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Everything posted by corystein

  1. OK. How do I fixed this or turn this off?
  2. Here the site Url: tacticaltechnologiesusa.com Thanks
  3. I'm using Prestashop 6.0 and I'm lost as to why the Google keywords are so off. Below is the list of keywords from Google Webmaster Tools. I'm puzzled that the top 10 all seem to be HTML tags or styles. Any idea if this is a bug or something? How can I fix this? I have other sites, which I manually created and the keywords are generally match the meta tags I provided. So, my only guess is the meta tags created must be wrong or the HTML is malformed. Keyword Significance 1. span 2. class 3. height 4. tbody 5. align 6. valign 7. whitetext 8. &nbsp 9. product (2 variants) 10. table Best Regards, Cory
  4. Yes, I'm using the default template shipped with 1.6. This is the result of a fresh install only 3 hours ago, but perhaps something went wrong and my only option is to do another fresh install. Best Regards, Cory
  5. Ever since upgrading to 1.6 the customer login and registration no longer works. I suspect it might have something to do with permission, but I'm not getting an error any where. Any suggestions? Best Regards, Cory
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