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  1. Ciao a tutti! Sto tentando di risolvere un piccolo problemino con le impostazione del mio shop. Quello che devo fare io è: - se sei privato, codice fiscale OBBLIGATORIO, (p.iva opzionale chiaramente) - se hai partita iva, partita iva OBBLIGATORIA, codice fiscale OPZIONALE Attualmente riesco a rendere solo il C.F. obbligatorio con le opzioni di prestashop, ma voglio farsì che sia opzionale nel caso venga inserita la partita iva. Grazie a tutti!
  2. Hello everybody! i'm trying to make a cart rule / catalog rule so that after 10kg of products is reached all the products have discounted price. My problem is that the discount is not fixed in %, neither in the amount, since the discount will be on single product price! After 10kg -> product "coffee" price will change from 4.10 to 3.90 euros Thanks everybody for help!
  3. Se ti può aiutare in Back Office -> Parametri Avanzati -> Informazioni viene mostrato il prefisso delle tabelle. Se i prefissi nei 2 database creati sono uguali, allora crea un nuovo utente e vai a vedere in "ps_customer" in quale db è stato inserito:-)
  4. Actually I developed a little module that runs a script for adding new customers reading a CSV file. If you need the code PM me, but you'll need to customize it by your own since it only reads csv files with "," as separating character and it need the columns of the file to be in this order: ID, active, genre, email, password, lastname, firstname, newsletter, opt
  5. I have exactly the same problem! Csv is imported correctly but no data is added to my shop! this drive me nuts seriously! Did you manage to solve this? I'll try PrestaShopManager as soon as possible and let you know!
  6. Hello people! I would like to add a price rule in my shop so that after 10kg (only of 2 combined product, not 10kg of every product of the shop) all the prices in my shop are discounted. I tried in Back Office cart-rules and price rules but can't find anything that let me define a rule like this. I can even code the rule, but I don't know which file should I edit:-\ any information about doing this would be great!! thanks everybody!!
  7. Scusate il gravedigging, ma avrei bisogno di tirare su le province italiane per un'esportazione degli ordini e non le trovo nelle tabelle del DB. mi potete dare una mano o allegarmi il file originale postato se qualcuno ce l'ha ancora?
  8. again thanks a lot!! it worked:-) I've put this in cleantheme.css body.cleantheme.content_only{background:none!important}
  9. 1) nope, is still local, hopefull to see it online in the next week:-) 2) this solved the problem, I've put #blogArticle in front of it and now it doesn't override it anymore. (actually I've just guessed it, I think it broke the style of the blog article view, but it looks pretty anyway!)
  10. Hello folks! I'm here back again for an another question:-) I'm encountering some overriding problems with CSS since I've installed a new module (SmartBlog) I see that there are some classes that are shared with my theme, but the module's ones override the theme's one even in pages that are totally unrelated with the module. For example in the attachment there's my login page, and as you can see .title_block is overridden by the module In order to fix it I had to change the global.css and put background: none; (which is unselected in the screenshot for showing you the effects of the problem) My question for you: is there a way to prevent that my module override my theme CSS?
  11. Hello folks! I'm new of Prestashop and I need some help fixing a custom theme bug. (NICE&CLEAN THEME) Right now my "terms and condition" pop-up shows my prestashop background and this makes the text impossible to read. So I tried to fix it with Chrome "Inspect Element" and realized that I just have to edit a css condition. I have to edit the "class" from class="cleantheme two_col pattern8 content_only " to class="cleantheme two_col content_only " I tried to check the code and only thing that I've ended up is that it uses $link_conditions page. But I don't know how the pop-up is rendered to fix the code. Can you give me some advices if you know what to do?
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