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Hi, My dispatcher.php looks as follows (still need to find out which module's doing is that override though:-): <?php class Dispatcher extends DispatcherCore { protected function loadRoutes() { parent::loadRoutes(); $orderby = (isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) && $_REQUEST['orderby']) ? $_REQUEST['orderby'] : 'position' ; $orderway= (isset($_REQUEST['orderway']) && $_REQUEST['orderway']) ? $_REQUEST['orderway'] : 'asc' ; $results = Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT s.id_searchterm, s.term,s.url,s.title,s.description FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'searchterm s '); foreach($results as $result) foreach (Language::getLanguages() as $lang) $this->addRoute('search_'.$result['id_searchterm'],$result['url'],'search',$lang['id_lang'],array(), array('search_query' =>$result['term'], 'orderby' => $orderby, 'orderway' => $orderway)); } }
Hi el Patron, Thanks for the hint. It looks like I got a problem with dev mode, getting the following error message when turning error reporting on: Strict Standards: Declaration of Dispatcher::loadRoutes() should be compatible with that of DispatcherCore::loadRoutes() in /home/sportand/public_html/sport-und-hobby.ch/pr/override/classes/Dispatcher.php on line 16 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/sportand/public_html/sport-und-hobby.ch/pr/override/classes/Dispatcher.php:16) in /home/sportand/public_html/sport-und-hobby.ch/pr/classes/Tools.php on line 143 Trying to chase this issue now with other posts, if you have some link/idea in mind, please share:-). Thanks, shv
Thanks for the hint. Are there any instructions available for PS 1.6x? Thanks, shv
Reduce Font and general size of Top Menu (1.6)
shv replied to b22c's topic in Configuring and using PrestaShop
Hi, I use the default bootstrap theme. Whereabout in bootstrap css can I do a similar modification? Thanks, shv -
Hi reno123, I found the solution now, perhaps it helps you as well. 1. Category pics - just disable in PS category settings (via a simple ¨edit¨ in PS back office, as suggested above); 2. The same trick does not work on subcategories though if one wants to keep subcategory pics for displaying them on category listing pages (but omit displaying them on respective subcategory listing pages) - so one needs to modify the category.tpl file instead. Simple modification is just as described below, to comment part of the code: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/336397-remove-subcategory-image-on-product-list-page/ The manipulation which worked for me from those listed in the above link (you can try it first, and if not working, go to the above link to see more possibilities) is as follows: One needs to change category.tpl from: <!-- Category image --> <div class="content_scene_cat_bg"{if $category->id_image} style="background:url({$link->getCatImageLink($category->link_rewrite, $category->id_image, 'category_default')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}) right center no-repeat; background-size:cover; min-height:{$categorySize.height}px;"{/if}> {if $category->description} <div class="cat_desc"> <span class="category-name"> {strip} {$category->name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} {if isset($categoryNameComplement)} {$categoryNameComplement|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} {/if} {/strip} </span> {if Tools::strlen($category->description) > 350} <div id="category_description_short" class="rte">{$description_short}</div> <div id="category_description_full" class="unvisible rte">{$category->description}</div> <a href="{$link->getCategoryLink($category->id_category, $category->link_rewrite)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" class="lnk_more">{l s='More'}</a> {else} <div class="rte">{$category->description}</div> {/if} </div> {/if} </div> {/if} </div> to: <!-- Category image --> {* <div class="content_scene_cat_bg"{if $category->id_image} style="background:url({$link->getCatImageLink($category->link_rewrite, $category->id_image, 'category_default')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}) right center no-repeat; background-size:cover; min-height:{$categorySize.height}px;"{/if}> {if $category->description} <div class="cat_desc"> <span class="category-name"> {strip} {$category->name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} {if isset($categoryNameComplement)} {$categoryNameComplement|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} {/if} {/strip} </span> {if Tools::strlen($category->description) > 350} <div id="category_description_short" class="rte">{$description_short}</div> <div id="category_description_full" class="unvisible rte">{$category->description}</div> <a href="{$link->getCategoryLink($category->id_category, $category->link_rewrite)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" class="lnk_more">{l s='More'}</a> {else} <div class="rte">{$category->description}</div> {/if} </div> {/if} </div> *} {/if} </div> It just comments part of the code, so one can go back to the file and simply enable it (by erasing comment signs) in case of necessity. Hope that helps, shv
Hi Vekia, I can change the background color, but what I actually needed to do is to also get rid of category pictures on product listing pages. That is of course possible to do via PS preferences, but then subcategory pictures on subcategory listing pages pop up - so the question is, what modification do I need to do to in category.tpl for subcategory pics not being visualised on the listing pages? Many thanks, shv
HI, I'd need the same modification (removing category pictures on listing pages) but for the PS now. What would be the best way of doing it? Many thanks, shv
Hi Loulou66, Is the new version now available for download? Thanks :-)
Hi, Just downloaded and installed the module, it is however version 2.4.3 and not 3.0 as it seems. Could you share a link to the newest module please? Merci bien :-)
Add new font and change font size 11 pt
shv replied to newhere's topic in Configuring and using PrestaShop
Hi, If I want to change the font size in product listing on category page (grid view), whereabout in globalcss file should I make changes? I'd also like to change text size of ¨Add to cart¨ and ¨More¨ buttons on category in product listing, in both views (list and grid), where the respective settings are located? The PS I am using is Thanks a lot. -
Hi, I got the ¨add to wishlist¨ message in the product listing grid view (upon hover, a box with ¨more details¨, price etc. appears, and an ¨add to wishlist¨ options is also displayed there at the bottom of the box). I want to remove this wishlist option (it's enough to have the wishlist option in the product detail view, so in the listing grid view it needs to be erased). How can I get rid of the ¨add to wishlist¨ option in the product listing grid view? Tried to see if I can unhook the module in the positions tab, but did not really find any wishlist related to the grid view (if that would be a possibility, which ¨display¨ option in the positions tab should I check?). Another possibility would be modifying CSS and/or .tpl, could you hint where should I look? Thanks.
Delete the message "in stock" on my products
shv replied to pixel016's topic in Configuring and using PrestaShop
Hi Vekia, One can edit the .tpl file but then the ¨in stock¨ notification will never appear. It would not be an easy way to somehow temporarily disable it? Of course, one could comment this part of the code instead of removing it. But there is no other way to get rid of this notification temporarily? One could of course disable stock management but it would not be plausible to go for it. So the best way is just modifying the .tpl and then changing it back in case of necessity? Thanks, shv -
Actually got rid of the grey color another way, the .css template file modification did not lead to any effect (it is overriden somehow, I bet), however by using color-picking in the Theme Customizer module I got the white background now, and it works just fine. I did not get rid of the category bar element though, just changed its color, so the space is now not used very efficiently - as I got the huge empty space between the top of the page and the category signs (the space freed when changing the grey bar color to white which is also the shop background in our case). So I'd really prefer to erase the category bar at all - perhaps it can be done by unhooking some element in the positions section in the back-office? Any suggestion how can I get rid of this useless (for us:-) category bar? Thanks for your kind help.
Hi, I tried erasing the background-color param as you suggest, and it has no effect on my theme (the grey category bar is still there). Could it just be that the main .css settings are getting overriden by another module, so no matter how I change the default theme's .css files it won't have no effect? For the matter, we have made color settings in the Theme Maker module (and publish the theme so it is taking care of the color settings), that can be the problem then which we are facing when trying to modify the colors via the default theme's .css. How to get around that issue, would you have a suggestion? Thanks.