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Everything posted by devlabsus

  1. I created a Cart Rule based on product selection. If customer adds 'Product X' to their cart, then they get a free gift. This works great, except ... the customer has to KNOW to apply the coupon at checkout. Is there a way to have this Cart Rule work automatically? I don't ever want a customer to order something during this promotion period and NOT get the free gift because they didn't click the 'apply' button.
  2. I just built my first PrestaShop site ;-) When a customer places an order on my site: - They receive two email notifications: "Payment Processed" and "Order Confirmation". How can I disable the "Payment Processed" email. Seems redundant that they get two emails for every order. - Where/How do I configure PrestaShop to send ME an email, whenever someone places an order on my site? I went to Advanced Parameters > Email and entered my email address in there. But this looks like it's just used for TESTING the mail send function. Is that correct? (I am using the PHP Mail function). Where exactly do I specify the email address that PrestaShop should send order notification emails to? Thanks all.
  3. I want to create a coupon code that has the following condition: If you purchase a specific item (item "A"), then you get a free item "B". My questions: 1. Can I create a coupon/voucher code that follows this logic? (Item "B" is ONLY free if the cart also includes item "A") 2. Can coupon codes be embedded in URLs, so that if I email someone a coupon, they can click on the link in their email, and it takes them to my store and the coupon code is already applied.
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