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Update products using import csv?
info@egadgetshop.co. replied to outblast's topic in Core developers
Hi, You have to leave the ID (Blank) on your csv this ID will generate its own number, this ID field is for prestashop only. Your product id should put on (Reference #) good luck! egadget -
Update products using import csv?
info@egadgetshop.co. replied to outblast's topic in Core developers
You should download the csv file of your desire products from your back office then change whatever you need to change. You need not to use your product id anymore as Presta has already allocated a product id so that is the unique number for that specific item. After filtered what you need to changed then upload again using their csv file. Hope this help! -
I certainly can see how many frustrated budy's here in a topic that should not be a topic! Import/Export it s a basic fundamental tool for all web user, any other web designer will first to sort out this topic first before anything else! There also a lot of pro-presta call them self presta developer infact they are just lurking in the back looking for people who struggling then try to introduce their so call unworkable payable add-on. A true open source has to be opened truly and completely not there to introduce add-on. Many of the presta's hound keep saying "what do you expect" its free! Is not about whether is free or not is about a proper working product. However, echo to Melkiades importing problem who has spending so much time there for nothing I would just like to high-light couple method and hope it works for you. First I like to warn everyone that Presta would never handle big task if you have thousand of data's need to import please just forget it. Prestashop could never able to handle that volume is better to look for somewhere else. Yes, you can import data via .csv with the most tedious process you can imagine and yet presta will never have a correct answer or thorough answer for you. 1) you have to prepare your .csv file according to and within the given mapping name by Presta. You need not to use them all just map them with the one that you need to import BUT according to their languages of their field. You can design to your own field name if that makes easier for your to remember it, but must map them correct to the presta language field. i.e. Retail price in-VAT - Presta is price Inc tax.. etc... 2) If you download the presta import template then you must first use Excel (Text convert Wizard) to convert then into each single column otherwise the presta csv import will not recognise it, (Yes its funny they can't even recognise their very own download template!) To convert that you must tick (tab) and (Semicolon) to separate them. 3) Once you have your template correctly design is best to use presta (Save your data matching configuration) and give it a name, that will bring up all the right mapping destination each time you upload (new) data. You need not to map them again! 3) Your SKU is important but is best not to use it as a primary key eventhough you know your SKU is completely unique. There is reason behind it when you come to (updating your products in the later stage such as price or qty changes etc... 4) The most sticky point is when you have images, and multiple images. So can you directly import them to presta? the answer is NO. Directly definately not! However there is a tedious methods you can use. If you have multiple images you must first stitch them up first which presta would never tell you that! a) use Excel to stitch them by create a comma column [ , ] to separate each image that fall into the second image slot. to do that... i.e. image1 http://myimage1.com image2 http://myimage2.com '>http://myimage2.com =image1 http://myimage1.com&,&image2 http://myimage2.com Note: add the [ , ] column in not type it in. Once you have stitched all the images you need into 1 roll then you must also high-light the entire column and perform a copy and paste (Special) enable all values not formula data. c) Map image to presta image url BUT the night mare only just begin! Please do not thing that presta can import all your image in 1 go, it is impossible with presta. First, if say you have 5 images on each product and you have 1000 products and want to import them, then you must be dreaming with presta. d) Maximum on a smooth import it would be approx 150 product a go (Yet) you must tick YES on (Do not regenerate thumbnails) on the initial page. Then after import you go to image (Preferances - Image) and click (Generate Thumbnails) BUTTTT .. must tick NO to (Erase previous images) otherwise it will regenerate your entire images.. must remeber it is very dangerous process. AND it is a very wrongly worded on that page by presta. e) if you have 1000 products you must break it up to stage with approx 150 data max. Otherwise I guaranteed you that it will not work with prestashop. 5) Create you category field with the exact name in your category then it should look for the right destination, however if you have 2 the same name in your category it will only import one. Hope this help
Update products using import csv?
info@egadgetshop.co. replied to outblast's topic in Core developers
Dolke is absolutely right, I am puzzled and try to figure out what exactly Presta's philosophy is sometime. The topic here is one of the most essential ones and they call it a minor bug!? Presta can you tell us how do you run a website without the ability to update your products? Partial updating products is a must functionality tool especially PS never provides a clear instruction. Logically, you would think that a unique product number or key that would be the solution for delete and updates BUT not with prestashop!? I am using 1.6, I could not find anywhere that clearly explain how to upload multiple images, I am not sure anyone having problem with import multiple images, although I have found a way to import but that is not how it suppose to be. You would have imagine that any web developer will test their product properly before introduce it on the market, but no, prestashop just push it out and let you guys to figure and finds the problem for them. Amazing! PS never explain anything thoroughly. Like Dolke quotes, you can deal with cosmetic at any time but the engine has to fit and work properly. Some instruction could be completely wrong for example on thumbnail generator: (This just one of them for example, there are hundreds of them!) Erase previous images (Select "No" only if your server timed out and you need to resume the regeneration.) This is utterly wrong, imagine if you have 1000 existing products there and you have just uploaded 100 new products and they recommend to delete all existing product and regenerated again, that will take hours if not days. The reason I said this is because this is the only way I found that you could import new products in with multiple images "but" you must choose (Yes) on Do not regenerate thumbnails or else you could only import maximum 30/50 products it will stop with error with either 500, 404, 504 you name it is there or time out, it simply just doesn't work at all, if you are running a store with 50 product that is fine. STILL, if your product contains 5 images, you could only import about 150 a time and that is (Without) "generate thumbnails" then you have to regenerate thumbnails afterwards with all new upload images BUT you must choose NO (Erase previous images) and ignore (Select "No" only if your server timed out and you need to resume the regeneration.) It is just so messy, that's all I can say... -
Hi Moderator, You ask people to point to the image folder, how to point it? and the image ID has to be matched with a particular product and how the product is looking for the right ID? The supplier already provided the image link, the image link has already linked it with their server, why should we create another folder for the image? The images has already link to an server already? The problem is here, prestashop could not download the images link provided by supplier, this is the main problem. US Mode
200% agreed with Kevin and he is not shouting he is basically frustrated as everyone does who has been using Presta, the basic fundamental mechanism for any web system it has to be feasible for products flow freely for import and export. This is the basic of the basic. Prestashop is the one who is shouting to all users to upgrade to their new product, frankly speaking there are fewer willing to do so, WHY? because everyone has to go through a painful process for prestashop's guinea pig. If you can't even tranfering your data properly how do you expect user to that, they scare to death! Even on the basic csv import they can't get it right and is not working properly, you can't import any images just timeout everything under the son 500, 504 404 you name it is there... leaving all the jargon sample for user to figure out what it is mean? In most cases user end up catastrophic disaster but it was too late then. Never ant thorough explanation on any topic or menu. Experience dictates, non of those so call add-on work properly and you have to pay them as well and also they suppose to be on presta panel approval!!! Presta, if you need the market share you need to shape it up properly.
Data migration from PS 1.5.x
info@egadgetshop.co. replied to binunice's topic in OUT - [7 Jan 2015]
Hi Lucas, Hope all is well with you, I met you at your seminar in London 16th June, I have learnt a great deal from the meeting and thank you all so much. I love the 1-click miration tool from 1.5 to 1.6 its really save a lot of hassle, really like this tool. Just a few cosmetic thing needed to sort out after migration. I hope that you can organise more workshop in the UK, no doubt that prestashop are rapidly growing from strength to strength in the Uk, I wish you all the best Alex -
I have turn on both modules and check with all the hooks in the right places, I cleared the cashe and try everything else possible but it simply would not show? Can anyone help please, the link below that is how is suppose to be...? https://www.dropbox.com/s/5xm1x0xzarz89lo/Screenshot%202014-05-24%2021.08.44.png Many thanks
Hi Vekia Can anyone from prestashop help please, I am currently running, the search function was never worked at all from the first place when I bought it. I have tried all methods stated here, but none of them work, my site is http://www.epos.ecig380.com/ And my back office settings are as follows... https://www.dropbox....16 22.08.15.png Please advise what have I done wrong...?
search box not working good
info@egadgetshop.co. replied to lucalg's topic in OUT - [7 Jan 2015]
I am sorry I can't even find where to open a topic.. ? -
[solved] Search is not working
info@egadgetshop.co. replied to webbusiness23's topic in Configuring and using PrestaShop
Can anyone from prestashop help please, I am currently running, the search function was never worked at all from the first place when I bought it. I have tried all methods stated here, but none of them work, my site is http://www.epos.ecig380.com/ And my back office settings are as follows... https://www.dropbox.com/s/i9140cgr4y4gfcl/Screenshot%202014-05-16%2022.08.15.png Please advise what have I done wrong...? -
search box not working good
info@egadgetshop.co. replied to lucalg's topic in OUT - [7 Jan 2015]
Hi, I hope someone can help please, I am using the search function is not working at all, can anyone help please. Alex