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Lumière de Lune

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Everything posted by Lumière de Lune

  1. Hi Mike, sorry for not answering you earlier, 1. As you say, "this is not recommended for a production environment". I'm in a production environment. And it happens we regularly update / create new products, so the solution to desactivate the cache nearly 20% of our time is not really workable. 2. It happens not only when creating products. E.g. I just wanted to modify the image of an advertising block, and even the list of modules filtered was "cached". 3. Yes, I have been through emptying the cache manually, deleting all files, etc. The fact is : - forcing smarty to recompile does not solve the problem - disabling the cache in the smarty box (I refer to the screen preferences -> performances) does not solve the problem - disabling the cache (last box on this page) immediatly solves the problem, even if "forcing to recompile" is not checked and the smarty cache is activated in the first box I used the file system and not the Memcache Should I ask my customer to work in the middle of the night, so that he can desactivate the cache without an impact on his customers ?
  2. Hello my config : Version : PHP: 5.2.17 MySQL: 5.1.49-3-log Host: Pack Pro at OVH Thème: furniture classic No extra module, apart from the ones delivered with the theme (advertisement and front end extra blocks) Problem : Our shop is on production. Therefore, when we create products in the catalogue, they are desactivated before finalization. After a "certain amount of save" (sorry, I don't have the exact number, it seems to happen more often when working on images), no modification is taken into account. - some modifications are saved, but do not appear neither in the back end nor in the front end (eg. assigning images to products variations) - some modifications are not taken into account at all (eg. all text fields, like SEO fields and short and long descriptions), and when I check directly in the database, they do not appear in the tables (but I see on the screen the confirmation message that the modifications have been saved). The solution (not really acceptable on the long term) is to desactivate the cache (the "real" cache, not the smarty cache). Then all saved modifications appear again, and it is possible to save texts and other modifications. Images size are reasonnable (1000 pix. maximum, and 300K). Variations not really numerous (max. around 15 per products, with a combination of 2 to 3 characteristics). The shop has by now less than 50 products (variations not included, 100 with variations). I am very surprised because : - this is the first time I see a caching system activated on the backend - I do not have the feeling my shop is so big ... Is there any solution ? Any hint on something to check ? I see a lot of posts of Smarty caching, but it is definitively not a smarty problem. I can give the shop url by PM. Thanks in advance PS : translation of http://www.prestasho...he-dans-ladmin/
  3. Bonjour ma config : Version : Version de PHP: 5.2.17 Version de MySQL: 5.1.49-3-log Hébergeur: Pack Pro chez OVH Thème: furniture classic Pas de modules supplémentaires en dehors de ceux du thème, qui sont des blocs de pub et une modification des menus. Le problème : Lorsque je créée des produits dans le catalogue, la boutique est live, et je le fais donc en désactivant le produit. Lorsque je travaille sur la fiche produit, au bout d'un certain temps (désolée, je n'ai pas pu noter le nombre de fois où la fiche produit est enregistrée avant que cela se produise, il me semble que c'est après avoir travaillé sur les images), le système ne prend plus en compte aucune modification : - des modifications sont sauvegardées mais n'apparaissent pas, ni dans l'admin ni dans la prévisualisation (par exemple les images) - des modifications ne sont carrément pas sauvegardées (tout ce qui concerne le SEO et les descriptions), je vérifie directement dans la base et elles n'apparaissent pas dans les tables. Il suffit de désactiver le cache pour que la situation redevienne normale. Les images font avant téléchargement dans les 1000 pixels dans la dimension la plus large, et dans les 300K maximum. Il y a au plus une quinzaine de déclinaisons par produit, avec une combinaison de 2 ou 3 caractéristiques. Il y a moins de cinquante produits dans la boutique. L'url de la boutique est disponible uniquement par MP. Je suis surprise parce que : 1- c'est la première fois que je vois un cache interagir sur l'admin 2- je n'ai pas vraiment l'impression d'avoir une boutique particulièrement grosse Y a t il une solution ? Une voie à explorer ? Je vois beaucoup de choses sur le cache Smarty, mais ce n'est pas lui qui intervient dans ce problème. Merci d'avance PS : english version here http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/145196-cache-problem-in-back-end/
  4. Hello, I've been charged of a website that uses prestashop, and I'm facing a problem for which I can't find a solution. We are selling online two kind of products, one is a physical product, which has to be delivered, the second one is a non physical, without delivery and without download (customers buy trees which will be planted through reforestation and carbon compensation programmes) At first I created two different carriers, as I thought it might be possible to affect a carrier to an article but that does not work. Then I found a "workaround", but I don't like it, because it's wrong. I said that this product is to be downloaded, and I create a certificate as "file" to be dowloaded. But that's not the real process. I spent two days searching in this forum, and the question how to be able to affect a carrier to a product or a product family seems to come regularly. Is there really no solution ?
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