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  1. Even though I select a shop, this information bubble still shows. but, that is not the issue I am trying to raise. I've done this too. But, nothing changes on Schema of URLs. But, gee, thanks guys for trying to help me.
  2. Thanks, I already activated friendly URL. See my attached photo, that is how it looks like.
  3. Thanks, but just like what I have said a while ago ... see this image I cannot see the textbox I need to do that.
  4. Thanks guys! But I want to have my url look like this: http://<myshop>.com/necklace/110-amatullah.html To something like this: http://<myshop>.com/necklace/110/amatullah.html From what I have read from this forum, I can do that in Schema of URLs. But I can't see the textboxes there just like how it looks like on the tutorial. Can you help me with this? Thanks!
  5. Thanks! How do I know if rewriting Apache is activated? And how do I deactivate it? I tried to disable Friendly URL, but Schema of URLs was gone.
  6. Hello there! I encountered a problem here in Preference > SEO & URLs. If you enable Friendly URL, Schema of URLs will show. Before, I could see textboxes where I can modify the routes, but now, those were gone. See my attached screen capture for better visualization. I hope you can help me with this. Thanks!
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