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Everything posted by Sahya

  1. Hi, your site does appear when I type wolf pack militaria in Google. You should change the shape and size of your logo. It is too big, and makes me see a huge white space on the top, to the right of the logo. Hope this helps.
  2. As a suggestion, in your homepage I would move the photos of the lures to the top or to a column I just see text when I visit your shop, and only if I scroll down do I see the product you want to sell. Also, as Ubergirl mentioned, I think the font you're using makes the homepage look too amateurish. hope this helps!
  3. I would prefer another background also. The tab "Brants" is misspelled. It should be Brands. And although your first page is very artistic, when you have a client that wants to buy, you don't want her to have an extra click before she sees merchandise. Hope this helps!
  4. Yes, I evidently misunderstood the way prestashop works! I thought it was, for example, like having a Yahoo or Google account, that you can access from any computer that has the program installed. Firstly, thank you for responding! To respond to your question, I have two computers and I downloaded and installed prestashop in each computer. When prompted for my userid I used the same email and password in each PC. I am doing all the installation by myself.
  5. Thanks ThePan! I thought the installations in both PCs were connected to the same database. Once I downloaded Prestashop to both PCs, I used the same userid and pin to log in. And on the top right hand of the screen in both PCs I see "Welcome, and my name" What should I do to make sure I'm connected to the same database?
  6. I installed Prestashop in two PCs, one at home and one at the office, with one userid. I will use Prestashop, as well as the Theme I purchased, for only one domain. I noticed today, when I logged in to my admin, that all the changes I made in admin yesterday in the office are not updated in the admin I see at home. Do changes take effect on both PCs? or do I only use one PC from now on??
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