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Hi everyone, we have a shop which is running on prestashop The version of the paypal module is 3.11.4. Also we're using the PayPal Plus mode. It seems that the errors only appear with the Plus mode. 1. Guest checkout is not working 2. Sometimes, more often if the amount is >80€ or there are more products in cart, the PayPal Module shows the following error: 'Sorry at the moment no payments can be processed for technical reasons' Notice for (2): Could it be a problem with the Tax Calculation which is different in PrestaShop and PayPal? Someone also has these errors or know how to fix them? Best regards
Hi, we have a shop ( running with the standard PayPal module (v 3.11.1), using the Plus Option, and the AdvancedEuCompliance module (v 2.0.2). It seems, that there is no proper hook integrated for displaying the various paypal plus payment methods in the "order-payment-advanced.tpl" template. There is no "HOOK_PAYMENT", instead there is a hook called "HOOK_ADVANCED_PAYMENT". If the setting 'PS_ADVANCED_PAYMENT_API' is not activated, the PayPal module works fine and displays the various payment options - the "order-payment-classic.tpl" Template will be used. For the moment, there is no possibility to deactivate the setting in the live shop, because the setting enables a correct displayment of all the order data, according to EU laws. Additionally if I use the Plus option, there is also a PayPal express button integrated in the shopping cart page bottom, which results in an error if you click it. I thought the express option would not be active if I use the Plus option. Is there anyone else, who has the same problem? Or is there an existing fix, which I did not found yet? Best regards
Set unit_price_ratio via webservice?
Browserwerk replied to Browserwerk's topic in Addons, modules and themes developers
I think it's yet not possible to update the unit_price_ratio via webservice. But setting the unit_price_ratio via sql to both the product tables ps_product and ps_product_shop after creating the product will work. -
Hello, I'm developing an import script for products. Everything works fine, but not the unit_price / unit_price_ratio. There is an field in the xml (unit_price_ratio), which I use. It seems like prestashop is ignoring these values... Product is added successfully, the unit is displayed fine, but the unit_price is missing! Is there another field somewhere, which I have to set before I can see the unit price in the back- and frontend? Greets
Hi, I'm developing a module for taking orders from a different website. The customer, cart and order are created via the prestashop webservice. Everything works fine, but not the creation of the order. There are two cases. Case 1 use Carrier 1, Case 2 use Carrier 2. If the order is case 1 and the default carrier is carrier 1 it works. But if the order is case 2 and the default carrier is carrier 1, prestashop will use the default carrier instead using carrier 2. These both carriers have the nearly the same settings except for the price. Example: Default carrier is carrier 1. Customer is created. Cart also with id_carrier = Carrier 2 ID Cart has also the id_carrier in the database. Order creation with the following xml: <order> <id_address_delivery required="true" format="isUnsignedId">666</id_address_delivery> <id_address_invoice required="true" format="isUnsignedId">666</id_address_invoice> <id_cart required="true" format="isUnsignedId">485</id_cart> <id_currency required="true" format="isUnsignedId">1</id_currency> <id_lang required="true" format="isUnsignedId">1</id_lang> <id_customer required="true" format="isUnsignedId">500</id_customer> <id_carrier required="true" format="isUnsignedId">15</id_carrier> <current_state format="isUnsignedId">12</current_state> <module required="true" format="isModuleName">sofortbanking</module> <invoice_number/> <invoice_date/> <delivery_number/> <delivery_date/> <valid>0</valid> <date_add format="isDate"/> <date_upd format="isDate"/> <shipping_number notFilterable="true" format="isTrackingNumber"/> <id_shop_group format="isUnsignedId">1</id_shop_group> <id_shop format="isUnsignedId">1</id_shop> <secure_key format="isMd5"/> <payment required="true" format="isGenericName">sofortbanking</payment> <recyclable format="isBool"/> <gift format="isBool"/> <gift_message format="isMessage"/> <mobile_theme format="isBool"/> <total_discounts format="isPrice"/> <total_discounts_tax_incl format="isPrice"/> <total_discounts_tax_excl format="isPrice"/> <total_paid required="true" format="isPrice">160.37</total_paid> <total_paid_tax_incl format="isPrice">160.37</total_paid_tax_incl> <total_paid_tax_excl format="isPrice"/> <total_paid_real required="true" format="isPrice">160.37</total_paid_real> <total_products required="true" format="isPrice">146.38</total_products> <total_products_wt required="true" format="isPrice">146.38</total_products_wt> <total_shipping format="isPrice">13.99</total_shipping> <total_shipping_tax_incl format="isPrice">13.99</total_shipping_tax_incl> <total_shipping_tax_excl format="isPrice"/> <carrier_tax_rate format="isFloat"/> <total_wrapping format="isPrice"/> <total_wrapping_tax_incl format="isPrice"/> <total_wrapping_tax_excl format="isPrice"/> <round_mode format="isUnsignedId"/> <round_type format="isUnsignedId"/> <conversion_rate required="true" format="isFloat">1</conversion_rate> <reference/> <associations> <order_rows nodeType="order_row" virtualEntity="true"> <order_row> <id/> <product_id required="true">8</product_id> <product_attribute_id required="true"/> <product_quantity required="true">1</product_quantity> <product_name read_only="true" readOnly="true"/> <product_reference read_only="true" readOnly="true"/> <product_ean13 read_only="true" readOnly="true"/> <product_upc read_only="true" readOnly="true"/> <product_price read_only="true" readOnly="true"/> <unit_price_tax_incl read_only="true" readOnly="true"/> <unit_price_tax_excl read_only="true" readOnly="true"/> </order_row> </order_rows> </associations> </order> </prestashop> The shipping costs of Carrier 2 are 13.99. The order is created successfully - but with wrong carrier and shipping costs. Also in database there are the wrong values. 4.99 instead of 13.99 and the wrong carrier id in ps_order_carrier. I saw this post, but there were no solution: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/481475-webservices-create-order-and-carrier-error/ Also I read that: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFV-10980 "That is a normal behavior. When you create an order with the webservices, it will not add it directly in the database but use the PaymentModule::validateOrder() method so you need to associate the carrier to your cart prior to add the order." I checked my ps_cart table and looked for the right customer's cart and saw that it has the id of carrier 2. But the order has id of carrier 1. In the ps_orders table, the order has also the right cart id. I assume, that if you create an order via prestashop webservices, the order will always use the default carrier. Is that right and how to fix it?
Managing PrestaShop via Filemaker Pro
Browserwerk replied to Joe Germann's topic in Ecommerce x PrestaShop [ARCHIVE BOARD]
We need this too. So if there is any possibility to buy it, please contact us. Thanks! -
Coole Produkte auf jeden Fall! Ich würde ein paar Sachen auf den ersten Blick jedoch noch etwas anpassen: - Slider zu schnell - Slider-Bilder auf 100% Breite - Head auf Produktseiten unterschiedlich groß - SEO-URLs aktivieren CSS Fixes: header .banner{ background: white; } #homepage-slider .homeslider-description button{ -moz-opcaity: 0.75; opacity: 0,75 } Ansonsten viel Erfolg mit dem Shop. Ich würde bei den Produkten und der Preisgestaltung (sieht gut aus) evtl. auch in Erwägung ziehen, diese bei Amazon + eBay über Plugins zu synchronisieren. Könnte den Abverkauf enorm steigern!
Gibt es in der Konsole der Webdeveloper Tools vielleicht Fehlermeldungen, die einen Hinweis auf veralteten Code zulassen? Könnte mir vorstellen, dass wenn das Plugin so alt ist, Skype mittlerweile einige Sachen geändert hat. Ansonsten vielleicht mal nicht mit nem Modul, sondern plain-HTML versuchen, damit es funktioniert
Background Switcher Free Für Prestashop
Browserwerk replied to Reptili's topic in Generelle Fragen
Gibt es denn irgendwelche Fehlermeldungen? Dann wäre das Bugfixing vielleicht etwas einfacher zu handlen -
Preise In Bitcoins Und Euro Im Shop Anzeigen Lassen
Browserwerk replied to Frank_1976's topic in Generelle Fragen
Wieso nicht einfach im Backend die Währung Bitcoin anlegen und den Umrechnungskurz eintragen? Tagesaktuell wird es so sicherlich nicht gehen, außer man schreibt sich ein eigenes Addon, was Zugriff auf irgendeine API hat, die die aktuellen Bitcoin-Preise zieht. -
Dauer Bis Webshop Von Suchmotoren Entdeckt Wird?
Browserwerk replied to Damonon's topic in Generelle Fragen
Schlüssel rein und Zündung an natürlich Hier anmelden und Seite indexieren lassen beschleunigt das Ganze ein wenig und zeigt die aktuellen Positionen in den SERPs an: google.de/webmasters/tools Ansonsten auf Google gehen und site:meine-domain.de eingeben. Dann sieht man, ob die Seite bereits indexiert wurde und einfach nicht unter den Begriffen auftaucht, weil zu wenig SEO-Sichtbarkeit oder ob Google irgendwas gegen die Domain im allgemeinen hat. Vielleicht steht auch der gesamte Shop auf index=nofollow?! Man weiss es nicht.. -
We´ve just found a quick fix which works and we want to share it with you. Go to: /web/modules/ganalytics/ganalytics.php and add this to line 344: echo $this->hookHeader(); above: $ga_scripts = ''; The function should look like this now: /** * hook footer to load JS script for standards actions such as product clicks */ public function hookFooter() { echo $this->hookHeader(); $ga_scripts = ''; $this->js_state = 0; if (isset($this->context->cookie->ga_cart)) { $this->filterable = 0; $gacarts = unserialize($this->context->cookie->ga_cart); foreach ($gacarts as $gacart) { if ($gacart['quantity'] > 0) $ga_scripts .= 'MBG.addToCart('.Tools::jsonEncode($gacart).');'; elseif ($gacart['quantity'] < 0) { $gacart['quantity'] = abs($gacart['quantity']); $ga_scripts .= 'MBG.removeFromCart('.Tools::jsonEncode($gacart).');'; } } unset($this->context->cookie->ga_cart); } This calls up the function and includes all the script-data you need. Hope this helps, but be careful, when you update the module in future!
Voucher, Refund - Cart logic is .... not helpful
Browserwerk replied to Browserwerk's topic in Core developers
Hey Folks! Unfortunately I couldn't find a solution for the described problem. Has *anyone* *any* idea? Best regards & thanks for your help, Philipp Siegmund Browserwerk - Prestashop Agentur -
Hallo Jan! Wahrscheinlich hat dein Hoster das in den PHP Einstellungen so festgelegt. Das liegt meistens an 'upload_max_filesize' in der php.ini. Folgende Lösung könnte funktionieren, muss aber nicht.. Ergänze deine .htaccess um ie Zeilen: php_value memory_limit 128M php_value upload_max_filesize 64M php_value post_max_size 64M Dann sollte ein Upload kein Probelm mehr sein. Wie gesagt, nur unter Vorbehalt, da dein Hoster möglicherweise serverseitig Einstellungen vorgenommen hat, das zu unterbinden. Beste Grüße, Philipp Siegmund Browserwerk - Prestashop Agentur
Hallo Flemming! Nur Mut! Ein Override vom AdminsOrderController ist relativ einfach und schnell gemacht: 1) AdminOrderController.php in den Order /overrides/controller/admin/ kopieren und anpassen: Original: class BoOrder extends PaymentModule { [..........] } /** * @property Order $object */ class AdminOrdersControllerCore extends AdminController { Override: class BoOrderOverride extends BoOrder { [................] } /** * @property Order $object */ class AdminOrdersController extends AdminControllerCore Die Klassen erweitern/überschreiben jetzt den Core Controller. 2) im Ordner /cache die Datei class_index.php löschen. (Wird automatisch neu erstellt) Nun kannst du Problemlos in deinem Override Anpassungen vornehmen. Beste Grüße, Philipp Siegmund Browserwerk - Prestashop Agentur [EDIT] Die Pünktchen sollen natürlich heissen, dass das stehn bleibt, was drin steht... Tip: in der class_index.php steht dann auch der Pfad zu deinem Override, wenn alles geklappt hat..
Hallo Kollegen! Folgendes Problem haben wir mit der Logik der Teilerstattung: -- Ein Kunde hat 3 Produkte zu je 10€ ergibt 30€ Gesamtrechnung. -- Es ist ein Gutschein über 10% angewendet, also -> 27€ Gesamtbetrag. Wenn jetzt eine Teilerstattung für einen Artikel angewiesen wird, wird bei dem Radiobutton "Artikelpreis ohne Gutscheinwert" der "Gesamte Gutscheinwert" von 3€ abgezogen, anstatt anteilig nur 1€ (10%). Das scheint mir fehlerhaft und so nicht richtig. Die Logik für Anzeige, Berechnung und Ausgabe ist verteilt über AdminsOrderController, admin/orders.js und im form.tpl vm Admi/Order Backend. Weiß jemand, ob für die Problematik eine Lösung geplant ist oder liege ich vielleicht in meiner Annahme falsch? Freue mich über Feedback und Anregungen! Philipp Siegmund Browserwerk - Prestashop Agentur
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Hey Folks! We are currently struggling with the cart logic when applying partial refunds to an order. Long story short: - Customer has an order with 3 items, each 10€ - Cart rule with voucher for a 10% discount, results in total sum of 27€ --> Partial refund - When selecting partial refund for one single product without voucher, the refund is reduced by 3€. ----> So the refund of the single product is set to 7€ instead of 9€. As far as I understand the interesting parts are done within the admin/orders.js and in the form.tpl, together with some parts from the AdminOrdersController. The JS is just reducing the amount, because "it" doesn't know whether this voucher is a reduction by % or €, so it also won't be able to calculate the right sums. It seems the logic is missing whether this is partial or not, because the partial refund can't be applied partially... Are there any plans of "fixing" this or am I wrong or what can I do when I'd like to avoid calculating it all by myself and insert the value manually...? Best regards & thanks for your help, Philipp Siegmund Browserwerk - Prestashop Agentur