I have questions about combinations versus packs.
We sell widgets. One of our widgets, BobbleA, is only available in 30-count or 90-count. I want to keep track of inventory because we get BobbleA in a big bundle and then package in 30-count or 90-count. So, I need to know how many BobbleA widgets we have in stock so I'll know when to reorder.
At first, I thought I would set up BobbleA as a pack. That way, I could assign 30 of BobbleA to the item code and it would deplete inventory. However, that won't allow me to offer both 30-count and 90-count on the same item page.
Then, I thought I would set up BobbleA with combinations. That way, I can offer a 30-count and a 90-count. However, those combinations are based on attributes that have nothing to do with inventory. Using this option, my inventory for BobbleA isn't depleted because I can't say that I'm removing 30 individual widgets from the count.
How do I solve this dilemma? I might be confused in my understanding, so feel free to correct me on any of this. Thanks!