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  1. Can you post your solution/workaround? I'm facing the same problem.
  2. I've made a custom module to make a wizard. I want to use the 'default' theme files, but I got an error. This is from modules/mycustomwizard/controllers/front/products.php: $this->setTemplate(_PS_THEME_DIR_ .'product-list.tpl'); In 'log/20130914_exception.log' I found this: *ERROR* 2013/09/14 - 21:42:30: Template '/home/***/domains/****/public_html/themes/*****/product-list.tpl'' not found at line 61 in file classes/controller/ModuleFrontController.php Why can't I use that template file? The given file does exist, but computer says no. Why?! If I skip '_PS_THEME_DIR_', it doesn't work either (Template 'product-list.tpl'' not found).
  3. Is there a specific reason there isn't a WP_Query equivalent? Using specific products on another page isn't a unusual question, or is it? I hope you don't feel offended that I needed an extra source to verify your answer? ;-)
  4. I think this question is related: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9150417/how-to-get-in-prestashop-filtered-products-by-its-attribute ("I'm wondering about method to retrieve that filtered products directly, where filtering is doing in database.") So it looks there isn't a function for it. Is it OK to do it with PHP, or is it better to write a function that gets the products directly from the database?
  5. I already made a module: my question is how I can get products with specified feature values. I'm sure it will work the way I'm doing it now, but are you really sure that this is the right way to do? I think it's better to select the products using MySQL instead of PHP. Or isn't it?
  6. Thanks for your reply! That's an easy solution*, but is there not a function for that? I expected a more OOP-like solution to the problem, so it's possible to re-use code. It would be nice if I can use the 'standard' product list view (with sorting, paging, etc.). I don't want to use the layered navigation block, because we want to make a custom wizard. The product selection is not that easy (it's a very complex product), so we want to make it as easy as possible. * It's better to use the controller to select the products, isn't it?
  7. I've made a custom page with a form, so customers can easily search for all products that are meet customer's needs. It was easy to make that form, based on the features: //controller $network = FeatureValue::getFeatureValuesWithLang($this->context->language->id, 6); //template <select name="network"> {foreach from=$options.network item=network name=network} <option value="{$network.id_feature_value}">{$network.value}</option> {/foreach} </select> Now I would like to get all products that have the submitted features. I can't believe there isn't a function that does the trick, but I can't find it. How can I get products with specific tags/features? (I'm new to PrestaShop, I think I'm looking for a WP_Query equivalent)
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