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Everything posted by Spherix

  1. Update: I checked the cart pages; it turns out the code for the cart viewing page is different than the one from the module cart-block. I've taken the code from shopping-cart.tpl for the delete link and put it in the module page (blockcart.tpl) and that seems to do the trick. The URL itself is very different though. Old url (blockcart.tpl): <a rel="nofollow" class="ajax_cart_block_remove_link" href="{$link->getPageLink('cart', true, NULL, "delete&id_product={$product.id_product}&ipa={$product.id_product_attribute}&id_address_delivery={$product.id_address_delivery}&token={$static_token}", true)}" title="{l s='remove this product from my cart' mod='blockcart'}" > </a> New url (from shopping-cart.tpl): <a rel="nofollow" class="cart_quantity_delete" id="{$product.id_product}_{$product.id_product_attribute}_{$id_customization}_{$product.id_address_delivery|intval}" href="{$link->getPageLink('cart', true, NULL, "delete&id_product={$product.id_product|intval}&ipa={$product.id_product_attribute|intval}&id_customization={$id_customization}&id_address_delivery={$product.id_address_delivery}&token={$token_cart}")}">{l s='Delete'}</a> By the way... You can't seem to delete free products from a cart; adressed here: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFV-10647 as well.
  2. Changed all the &'s to &'s, the url still formats as index.php?controller=cart&delete%26id_product%3D12%26ipa%3D0%26id_address_delivery%3D0%26token%3D751116a81b0224e2f435945ae07db56b= From the sidemenu, whilst the cart detail page makes the url index.php?controller=cart&delete=1&id_product=12&ipa=0&id_address_delivery=0&token=751116a81b0224e2f435945ae07db56b Something if definately screwing up the formatting, but I'm clueless where to look next, as it's using the same code, isn't it?
  3. Hey, thanks for the response. It does indeed look as if the encoding messes up. I've opened up the template file from the theme I'm using and searched for the particular link; <span class="remove_link">{if !isset($customizedDatas.$productId.$productAttributeId) && ($product.total > 0)}<a rel="nofollow" class="ajax_cart_block_remove_link" href="{$link->getPageLink('cart', true, NULL, "delete&id_product={$product.id_product}&ipa={$product.id_product_attribute}&id_address_delivery={$product.id_address_delivery}&token={$static_token}", true)}" title="{l s='remove this product from my cart' mod='blockcart'}" > </a>{/if}</span> I tried adding :'UTF-8' after the {$static_token}" part; but that makes my whole shop render a white page. I'm not quite sure where to edit anything else regarding encoding; I can't find any other encoding aside from UTF-8 here and there. I did notice that all the links to delete an item from my cart use a ajax_cart css style; I've got the ajax cart disabled (on purpose), could this be interfering? Edit: I noticed that the link that does work (when actually viewing cart contents @ index.php?controller=order-opc , and it seems to be 100% the same link; aside from the encoding? Since this is probably using the same code, where the heck would it screw up the encoding?
  4. That'd be great; I'll PM you the link as it's still in development and not meant for the public.
  5. It's my first post in _this_ topic; but yes, I'm encountering the exact same issue. Ajax cart disabled, one page checkout, clicking [x] on the cart doesn't remove the product. It doesn't work as long as the cart is a 'block' next to other pages. If you view your cart as whole, you can remove products, otherwise, you can't.
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