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  1. Hello all, So I guess there is no free solution to create such a page at the moment? If you think of any new one, please let met know? Many thanks all! Jaouad
  2. Hi everyone, I want to create a simple page, which would be made of a very simple form where I would only ask for people to enter their email address so that I can let them know when my website is available. So basically, on this page, there would be a short text explaining why they should give me their email address, the form where they can enter it, and a big "submit" button. What would you recommend me to use to do that? I think there might be some free solutions out there as I received some similar type of forms in the past. Maybe Prestashop offers such a service too? Many thanks! Jaouad
  3. Hi Benjamin, Sorry I was not precise enough. I would have around 500 references maximum. And each of them would need a single barcode.
  4. Thanks Benjamin, I found them too but there's the ones where you need to subscribe with an annual fee to be 'a member'. I don't know if it's the best thing to go for when we try to build our products and save money as this would cost quite a lot even before we start selling. I mean I'm not sure subscribing to this club is very great :s Hence I wonder if someone bought some barcodes already and can advice. Thanks again Benjamin!!
  5. Yes, I think UPC codes are more for the US, but yes indeed, UPC are ok too (but mainly in the US I think)
  6. Hello everyone, I wanted to know if someone could recommend me the best way to buy Barcodes for the products I'm creating? It's mandatory if you want to sell on Amazon. I would need maybe 500 EAN barcodes maximum. There seems to be many websites claiming they will sell you barcodes, but I don't know if I can trust them. I don't necessarily want to subscribe to the official organisation as it looks quite expensive (you need to pay an annual fee on top of the barcodes you will buy). Have anyone here bought EAN barcodes and could advice please? Many thanks, Jaouad
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