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Everything posted by onlinerepa

  1. Hi, I updated to version and now all of my grid images are missing. The images appear in the list format but not the grid format. 1. Regenerated images 2. All images are set at the correct sizes 3. Caching is on NO 4. Java is moved to the end. all others set at NO What am I missing?
  2. I'm sorry i guess there is a glitch in the forum post because i don't see the instructions. Thanks for your input.
  3. PS 1.5 and the v1 of 1.6 had an option on the Quantity page that showed the minimum amount that can be purchased. But that featured was either removed or did not update into my shop with the newer versions. I randomly checked 20 products and the option appeared only on three. How can i get the feature to appear on all products? What factors trigget the field so it will appear. The help link on the page did not mention nor does ot show the Qty field.
  4. PS 1.5 and the v1 of 1.6 had an option on the Quantity page that showed the minimum amount that can be purchased. But that featured was either removed or did not update into my shop with the newer versions. I randomly checked 20 products and the option appeared only on three. How can i get the feature to appear on all products? What factors trigget the field so it will appear. The help link on the page did not mention nor does ot show the Qty field.
  5. Hi Nemo, How would i setup the cheaper one free? Also, how can this work with like items with the same price?
  6. Hi everyone, This is my dilemma. I would like to create a Buy 1 Get 1 Free option on specific sale items. When I create a cart rule with a minimum of 2 items that must be in the cart, it works fine but if a 3rd item is added (same or different product) it takes off another 50%. So if I have 3 items in the shop, 50% is taken of the 1st two and 25% off the 3rd. PS 1.5 and the v1 of 1.6 had an option on the Quantity page that showed the minimum amount that can be purchased. But that featured was either removed or did not update into my shop with the newer versions. I only want the discount to be applied of the product is purchased in sets of two since it is a buy one get one "FREE" and not a buy 1 get 1 free and 50% off each additional like item or 50% off ANY item you add to your cart.
  7. Hi, I just went back in to the back end and selected No to the CCC and turned of Caching,,,,,again. Now the State and Zip code fields have returned. So, I suspect that if I stay with PS, I will need to check this area multiple times daily to make sure it has not reverted back to the previous "YES" settings and if so, change it back to "NO.".
  8. I wish I could help you because my issue with the state and zip code has returned with the last update. So I have been evaluating Volusion, Shopify, Magento, and Wordpress over the past week and would prefer to spend my time marketing my business as a merchant and not spend my time searching for solution to backend issues that seem to crop its ugly head after each update. None of us can afford to miss sales but it seems like posting a question on the list is often ignored these days. Very discouraging.
  9. That is odd, I removed the ip tracking block. Any other suggestions? What is your IP?
  10. Hi, Did you get the chance to look at the issue? I haven't receive an answer or heard from anyone regarding this matter. Very disappointed.
  11. Hello csshopper, thank you for responding. First domain: http://www.jahmeelah.com/ If you click on "For Her", Subcategory Earrings, page 2 you will find the error on corresponding pages but it only seems to apply to subcategories, I think. Issue 2 - Click on Purses. You will see that there are 13 items in the category but page 2 does not appear. Probably related to Issue 1 above. If you click on "For Her" and then click on Show All, the pages are still separated in to two pages. Items 1-60 and 61 - 84 I don't think my daughter mentioned anything else. This would be the problems with the first site. ************************************************************* The issues related to my website are all back office issues. Carolyn
  12. Good Evening, Morning, and Afternoon Accordingly: I will need to move my PS 1.6 from one host to another and I must say the back and forth exchange of information is very intimidating for a novice such as myself to the point I may end up going with an online service such as shopify. This is already compounded by issues with my current host server constantly being down throughout the day, everyday, over the past several weeks and even more since the heartbleed incident. With that being said, this is my problem with understanding the php lingo, it is explained on a level as if the communication is directed to another experienced coder/programmer. Just my opinion and if I was discussing real estate closings and loan processing procedures on this list, I'm sure there will be a few glazed over eyes and/or the deer in the headlight look. I am also concern that PS does not provide a more detailed step by step outline regarding transferring from host-to-host. But then again, I'm a merchant that has unfortunately spent a lot of funds on themes, modules, and plugins. Fortunately, for me I do like learning new things but learning is so much better when it is not presented in a manner that could be perceived as intimidating and/or steamed. Now, my question is this for my own particular situation. My shop has 379 products, 8 categories, and 44 customers. I am currently using the bootstrap theme with a few minor changes....basically removing the slider and ads from the home page and I am tired of some designers selling themes but not updating to make it usable with the latest version of PS. I have installed several modules and it works so those would not be a problem. Since I am having a few issues with version 1.6 such as the Dashboard never reflecting the correct information even after resetting multiple times, re-installing, and the updates, when I click on "show all" on the product screen it does not work, if I click on page 2, I receive and error message, whenever I add a new product, 9 out of 10 times I would either get an error related to adding the product to at least one category (already added), issue with language when the site is in English only (always on en}, or an issue with the {re-write....}, etc. To add one product, I often have to click on multiple tabs to get the green "save and stay" and then multiple tab to obtain the save successfully on the save. Lastly, if I am using IE, my cursor always seems to appear outside the text area for the short and long description, in Fire Fox, I'm kicked out if there is no activity in 30 seconds, and in Chrome, blank lines are repeatedly added to the bottom of the short and long description areas. This results in excessive scrolling in order to reach the save button. Yes, I often consider myself and beta tester child and like Murphy's Law, it will happen to me. Would it be best to just start with a new installation on the new host? My host does offer MOJO Marketplace as an option. I have installed PS manually and smoked a cigarette afterwards since it was a major accomplishment for me. My issue would most likely be related to downloading and uploading my products into the new installation with ease and without having to manually add my products and rewrite my content. Tried it in the past using several online instructions.. 2 thumbs down A previous member mentioned paying for service. However, my concern with this and is based on previous services received, my sites were often left in chaos, exposed, etc. So, I am not at ease with this option. Back to my questions, Would it be best to just start with a new installation on the new host? My host does offer MOJO Marketplace as an option. What would be the best option I can use to get my products and all the details uploaded? I would greatly appreaciate any input to a solution. Thank you in advance. Regards Carolyn
  13. Hi, I will try to find the link with the solution. It has to do with the Cache. Put your store on Maintenance Go to Advanced Parameters Performance Scroll to the bottom and change Caching to No and Save. This solved my issues promptly. Let me know if it helps.
  14. I'm having the same issue with my dashboard using I have reset, uninstall to reinstall and the data is still incorrect. When ever a sale is made by a repeat buyer, the dashboard will show the sale date as the initial date the customer made he/her first purchase. The graph does not display any sales made within the store. My shop shows no most viewed, best sellers (even though some items have been purchased multiple times), the top search does not reflect any data. The most viewed products seem to only pickup the first 3 -4 products on my product list and it will list each of the 3 -4 items 10+ times. The last update to the dashboard only seemed to have made it worst.
  15. Thank you so much. I also lost several sales between yesterday and today as a result of the same issues you were having and I am using the default-bootstrap template. Thank you soooooooo much! Turning office the CCC also resolved the following additional issues I have been having, 1. My popup newsletter subscription works 2. My Facebook clock now appears on the home page 3. The new arrival table shows the correct number of new prducts 4. I am able to click on each tab. Initially, the popular and best sellers will not show even though the tabs are shown. 5. When a product is added to the cart, I can now see the pop-up to continue shopping or proceed to checkout 6. My home memu items appear in the drop down 7. The color gear on the right side - appears in IE but not firefox and chrome. Now that the first 6 items are working, I can clearly and easily make front end changes. Thank you festeraeb Now I need to fix a couple of plugin I purchased that stopped working yesterday.
  16. I've having an issue with the default theme used on prestashop 1.6, the State, and Zip Code fields are missing. My previous theme did offer the two fields. Customers cannot complete the accout setup process due to this problem. How can I get these two missing fields back. I'm not a coder and I am hoping there is a quick fix to resolve this issue Please help!!!!!!
  17. Thank you for the link but I have no idea what I am looking at. I have NO experience with the coding and will surely make a huge mess of everything. I am disappointed in Templatemela for selling a theme in January that is not compliant. Thanks
  18. That is the bad news about it, when I go in to the edit, the left & right column , category, cms, index, manufacturer, product, stores, and suppliers cannot be activated. I have been getting a pop up telling me that "an error occurred while updating this meta." I purchased the theme in January and I am sure I was told it would be 1.6 compliant but now I am told it isn't.
  19. No, I do not have any countries blocked but, I noticed the option at the bottom was on yes. All of my countries are enabled. Please try again.
  20. Now that is odd because it is not under maintenance and I just checked the backend, my shop is enabled.
  21. Hi Last week I updated to the new version of prestashop. After updating, I noticed that my left column has disappeared from the product pages and the CMS pages. My category and other left column modules will not transplant on these pages however, it appears on the login, my account, In the user/customer view, the left column does not appear on any of the My Account Links. I really need to get this issue fixed. Any assistance resolving this matter is greatly appreciated. Links to a few pages that works and don't work. Product page link: http://www.simplycarolyn.com/259-forever-princess.html CMS Page: http://www.simplycarolyn.com/content/6-simply-carolyn-ring-chart-conversion Login Link: http://www.simplycarolyn.com/login?back=my-account New Products: http://www.simplycarolyn.com/new-products Thank you
  22. When a customer attempts to write a review of a product in my store, the following error appears. Title is incorrect Comment is incorrect Product not found I am using PS I attempted the same and it does not work. I there a solution to the PS Comment Module Issue? I do not wish to use Yotpo and assumed that since the module is standard in PS, it would work without any issues.
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