Just bought the autofill seo module fron prestashop addons, but Im not sure how to configurate it with best results and would like some help with this.
This is the module
Meta tag « product title » (« Meta Title »);
Meta tag « product description » (« Meta Description »);
Meta tag « product keywords » (« meta keywords »);
Meta tag friendly URL (« URL rewrite »);
Meta tag « Short description ».
The following variables are at your disposal to fill your models:
{product_name}, the name of your product
{parent_cat_name}, the name of the parent category
{parent_cat_name_level_%}, the name of the parent category at the superior level
(replace « % » by the level of the category)
{manufacturer_name}, the name of the manufacturer
{product_reference}, the product reference
{default_cat_name}, the name of the default category
{product_price}, the product price
{product_features}, the product features (separated by comas)
{product_reduction_percent}, the percentage of reduction of the product (si you defined