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  1. Hello, On checkout page in second topic (Adresses) i want to add field Email address and subscrition to newsletter. Like they are in First topic (Personal information). How can i move them into Adresses? Can somebody help me I'm using Prestashop 1.7.3 Thank you!
  2. Hello, I have one question. I'm using Prestashop version 1.7.3. and i want only Guest checkout without registartion. I want to remove registation completly from the site. Can somebody help me with this? It would help to the whole community who are looking for this. There are some solution on forum, but only for old Prestashop version. Thank you verry much.
  3. Hello, first sorry for my bad english. I'm creating a webstore with prestashop 1.7.3. I have two problems. 1. I change shop name in PS backend and i check it in PHPmyadmin. Shop name is correct. The problem is when i finish order in the last page says Your order on My shop is complete. It should write my real shop name (Drugacna darila) not My shop. This problem only occurs at last page of order. It does not matter which method of payment you choose. Otherwise shop name works. 2. Shop parameters - Traffic & SEO. If i want to change Rewritten URL for example Sitemap it says Property Meta->url_rewrite is not valid Can anybody help me? Thanks! Matej
  4. I have done it. id_lang was diferent so i change it and it work. Thank you for helping me out!
  5. I see all description in phpmyadmin. But in BO of prestashop don't...
  6. I did. I export all product tabels. But still not working.
  7. I did it like you say. Nov i have all my products but without name, description,... Only prices, id, ean codes,... Any idea? Thanks.
  8. Thanks for your quick response. Only products. Names, descriptions... everything that belong to the product.
  9. Hello, could any body help me with my problem. I spent my whole day looking for solution but with not success. I have one database from my previus prestashop with all my products and destripcions of products and so on... Now i have new shop and i want to transfer products from previous one to the new one: the name of the products, prices, meta tags,.. and so on. My previous version of Prestashop i think it was, now i have What i must to type in sql querry or something other? I don't know. Please help me, Thanks!
  10. Thanks for your help. I disable and clear cache but dont work. I don't know what to do...
  11. Unfortunately Unfortunately no. I have basic knowledge about webpages. Is this hard to fix?
  12. Thank for your reply. What can i do to fix it? Thank you!
  13. Sorry i forgot my webpage is www.drugacna-darila.si and product for example http://www.drugacna-darila.si/okvirji-za-slike/77-bambus-okvir-za-sliko.html
  14. Hey everyone, i have a problem and i need urgent solution. Sorry for my english. I have a shop and today i don't know what went wrong, image of product went disappeard. I attach image so you can see what i mean. It's a running shop and my costumers cant see product. Please help me. I have no idea any more what went wrong. I have Prestashop and Panda theme. Today i was only install paypal and update one module, nothing else. Thank you!
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