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  1. Wow, thanx so much!! Both suggestions are wonderful, and if I knew there are other free modules instead of the default one I wouldn't need to spend so much time adjusting the css properties of my footer. Thank you so much Dionz and Vekia!!!
  2. Hi all, I have a problem regarding the facebook block module. By right this module is not allowed to be transplated at the displayFooter hook, but after some help I am able to place the module there. The problem is, the facebook plugin is showing only at the main page's footer. When I'm at all other pages (category, product details etc) the plugin is not showing properly. By not showing properly I meant that only the title "Follow Us on Facebook" is shown, but not the rest of the plugin. Kindly refer to the screenshot. My site is: www.filliesinspo.com Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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