bloc devises Bloc fabricants Bloc fournisseurs Bloc informations clients Bloc langues Bloc logos des modules de paiement Bloc magasins Bloc meilleures ventes Bloc Mon compte Bloc Mon compte dans le pied de page Bloc mots-clés Bloc navigation à facettes Bloc newsletter Bloc nouveaux produits Bloc panier .... Now 46 modules need updates, the only way to fix it is to remove (not uninstall, completely delete) a module, and install it again, I had 49 modules it this case before, now I removed and re-installed 3. Whould be good it we can find a solution for this them all .
I have my own dedicated server, with a long max execution time. the problem is, when I click "update all", the page reload immediatly and I get the same result. also, when I want to update any on this module, one at a time, nothing happen, the page just reload, and I get the same thing.
Hello, Just installed prestashop Oon the backend, on modules page, I had 69 modules that need update, I clicked on "update all", now I have 48 modules that need update, I click again, nothing change. if I go to a module page and click "update", the page reload and I still have "update" buton. I tryed to uninstall a module and install it again, but the same happen. What's can I do ?