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  1. I would expect to be able to find all the words I need to "Translate" here.
  2. Thank you, I have found it using the search but something is not correct as it does not come up if I try to find it by selecting front, and then the module.
  3. I have just tried the suggestion from Ress but the option to change "Popular Products" to "Featured Products" on the shop is not there. I call this a bug.
  4. Thank you I shall try that. I clicked on the button "Translations" when I was configuring the module but that takes you to the wrong area.
  5. I'm using Prestashop with the Classic theme and want the Featured Products module to display the title "Featured Products" on the home page instead of the current "Popular Products". I should be able to change this text in Translations or the BO but it is not possible in either. I can do this easily if I alter the code but this is not something I wish to do as I want the shop and theme to stay untouched code wish so updates are as easy as possible. I see this as a bug as the guide for writing modules says translations should be able to be used.
  6. My thanks to Prestashopninja the code you supplied set me in the right direction but I also found it would only return "Customer". I found replacing the line $defaultGroupId = Configuration::get('PS_CUSTOMER_GROUP'); With $defaultGroupId = Customer::getDefaultGroupId((int)$id_customer); This solved it for me, I hope this helps.
  7. Yes thanks, I did not realise (think) you had to use https. As I said once I thought about it, it is obvious.
  8. Thanks for the fast response and even better the answer, so obvious when you know the answer.
  9. Hi, I have the same problem running Prestashop Here is the console output. Attr.specified is deprecated. Its value is always true. XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://www.simplystoves.ltd.uk/modules/sagepay//sagepay-ajax.php. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://www.simplystoves.ltd.uk' is therefore not allowed access. index.php?controller=AdminOrders&id_order=2&vieworder&conf=4&token=096ba70579287fd5f9d538daddeca572:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) http://www.simplystoves.ltd.uk/modules/authorizedotnet/logo.gif event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead. I hope someone can shed some light as it was all working well when testing but now it is live I get this problem.
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