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  1. Me too I'm waiting for an update for, please :-)
  2. @ufctemple1 @benjamin Thank you for your interest and your kind replies. I will keep working on PrestaShop, maybe with the help of Store Manager. Nice to meet you guys! F
  3. Hi Benjamin, thank you very much indeed for your help! This completely solves my problem! I just wish you had read my topic some time ago... but it's never too late to get some help :-) Just one more question: is there a way to import these specific prices through a csv file? At the moment I should manually add two specific prices for each product, and it would be a really hard work. Thank you again! Francesco
  4. @ufctemple1 I don't know about PrestaShop paid support, this is my first experience with this platform. Thank you for your latest post, maybe I'll consider the service, but actually it all started as an experiment, to avoid using a proprietary software (like one which we already use) and simply managing all stuff by ourselves. I need to go online soon, so for now I'll try to set up the most important options. In the coming months I'll continue searching for other solutions.
  5. @ufctemple1 @waterworks2 Thank you for your replies. I know that Presta aims to be a B2C solution, and B2B platforms have different needs, so I don't expect to find all the options I need to set up, but I understand ufctemple1's point of view and I also think that the surplus value of an opensource platform is its community. I work with WordPress and I'm really glad to be part of that community, where you can find a friendly support even better than a ticket-managed business one. At the moment, I'm still working on Presta, but I confess that my team is not satisfied with the current results, and maybe we'll have to start over with a different platform. Anyway, thank you very much for your help. I hope Presta will continue improving with time. Francesco
  6. Tutto risolto!! :-) Grazie mille per l'aiuto Nino! Sono riuscito a trovare il valore attraverso la ricerca. In effetti era una riga all'interno della tabella Configuration. Testato la newsletter, funziona tutto. Grazie ancora, ciao! F
  7. Ciao Nino, grazie mille per la celerità. Ho aperto il cPanel e trovato il phpMyAdmin. Ho aperto le tabelle che mi hai indicato, e dal nome penso che quella corretta sia contact_shop, ma ad ogni modo in ogni tabella vengono visualizzate delle righe, ma non capisco cosa fare. Ho cliccato su modifica ma non escono dati su cui lavorare (mi aspettavo di trovare inserito l'indirizzo email sbagliato e di correggerlo, ma non c'è nulla di simile).
  8. Ciao ragazzi, ho scoperto che c'è un problema nell'aggiornamento dei contatti del negozio, accessibili dal menù Preferenze. Ho installato PrestaShop per un cliente utilizzando il mio contatto email personale, ma adesso che ho finito di sistemare tutto e devo aggiornare i contatti, l'impostazione non funziona. Ho cambiato l'indirizzo e salvato le impostazioni. E' uscito il messaggio di aggiornamento completato con successo (in verde), ma se esco dalle impostazioni o ricarico la pagina, ritrovo il vecchio indirizzo, e le email della newsletter ancora arrivano dal mio indirizzo email. Potete aiutarmi a risolvere il problema? Grazie a tutti in anticipo! Franz
  9. Hi guys, I've just found ther's a problem changing Shop Contacts information in Menu > Preferences. I installed PrestaShop for a client using my own email address, but now that I need to change email information for newsletters, it doesn't work. I changed the email and saved. It appears the normal green successful message, but when I exit or reload the page, the email set is still the old one. Newsletters arrive from my own email address. Please can you help me fix this problem? Thank you!! Franz
  10. Hi guys, I'm building a site for a client who needs a B2B platform and I chose PrestaShop as e-commerce solution, but after spending two weeks on it, I still can't find the right settings. We have three different kinds of clients (dealers, wholesalers and distributors) and we need to specify three different prices for each product, so that dealers see ONLY their prices, and so wholesalers and distributors. So for example, adding a new product - like a laptop - I need to set € 700 for dealers, € 600 for wholesalers and € 500 for distributors. Every time a new client subscribes, we have to set what kind of client is, so that online he will find ONLY the correct price for each product (important: a dealer, who pays € 700 for a laptop, doesn't have to know that distributors pay € 500). I can't find how to set PrestaShop to act this way. At the moment, I created three client groups (dealers, wholesalers and distributors) and set a different discount percentage per group. Every time a new client subscribes, I add him to the correct group, so that he sees the price resulting from the connected discount. The problem is, percentage discounts are not the right move, we need three specific prices per product. I imagined I could have specified them using excel (three columns > three prices) and then the csv export, but I can't find the way. I look forward to reading your suggestions. Thank you very much to everyone for your help! Francesco (PrestaShop on Linux Hosting)
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