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  1. Thank you for the answer Which method do you think is more effective in Alexa rankings? I mean during a day,each time we added products do we have to update site map with module ? or Once a day when we added all products ? we are trying to change our ranking in Alexa and get better in that So if you have some advice for us , please let us know.
  2. Hello I'am using Prestashop I have a question of webmasters "Do I have to update site's map manually only once a day Or after each time put the product , should be done manually update the site map? Which method is best? For example, on the morning , 10 products put in the store and the afternoon another 10 products. After enabling all products that I have to update site's map or once in the morning one night?
  3. Hi please help me about something. I don't have any problem with gsitemap but it confused me,sometimes I generate sit map and google reduce my rank and sometimes increase my rank. Do you know how can I solve this problem???? I want know should I index my sitemap after each adding item to my site??? my site: www.asarayan.com my presta shop ver: my gsitemap ver:2.3.2
  4. I said:I don't have any problem with gsitemap but it confused me,sometimes I generate sitemap and google reduce my rank and sometimes increase my rank. my general problem is my rank. I couldn't find out why google sometime increase my rank tough I adding item,news and sth else. please help me.
  5. Hi please help me about something. I don't have any problem with gsitemap but it confused me,sometimes I generate sit map and google reduce my rank and sometimes increase my rank. Do you know how can I solve this problem???? I want know should I index my sitemap after each adding item to my site??? my site: www.asarayan.com my presta shop ver: my gsitemap ver:2.3.2
  6. Categories Products Store in version 1.4 of the Google search homepage come But when we upgraded to 1.5 after three months shareware products did not in google search. Can you tell the reason?
  7. وقتی نمی تونید تیکت ها را پاسخ بدید برای چی انجمن راه اندازی می کنید که همه الاف شما باشن
  8. سلام آیا احتیاج هست بعد از ایجاد محصول در فروشگاه نقشه سایت را بروز کنم ؟ من از نسخه 1.4 به 1.5 ارتقا دادم . 2 ماهی هست که رنک سایتم از 40 هزار رسیده به 90 هزار و هر روز هم داره میره بالاتر ارورهایی که تو وب مستر میده را برطرف کردم شاخه ها خوب تو جستجو نمیاد در صورتیکه قبلا فوق العاده بود تو 1.4 اگر کسی تخصصی داره که میتونه کمک کنه خوشحال میشم سایتهای زیادی را بررسی کردم ولی به نتیجه نرسیدم نقشه سایت را وقتی بروز نمی کنم محصولات جدید ایندکس نمیشه منتظر پاسخ شما ستم
  9. do we need to update the map of site after adding a new product to store? the map of site setting up on daily basis.
  10. Do I need to add a day after the 1.5 update product Sitemap nurses do?
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