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Lucas Cerdan

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  1. Hello Seb, Well, I wouldn't like PrestaShop 2 to be just about bug fixes, would you? And a new version developed from scratch comes with its own bugs ... If you take a close look at what we're currently doing with PS 1.6, there hasn't been many new features for quite some time now, but we've started to implement tools for quality & stability (unit tests, functional tests and so on...). I'm confident this will help us change the current trend on the Forge. That being said, PrestaShop is recruiting heavily again this year and we have exciting things to come. But we don't have anything to announce on a PrestaShop 2. Best,
  2. Hello Seb, That's some really good questions. The discussion about PrestaShop 2 has been around for a few years - but it's not that time yet. PrestaShop is always committed to open source and its community, so when -and if- this project should start, contributors will be the first to know and will be part of the discussion/conception. But right now, we're focusing on PrestaShop 1.6 and our new Cloud offer. We'll announce more of our roadmap in the coming weeks/months. That being say, when it comes to new patterns or architecture, I'll let Jérôme give you a preview of what is to come and how you may help us. Thanks
  3. Did you change YOUR-SHOP-HERE by the name of your shop? Nevermind, I went ahead and did it for you.
  4. Hi, Sorry about that. Here's the easy way to fix that. Go this URL: YOUR-SHOP-HERE.pswebshop.com/backoffice/index.php?controller=AdminModules&module_name=onboarding&reset You'll have a warning saying this isn't secure (because of the missing token). Just accept and go ahead. The link will reset the module and everything should be back to normal. Hope this helps.
  5. Thank you, we're on it. I've reset your module and - now that we know where the issue comes from - we will publish a new version for those who may encounter this .
  6. That's a first ..! Should anyone reproduce this bug, I would be very interested to take a look at it so we can fix this issue. Thanks a lot.
  7. Thank you - you're right, most of the VAT in Luxembourg have changed on January 1st. We'll update the localization pack for Luxembourg and the module. Thanks again for bringing that to our attention.
  8. Hi Stefand, We're still working on some issues that have been reported by the community. No ETA yet. Thanks,
  9. Hello Atch, Merci pour les remontées, par contre ça, je ne reproduis pas: As-tu refait une installation par dessus une install en anglais, ou quelque chose du genre ? Bonne journée,
  10. When we're confident the fixes won't break any store and solve most taxes related issues. And that means we need your (the community's) feedback.
  11. Hello Jiri, Yes, this was a bug in the earliest version of 1.6, but it is fixed by now. Regards,
  12. Bonjour Hartmel, Samyha a attiré mon attention sur votre topic, et elle a eu bien raison. Il s'agit d'un bug de PrestaShop qui est désormais corrigé sur la prochaine version - qui sort très bientôt pour que vous ne soyez pas coincé, promis! Désolé pour cette coquille, Lucas
  13. Glad to hear that! I'm sure we will organize more event in the UK Lucas
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