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  1. It happens before the last step, when you have to decide wich payment make.
  2. Hi, i have a little problem with the total in the last step of the cart. In all of the steps i have the same total amount but in the last step it shows a different amount that i don't know where it coames from. thank you. www.cantierestore.com is the shop
  3. I Solved this problem without changing anything in the easiest way. Image mapping. You can look at the results here:http://www.cantierestore.com/Shop/12-categorie and here: http://www.cantierestore.com/Shop/16--abbigliamento-da-lavoro No need for tpl changes ecc ecc.
  4. The prestashop e-mail is fine but one thing is not always clear. I wanted something like : Name: ... Surname... Vat Number:... to be more readable. Any solutions?
  5. I've searched. The module changes everything fine but mail alerts must be uninstalled and installed again after the change. My problem was not the back office e mail but the front office one
  6. Hello guys! I'm Trying (with no success) to show in the e mail send to backoffice and the customer the order_ID instead of the order_number. If i put Order_ID in the mail instead of Order_Name when the customer receive the e mail he receive with "order_ID" and not "001,010,345 ecc" like order_id was not a parameter. If someone could help me it would be very apreciated!.
  7. renamed the images folder to img and now it works again.Thanks
  8. I'm trying now. I'll let you know asap
  9. http://www.cantierestore.it/ since the upgrade of the homeslider it doesn't show images anymore. I tried to change the folder in the tpl file but is useless.. i'm forcing recompiling so no cache is used.
  10. La soluzione al mio problema non era quella dato che io ho un corriere solo che gestisce tutte le uscite e un altro che è "ritiro in magazzino" che serve solo per avere quell'opzione. Il problema è che Italia come nazione faceva parte di una zona che era disabilitata dato che avevo separato italia dalle isole ecc. e quindi appena ho corretto il problema mi si è risolto. Io comunque uso sempre "usa fascia piu grande" in modo che se non ci sta in quella fascia li passa alla prossima anche se i valori discostano. Purtroppo non vendo roba che si può sempre inscatolare. http://www.cantierestore.it se volete passare a vedere come procede. con PS 1.6
  11. I've made a test review but i can't find it in the back office for me to moderate. Where do i find it? thanks
  12. I have my shop in 1.5 version ( test) and it shows correctly the cart block with the shipping fee and everything. Now i have the same shop with 1.6 version and same options everywhere as the 1.5 (new installation not update). My problem is, only registered users can see thee shipping fee on their carts. I want everyone to see even if they have to register to buy. Please guys help. the site is www.cantierestore.it
  13. Where is vekia when i need him the most!!! xD hahahah Come on guys no answer? All i want to do is to show visitors the shipping price.
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