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Everything posted by emosolo

  1. responsiveiframe disabled - problem resolved it seems. Cannot recall the purpose of installing the module either. Thank you for helping me track down the issue. It looks resolved to me.
  2. These are all the locations that contained the flexy-wrapper /themes/classic/assets/cache/bottom-4c3036207.js: * classname: 'flexy-wrapper', /themes/classic/assets/cache/bottom-4c3036207.js:var settings={addcss:!0,classname:'flexy-wrapper',widescreen:!1};return this.each(function(){if(options){$.extend(settings,options)} /themes/classic/assets/cache/bottom-20ece1207.js: * classname: 'flexy-wrapper', /themes/classic/assets/cache/bottom-20ece1207.js:var settings={addcss:!0,classname:'flexy-wrapper',widescreen:!1};return this.each(function(){if(options){$.extend(settings,options)} /modules/responsiveiframe/views/js/flexy.js: * classname: 'flexy-wrapper', /modules/responsiveiframe/views/js/flexy.js: classname: 'flexy-wrapper', /modules/responsiveiframe/views/templates/front/respoi-footer.tpl: classname: 'flexy-wrapper',
  3. I am looking for what contains that css item. Will revert shortly.
  4. Hi, I have removed the left column on the product page, however the problem still persists as I also am getting this issue on the index page. Also still happened on this product page WLToys 2.4GHz Cessna-182 F949S Airplane (rc-king.co.za) I did clear cache again and force template rebuild.
  5. Hi, Randomly pages dont seem to display correctly until I hit Ctrl F5. I have tried all different browsers, cleated cache and safe mode, three different computers. Have deleted the cache folder. Have told it to force rebuild cache etc and I still get it. Please see the screenshot and let me know if you have any advice. I am definitely losing customers at the moment because of this. You can randomly click on products and you will likely get the same result until your Ctrl-F5
  6. I found the issue. It was my own stupidity. I was restoring an old version of the database and so of course ran into issues. Thanks for all those that tried to assist.
  7. Private browser and cache cleared firefox, chrome and edge. Cache Deleted etc I clear the physical cache before the transfer to reduce transfert time. Renamed the /var/cache folder also to try again. Also set force compile and no cache enabled. Thanks for the ideas so far, please keep them ideas coming.
  8. I moved my site from one server to another server. Copied the files, checked file ownership, checked file permissions, imported the old database with zero errors. I can see the front end which is in maintenance mode at the moment, however cannot see the backend as I get the http 500 error above. I am now running in an staging environment so the live shop can carry on whilst i get help figuring this problem out. I have updated the base URLS in the staging DB. Note that I have succesfully moved 3 other presta sites without any issues and they are all running well. Prestashop PHP 7.3 ERROR: Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException in var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainerUrlGenerator.php (line 606) appDevDebugProjectContainerUrlGenerator->generate('admin_security', array(), 1)in vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Routing/Router.php (line 240) Router->generate('admin_security', array(), 1)in src/PrestaShopBundle/Service/Routing/Router.php (line 67) // Do not generate token each time we want to generate a route for a user if (!isset($this->tokens[$username])) { $this->tokens[$username] = $this->tokenManager->getToken($username)->getValue(); } $url = parent::generate($name, $parameters, $referenceType); return self::generateTokenizedUrl($url, $this->tokens[$username]); } public function setTokenManager(CsrfTokenManager $tokenManager) Router->generate('admin_security')in classes/Link.php (line 881) LinkCore->getTabLink(array('id_tab' => '351', 'id_parent' => '350', 'position' => '1', 'module' => '', 'class_name' => 'AdminSecurity', 'route_name' => 'admin_security', 'active' => '1', 'enabled' => '1', 'icon' => null, 'wording' => 'Security', 'wording_domain' => 'Admin.Navigation.Menu', 'name' => 'Security'))in classes/controller/AdminController.php (line 2126) AdminControllerCore->getTabs('350', 3)in classes/controller/AdminController.php (line 2127) AdminControllerCore->getTabs('103', 2)in classes/controller/AdminController.php (line 2127) AdminControllerCore->getTabs('80', 1)in classes/controller/AdminController.php (line 2127) AdminControllerCore->getTabs()in classes/controller/AdminController.php (line 2002) AdminControllerCore->initHeader()in classes/controller/Controller.php (line 302) ControllerCore->run()in classes/Dispatcher.php (line 525) DispatcherCore->dispatch()in AdminURL/Admin/index.php (line 93) Any assistance would be greatly appriciated!
  9. Works Great! Can you change the colours of the Categories Menu on the Left?
  10. Thanks for the response. I am running PHP 7.4 which seems to be the current version for 1.7.8.* I have reset both my payment modules, but that being said, carts where the payment was from the payfast module seem to be causing the issue. I will reach out to them and ask them if they have an updated module. Thanks.
  11. I have subsequently upgraded from to in the hopes that this would resolve the problem. This error message still comes up frequently. I have disabled error message emailing in the meantime. Any assistance would be appreciated.
  12. Hi, Hope someone can assist. After upgrading to I am getting emails from Prestashop telling me to check my Advanced Parameters -> Logs. Severity is Major Crash. Error Message "Cart cannot be loaded or an order has already been placed using this cart" The object ID's mentioned are for carts that have been converted into sales so the error message makes sense. But why is this considered an error? Can someone please help me resolve. No additional events in apache log, no events in debug that I can see. Thanks
  13. I have been looking too. Cannot see any reference to this module. Anyone?
  14. I have since built a separate .php file that only has the form content in it. I have then created a public function which returns the php file, however no content is shown. I know the call to the php works because i wrote a test php file and it does display the result okay. I clearly don't understand the form generation and I have been at this for a week. Any assistance or even a pointer or explanation would be appreciated. Thx.
  15. Hi, I am building an admin only module and would like two include two panels. To create the panels, I have the following code which i have created in my configuration.tpl file. I would like to render "Settings" in the first tab but cannot seem to find a way to reference the form in the module.php file and so get a blank output when i try and include php into the tpl via Any help would be much appreciated.
  16. Thank you for the updates.... my logs are filling up nicely and some of my clients have trouble specifying addresses when signing up. Take a couple of shots for the address to be saved and sometimes even just loops on the address field.
  17. I have the same error moving from to It looks very similar to the $price error that I managed to resolve going through the forum, but this is the only post related to this error I have seen. Also using the old country.php does not resolve the error, the line count simply changes from line 171 to line 169 due to the lines in the code.
  18. Unfortunately I ended up creating new categories for everything and transferring my products manually. My inventory was not that huge and it only took a few hours. As part of the change, it would have been nice to see a move all function without having to muck around with the category listings in mysql.
  19. Restarting Apache is definitely not the answer, but also alleviated the problem. I mentioned this because it could be server related. In the mean time... i have increased my server APC cache from 64mb to 128MB and also defined a ttl of 60. So far so good. Have re-enabled CCC, still no problem. Keeping an eye out though...
  20. Disabling CCC for Java rectified the issue for me. The alternative is restarting the Apache server. After service httpd restart, everything works ok for a while... then auto search and clicking on create an account button fails randomly. There are no errors in my apache logs. Running theme THRg000 and presta Change the buttom type to submit helps the create account buttom, however does rectify the auto search problem. Any comments would be great... Thanks in advance.
  21. Presta My Home category has been renamed from Home to Products. When I edit an existing Category under products(home) and click save, the category I have edited is moved to the Root of categories. The menu that allows you to edit parent categories is unavailable. To resolve I rename the modded category to old. I then have to create a new category under products(home) and add all the relevant details. This new category remains under products(home)I then have to go to all the products on the old category and change the association to the new category, then change the default category to the new one. This is really, really painful. Is there any way around this? Oh, Enabling multistore does not bring root or category options back to the original category edit page.
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