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About falkor
- Birthday 03/03/1991
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Hello, At the moment module tags using search controller with $_GET param 'tag' so default rewrite (from backoffice -> Seo & URL) change it to value set in preferences. I want to achive something like /tag/value structure in tag links instead of search query, but when I've added RewriteRule ^tag/(.*)$ index.php?controller=search&tag=$1 [QSA,L] It works well but another redirect (this default) change URL in browser to default rewrite. My htaccess skills are not good enough so I wanted to ask question: How to achive rewrite like this one for tags instead of default one. I know this description is a bit chaotic so if I need to clear something let me know.
Sadly it's splited across multiple files. For example top menu is styled in /themes/default-bootstrap/css/modules/blocktopmenu/css/superfish-modified.css So if you want to edit styles when browser width is lower than 767px look on line 189. My advice for you is read some blog posts about responsive design, it will help you understand basics and then use responsive view in firefox (default ctrl + m) + firebug to track all styles EDIT: I've made mistake with keybind, its ctrl + shift + m , my fingers remember but brain not
I've made similar topic few days ago [http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/327321-shipping-out-of-stock-product/?do=findComment&comment=1655984], now I'm going to make bug raport because many people confirm this one. EDIT: Found this ticked, someone else created it so I've posted my comment, feel free to confirm it with your specification to help devs repair this one http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCSX-755
You're right you need to use !important or simply set it just after foreach closing tag. Because when two selectors have same strength last one will be used.
Hello starfury, First of all we can't enter your website, cause it's in maintance (we need some kind of password or admin session). But in my opinion it's related with css media queries. For example @media (min-width: 768px){ body{ background: #FF0000; } } means that only when resolution of window higher than 768px body background will be red. So probably you need to change your css a bit more.
superfish-modified.css line: 97 .sf-menu li ul { box-shadow: 0 5px 13px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); display: none; height: 43px; left: 0; padding: 12px 0 18px; top: 59px; z-index: 99; } height: 43px work on every single menu except first one. Try to limit your selector with children css selector [ > ] and set propper min-height / height to your 2nd menu insted of 43px.
[SOLVED] Add to Cart replace when there customizations
falkor replied to Superbegood31's topic in OUT - [7 Jan 2015]
Good job, if possible mark topic as solved, and add [sOLVED] to topic name in full edit options. -
Here you have great link which explain every single open graph meta tag which facebook is using to share images, descriptions, urls etc. You can add multiple og:image to choose from. I hope it will help you. http://davidwalsh.name/facebook-meta-tags
https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug It's useful tool which help you clean cache on facebook and set right facebook meta tags,
[SOLVED] Add to Cart replace when there customizations
falkor replied to Superbegood31's topic in OUT - [7 Jan 2015]
Ok, so I've added textarea customization, hes ID is textField0 (You can check it in page source (ctrl + u in firefox), in firebug or browser web inspector. if($('#textField0').val() != ""){ $('#add_to_cart').show(); } jQuery is gr8 because you can use css selectors to point on element. If #textField0 is empty hes value is equal "" (empty) so your button will be hidden (cause you set display to none in your css file), but when someone save something in this field our if statement will return True, so #add_to_cart will appear just like a wild Pokemon in grass. -
[SOLVED] Add to Cart replace when there customizations
falkor replied to Superbegood31's topic in OUT - [7 Jan 2015]
Hello again, I think easiest way to achive this check in js value of field(s) you set as required to show Add to cart button like: if($('textarea').val() != ""){ show add to cart } Second way is override init function product controller http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Overriding+default+behaviors just by adding similar if like above and check correct value in $_POST http://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.post.php and if its correct assign smarty value which will help you in .tpl file. Like I said first way is easier to achive, but second will help you avoid FOUC (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_of_unstyled_content) -
[SOLVED] Add to Cart replace when there customizations
falkor replied to Superbegood31's topic in OUT - [7 Jan 2015]
Hello, I'll try to help you and explain a little. You've added your function aftersaveCustomization() after saveCustomization() which contain jquery submit function $('#customizationForm').submit(); AFAIK submit() function doing exacly same thing like input type=submit, so it makes non ajax request which submit form [http://api.jquery.com/submit/] If its true page reloads and your function never will be called. So you need to achive this in other way, somehow check if customisation were saved in $_POST array and then display or not add to cart. Hope it helped. Good Luck -
There are two ways to achieve this resoult (maybe more but I don't know them): 1) CSS version add to template 2nd image (this one which you want to appear on hover) and hide him (display: none), after this use .hovered class or :hover pseudo-class to display: block propper image and hide first one. 2) jQuery version use http://api.jquery.com/hover/ http://api.jquery.com/attr/ something like this: $('[css li selector]').hover(function(){ $('[css image selector]').attr('src', '[link to new image]'); },{ $('[css image selector]').attr('src', '[link to old image]'); }); best way to get only hovered image selector will be $(this).find('img [you can add classes like in css here]').... I've only described the ways to achieve this, it's not a tutorial
Hello guys, I've added html5 data attribute data-counter="{$active_li}" To every single tab.tpl like here {counter name=active_li assign=active_li} <li data-counter="{$active_li}"{if $active_li == 1} class="active"{/if}><a data-toggle="tab" href="#blockbestsellers" class="blockbestsellers">{l s='Best Sellers' mod='blockbestsellers'}</a></li> To check $active_li smarty value, and it solved this problem, it's probably some problem with cache of templates. Templates to change: /themes/theme_name/modules/blockbestsellers/tab.tpl /themes/theme_name/modules/homefeatured/tab.tpl /themes/theme_name/modules/blocknewproducts/tab.tpl
Hello, If your only problem is in align, here you have it should help: ul.sf-menu > li > ul li { text-align: center; } It will align center every single level of menu except first one You're editing right file, but remeber if there have two css selectors with same strength last one will be used.